I Love Naked Baby Time!

I Love Naked Baby Time!
She plays pat-a-cake. I am sure she learned it at daycare, because daddy & I were playing it with her yesterday and she already knew what to do. It's very cute.
Isabel & mom had breakfast with their friend Carrie this morning at the Kernel Restaurant. Carrie is going to have a baby in June.
Then, we went to Target and bought some necessary baby items. I also bought another nursing tank. The nursing tank is one of my favorite conveniences. The only downside is that they are cotton w/spandex (has a bulit in bra which is great), but over time they shrink. So, I bought another black one. I wear a nursing tank almost everyday. It sure beats the nursing bra and nursing tops. At least, that's how I feel.
Another convenience I enjoy is the self-foaming bath soap. It makes the soapy part of bathtime go quicker and is more efficient when they are very small and can't hold themselves up.
The other convenience I am glad I had, was the sleeping gowns for Isabel during the first 3 months of her life. There were lots of night time changes the first couple of weeks and it was so much easier to hike up the gown than to have to take legs out of regular jammies.
Since she has been co-sleeping with us part of the night, she ends up getting up earlier than normal. Actually, I think she normally got up for a little bit at that time, but always went back to sleep for another 45 minutes. Well, now she has been missing that extra 45 minutes.
We try so hard to get her to go back to sleep in her own bed every night, but she just wails so loudly and has huge alligator tears. She'll fall asleep just fine if she is in our arms, but once we put her back in her crib she wakes up instantly and lets us know she is not happy about that situation. Guess, I will get out my book about sleep again.
See My Pretty Bracelet
It took her a little while to warm up and start playing today, but once she did, she was good to go. I was glad we had this playdate set up, because as soon as I checked my messages on the way home I found out that daycare closed because one of her kids had strep throat. So, I am glad Isabel got to play with other kids for a little bit. She likes being social.
Although, it changed my plans for the day. I was planning on getting my oil changed, go out for lunch, do some banking, clean up a little bit around the house, and take a nap. None of that happened. Because she napped on the way to their house (they live an hour away) and the way back, she didn't take a very long nap this afternoon.
Hello Ladies! My Name is Noah.
He kept trying to get the camera, so I kept taking snapshots. You should see him with his brother. No two kids could be more different from each other. Noah will be 1 in April and Kallen will be 4 in April.
Mmmmm! He has Yummy Toys Too.
Isabel is playing with daddy before we went to swim class. She is playing with her FrankenPig - something dad picked out for her. It's strange, but she loves it because she can easily grab it and chew on the tubes that are coming out of the pig. Strange toy.
She thinks daddy is pretty cool now. When she was younger she was kinda afraid of him and never really motioned to go to him. Now, she gets so excited when she sees him and loves playing with him. She just laughs and laughs when she plays with the big guy. Of course, she still loves being with mommy too. You can really tell that she prefers to have both of us there giving her our attention. She gets a little jealous if we are talking to each other while we are playing with her and gets whiny until we start paying more attention to her.
Daddy taught her how to pound things together a few days ago and she just loves it. She had never really modeled behavior from him, that he noticed. So, he was excited about seeing her do this.
Daddy also invented a little game for himself when he plays with her. She's all about knocking things down - like it's her job or something. So, his game is he tries to see how many cups or blocks he can get stacked before she notices and knocks it down and then tries to beat his record.
At swim class she seemed to like it more this time since it was all more familiar. She thinks it's hilarious when she watches mom blow bubbles in the water. The kids are supposed to do it, but she's not into that yet. So, I just show her. She's the youngest in the class. The class has an age range of 6mo.-3 years.
Another cute things she does is how excited she gets when we put out her blanket (the cow - Larry- print one Auntie Phanie made for her) to play on. When she plays in the living room we always put that blanket down first before we put her on the floor with her toys. Now when she sees it coming out she just squeals with delight. It's cute.
This was supposed to be a cartoon effect. I don't think it looks that cartoony. Oh well. You can see the curl tube even better here.
But Mommy, I Want It! NOW!
A Few Thoughts:
* Looks like mom may need to trim some nails, she has a couple scratches on her face.
* We are feeling better in our household today! Yeah! Not 100%, but better.
* We are under a winterstorm warning until noon tomorrow and are supposed to get several inches of snow.
* Happy Birthday Grams!
* The other day when I picked her up from daycare, one of the other little girls (3 year old Sam) came and gave her a hug and kiss goodbye. It was so sweet.
* I took this picture while she was in my arms.
* And so I can cherish this moment, I am going to go and take in a sauna before she wakes.
She got some decent sleep last night, but not mom & dad. Actually, mom didn't do too bad, but she was worried about dad. Little girl brought the stomach flu into our house. Whereas mom is relatively silent about expelling items from her stomach, dad sounds like he is being tortured and that someone is ripping out all of his innards. The first episode of this for him was at 9:30 last night and he was so scary sounding that baby girl starting crying. I think I might have cried a little too. I wanted to go take care of him, but once I sat up in bed I knew I would have to run to a different toilet (good thing we have so many in our house.) He had a pretty rough night. He had issues again at 3am and 5:30am. I think he slept n the bathroom floor most of the night. Also, daddy is not very good about being sick. Mommy had some issue yesterday afternoon @ 3:30pm and then again at 6:30pm (right after I laid her in bed.) It was difficult trying to care for Isabel when I have a broken toe and don't get around the best and then dealing with all the flu symptoms.
Today I feel a little better, but I have an awful headache.
I Can Play the Piano. See!
She's been in a relatively good mood, thankfully. And against my better judgement, I let her watch an episode of Barney the other day. I put it on right after I broke my toe so that I could sit there with it elevated and with ice on it and give the Aleve a chance to start working. They watch some Barney at daycare, so she knew what it was and watched the entire show, so did mom. I will never get that out of my head. I find Baby Bop kinda whiny and the other smaller dinosaurs are just too hyper and annoying. Although I did have to say I did like the actual content, just that the dinosaurs were annoying.
Growing Up So Fast.
She was staring at Larry at the time, so I had a chance to get a still picture of her hand. I don't think I ever got a good close-up of her hand before. I kinda like that I have the dolls hand right there too. It looks neat. I would love to say that my "eye"caught that, but it was totally luck.
All Plugged Up
She been enjoying having a pacifier now & again. Yesterday, when Isabel & I were shopping @ Target we bought her 2 more pacifiers. These ones (one is pictured) have bling on them. Since she's facing down it's hard to see the rhinestones on it.
That bus toy is something she got from her Uncle Al for Christmas. She loves it. All you do is press the different buttons and it makes different animals noises and plays songs. The box said it was for 18mo.+, but I am not sure why. She has figured out how to work it just fine.
I Want to Eat the Camera!
We didn't have any place special to go. In fact, the only place Isabel & I went was Target. She is such a good shopper. She quietly plays with her toys while I push the cart around. Actually, I think she enjoys riding around in the cart now as a "ride". She laughs & smiles when I push it from side to side and then go fast and then slow. She plays and just looks at everything. She studies things a lot. She definitly likes shopping at Target much more than at Wal-Mart or the grocery store. I think it's less crowded at Target and the lights are softer than the other places.
Anyways, I realized that I had an abundance of 12 month dresses and if I only out them on her on Saturdays I may never get to them all. I also realized that I had only a few pairs of 12 month pants. I think I may have more dresses than pants. Although I have several pairs of overalls that are on the shortest strap length, so I should be able to let those out further and be good to go.
I have a bunch of 18 month clothes, but she's not there yet. Plus when I was getting clothes before she was born and during the summer, I was thinking she might be in summer clothes at 12 months. Not true. Although, I only bought a few pairs of shorts, so it's not like I went overboard on that. And since her bottoms have just started to fit into 12 months, the shorts might fit this summer since they are all Gymboree bike shorts and they tend to be more forgiving of a fast growing baby.
Her top gums are Sooooooo swollen. Poor little girl. Early Friday morning (3:30) she woke me up with a low-grade (100.2) fever. And that is when it all started. I was up with her from 3:30 until 6am with her nursing on & off and falling asleep on & off. We both slept from 6-7, although I think she was annoyed that I got her up at 7. I normally get up between 6-6:15 to start getting ready for work, but Friday had to be different. Besides, I knew she wasn't going to eat or need to nurse before she went to daycare.
We think it's fever accompanying teething, but we'll believe it when we see it. Her temp breaks every time she has Tylenol and will be ok for a few hours, but them it starts creeping up again. It's always been in the 100-101 ranges. It has never gotten to 102 yet.
Her bottom gums don't seem much different; it's those top ones that seem painful.
I was fooling around with some different editing software. I am not sure at this point I could exactly re-create this, but I kinda think it looks like a painting the way I edited.
Can you tell what she ate for dinner? Carrots. Lately, she has been on a fruit strike. She only want to eat veggies and doesn't want to eat any fruits. But she still drinks her breastmilk and eat her rice cereal mixed with veggies and eats her banana puffs snacks.
Or is it -- "I caught a fish and it was this big!"
I thought this was kinda cute but it was shadowed over half of it and so I was goofing around with the software to see how I can lighten the shadow. I didn't spend too much time on either one because the baby doesn't give me too much time, but I had a few minutes to play around with it.
Tonight I filled out the registration to go to the Infant ECFE classes in our hometown. Those classes won't start until February, but our water classes start next week. The 2 classes will overlap by 3 weeks.
Isabel's bottom half is finally starting to catch up with her top half. She now needs 12 month bottoms (although 12 month tops will probably be outgrown soon - I tell you, she's part giant.) And her feet are finally starting to grown. She's still in a size 2, but now she's filling out more of the shoe. Her feet are small for her age, and really small foe her height.
Happy New Year!
I thought this was a cheerleading outfit. Daddy thought it looked like a tennis outfit. I suppose that many tennis outfits and cheerleading outfits look similar.
What did we do for New Year's Eve? Well, daddy was on the computer at the time and didn't even realize he missed New Year's. Mommy & Isabel were both fast asleep. We all slept much better with her in her own crib in her own room.
Give Me an "I"
Give me a "S", Give me an "A", Give me a "B", Give me a "E", Give me a "L" What's that spell? ISABEL!
Isabel and I went shopping today at Target to pick up a few things and she did a fantastic job. I needed to pick up a couple of new pacifiers for her. She has recently been enjoying them occasionally, but she is fond of these Pooh ones from Target, but they were size 0-3 months and are a little small for her. So, we bought the other size now. She seems to like the nipple on these ones the best and they aren't like any others.
Same Picture, Different Look
How Long Will It Take to Remember to Write 2007 on Checks?
Such a thing for a baby to think about? But isn't that always the stumper of a new year, having to remember that the year is different when you write out a check or the date on something.
I was getting much better pictures in her bedroom since the lighting is better and the walls and much of the furniture is yellow or white. The light bounces around better.