but also hears & sees daddy moving his mouth. I think daddy enjoys listening to himself make up stories. She has a couple bath time puppets & some dry playtime puppets as well.

Does she know how much I will be embarrassed if I ever see these pictures when I get older?
We stayed inside all weekend. We didn't get as much snow as some, but between ice, wind, cold & snow it was just smarter to stay inside.
Check out the position of her mouth. She put those new teeth to work and bring her puff snacks and cereal or just about anything to the front of her mouth so she can chew them with her teeth. It's very cute to watch her eat and figure out her new teeth.
She's 40 weeks old today. I haven't gotten around yet to taking her weekly picture. She's napping right now, so maybe later.
She has really been enjoying looking at the pictures. She still likes to try and eat books, but now she likes to look at the pictures too.
She is starting to be more of a cuddler now. She likes to cuddle a little bit when I first get her out of bed and if she starts getting sleepy she likes to cuddle, or if I read her some stories (sometimes she is a cuddler, sometimes she is not.)
She was just relaxing with dad and reading while I finished getting ready. He's still in his jammies.
That gives her a growth of a half inch within the last 2 weeks. That must be her 9 month growth spurt. I'll have to measure her length again next week to see if it jumps up anymore like that. Obviously she is off the charts on her length.
Mommy: At 10 months, mommy weighted 20 pounds 3 ounces and was 28.25 inches long.
Daddy: At 9 months, daddy weighed 22.5 pounds and was 30 inches long.
Isabel: Well, obviously she is longer than both of us at 9 months of age, She weighs more than mommy did at 10 months, but considering she is at least 2.25 inches longers it seems right. It's interesting that she has now surpassed daddy in her length. Up until this point she was always just a little shorter but kept growing fast to catch up.
Tomorrow is her Gramps's birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY GRAMPS!
They always read the blog in the morning, so the stuff they see is from the previous day, so if I type Happy Birthday today then he will read it at the appropriate time.
She got her 6th tooth today. The corresponding top one. I don't see any others coming in yet, but who knows when those other bottom two will pop on out. She was pretty cranky last night and today and I knew that it had to be cutting through. Although, so far, she has handled getting her six teeth in much more pleasantly than others have described it. Knock on wood!
Daddy's Home!
I took this picture of her just as daddy was walking in the door and she saw him. Tonight he came to swim class with us and came in the water with us too. She was loving all the attention from both of us and kept paddling her arms (so much more than ever before) to get to each of us. We tired her out. Hopefully she sleeps well tonight (last night she got me up 3 times, which she had not done in a few weeks). She always seems to sleep well on swim class nights.
Daddy, how did you get so tall?
I just felt like taking some close-ups. Sometimes it's nice to see the little detail in their hands and face.
Just Looking
On the happy meal bag it said that toys for kids under 3 were available upon special request. So, I sent daddy to exchange out toy. They should have seen that we had a baby and offered that right away -- but the guy was an idiot that took our order. I took this picture just as we were leaving. She was very pleased with her new toy. I am glad they offer baby toys because she was trying to get at the other toy and I didn't want her to have it.
Speaking of rock-n-roll.....she's still not crawling, but this morning she rolled over halfway across the living room to get from where she was sitting over to the chair I was sitting in. It was very cute. She would roll over and then look to see how much further she had and then roll again and then when she got to a point that she couldn't roll anymore without rolling into the foot stool she yelled up at me. So, she certainly is figuring out ways to get around. She starting to show interest in pulling herself up, but hasn't done that yet.
She was super excited when I first opened it and the baby turtle went straight in the mouth. The problem is that there are 3 baby turtles and she only has one mouth. She was playing with it in the living room last night (before we brought it upstairs for bath time.) She got super pissed when we tried taking them away from her. This girl could possibly throw some wicked tantrums when she gets older.
She loves taking a bath, but it the getting ready for bed that she's not that fond of. It's not all that fun to get jammies on and she is so tired. She goes to bed around 6:30pm on the average night and will normally sleep between 11-12 hours. The last couple of nights she has slept 12.5 hours and also added some extra time to her nap(s) as well. I was trying to find if babies sleep more during growth spurts or what. She is 9 months this week, another growth spurt time and she hasn't gone through it (as of my measurements on the 7th) yet. From what I have been reading, then get fussier - which she certainly has this week, but her sleep has also increased and it's been good sleep (so far!) So, who knows. We have her 9 month doctor appointment this week Thursday. I'll see what she says.
Say Cheese!
We had Auntie Razz help us with the bedtime routine. This is what her night looks like ona normal night: 5pm - Dinner, 5:15 Play in Room/Crib, 5:30 Bath, 5:45 Lotion; Jammies; Diaper; Brush Hair; Brush Teeth, 6:00: Nurse, 6:30: Asleep in Crib
So, Auntie Razz played with her. Isabel seems to like her and she makes her smile, so she seemed to have fun playing with her. Auntie Razz is pregnant with her first so we were just walking her through what we do.
They has had boxes of play food there, but when she saw those she immediately would spit out her pacifier and try to stick them in her mouth, so block play it is!
How Come None of these Look Like Me?
They had a little play area in the Race Exhibit. This was the special exhibit that I wanted to see. I certainly did not learn as much while having Isabel with. By time we got to the Race Exhibit she really wanted to get out of the stroller and play and move around. So, I carried her and she seemed super excited about every area we moved to within the exhibit. I was glad they had a little kids play area ni that exhibit.
I tried finding one that would look like her or her friend Luis, but no such luck. No blond hair white women or girls or any Hispanics at all.
So, What You're Saying is Race is a Relatively New Concept.
I really wish I could have read more of the items in the exhibit. It was really interesting, but she was getting really restless.
We were smart and went there in the morning. By the time we left in the afternoon, parking spots were at a premium and our spot was very desirable.
It was like she was purposely fake yawning to make me yawn and then she would laugh about it when I started yawning. But then it got the best of her and she would end up really yawning too. She thought it was hilarious though. Good picture of her top teeth here.
Yawning Contest w/ Mom.
This is so much fun!
She's playing "Where's the Baby?" with dad. He would swipe a towel over her briefly and say "where's the baby?" and pull it off of her and say "there she is." She loves it. she loevs having things swipe over her. Daddy will distract her when she gets crabby at bathtime/bedtime by swiping her jammies over her as I put her diaper & onesie on. She thinks its fun.
You can see her top two teeth in this picture. Click on the picture to enlarge it to see th teeth bigger.
Just one more time! Please!
We spent a good couple of hours today playing on the bed. Rolling around, falling down, playing "upside down baby", playing "where's the baby", giving her zerberts, playing "bouncy", and some quieter times playing with toys.
We think she has eczema on her torso and a little on her arms, nothing on her face or legs. It looks like what eczema is described as. Not sure if daddy or I had it has a baby. I am not sure if the Burts Bees stuff I have is hypoallergenic and their customer service line is only open during the week. So, we are going to switch to using the baby Aveeno stuff we have that says it is hypoallergenic. From what I read it says that it gets worse in the winter because of the dryness. We do have a humidfier running in her room at all times. It seemed to get irritated today while we were playing pretty physical on the bed and then I rubbed her in with lotion and we calmed down for a while and it got better. It also gets more irritated during bath time, but that might be because of the temp of the water (or it coudl do with the soap we are using, whish we are going to switch for a while and see if it helps) and we'll make the water more lukewarm. She doesn't seem bothered by it at all. She used to get heat rash easily when she was just born, so maybe she has a hyperimmune system.
No crawling yet, but she's working on it. She getting that butt in there air. Daddy almost made her crawl to get the pacifier she really wanted.
This Kitty Will Let Me Pet It.
She got this little kitty at Christmas time from her Aunt Lisa & Uncle Chris. It has a rattle in it, so she likes to bang it around. Once she starts crawling, Larry will have to run for cover. He got a little taste of it on Friday when Noah went crawling after him. Larry just looked at him as is he was thinking, "Hey! This one moves. You're not supposed to move."