Good drivers always know where others are.
Hey, You Wanna Ride?
She started to get the hang of moving her own feet to move it. It will take some practice. She did figure out to pick her feet up when I push her around.
So, What Do I Do With This?
She is still figuring out the sand thing. This is the sandbox we got from Skye. Her boys have grown out of these things. Daddy picked up some sand @ Lowe's the other day.
Daddy Shows Her How to Make a Crab in the Sand
After a while we took off her shoes and socks and covered her legs in sand. She had no idea what was going on. After being in there for a while she seemed to get used to the sand, but still not necessarily like it.
We went to House of Mercy tonight and one of the nursery volunteers couldn't make it, so mommy stayed in there. She was great the whole time in there. She would watch the other kids. She seemed very concerned about this boy throwing a tantrum (he wanted daddy.) And she would get all excited when the high school volunteer would read stories. We read a lot of stories here and I think they read a lot at daycare too.
Such a funny girl. Today grandma & grandpa came to visit. We walked to the park and played there a bit and then went to Pizza Ranch for lunch, then back home for naps. Daddy & I could have left because they were babysitting, but we just went to bed and took long naps. Isabel was nice and took a good ong nap too, which allowed grandma & grandpa some dozing time too.
3 more weeks and she will be a year old. Amazing. I know people get older everyday, but I am just in amazement with everything about Isabel. She's a great kid.
Don't we all. But for Isabel, she gets to spend lots of time with mommy & daddy on the weekend. This Saturday, grandma & grandpa are coming to visit and taking us out for lunch. We are going to Pizza Ranch. They have a buffet with lots of yummy goodies on it, plus they have a play area on the main level for small children (which is great for entertaining Isabel) and on the upper level they have video games & couches for older kids to hang out.
We took a walk to the park today. She just loves swinging. We'll have to get daddy to hang her swing soon. She really enjoyed going down the slide too (w/mom holding her.) She still doesn't much like the sand, but she loves sitting on mommy's lap and controlling the digging machines. I had her crawl on the grass for the first time ever. She didn't much care for that either. All these new sensations for her. I am sure we'll get to the park once or twice this weekend too.
She has a couple bath puppets and some playtime puppets which I keep in a plastic shoebox. I think what she likes most is taking then out and then putting them back in the box. She tried taking the tiger puppet to daycare. Everyday (lately) she tries to take something to daycare and we hope she sets it down in the car on the way over there, but if not I just need to remember she has it and to bring it home. She is definitly developing a sense of ownership.
Daddy put up the baby gate at the top of the stairs. We acually haven't had to use it to deter Isabel, but the cats hate it. Larry really hates it.
Sounds like bathtime is done. I need to go now.
I was videotaping her this morning (so you might see that on here soo) so that gramps could see her crawling rather than just looking at still pictures. She has to explore everything and I figure it is better to let her explore and teach her how to be nice to things than try to keep everything away from her. Start young.
How Precious
I don't have enough time to fool around with pictures any more, but I took some time today. The only thing I did to this top one was turn it black & white. The bottom one I did a stamp effect on it. I use Photoshop Elements and if I ever get into it I know I can do some pretty neat things with pictures & layering, but I don't have a lot of time to teach myself. I just learn bit of things at a time. I love how detailed her eyelashes are in the bottom picture.
She absolutly loves swinging. She enjoyed going down the slide on mom's lap too, but more so if dad was at the end of the slide to watch her.
We're looking at a baby girl with such big blue eyes. She was a good napper today. Great for mommy & daddy & Isabel, bad for all the guests that came to mommy's belated birthday party. Everyone wanted to see her, but only those few who came early got to see her, otherwise she went to sleep and took a 2.5 hour nap and woke up once everyone left.
She is working on learning how to pull herself up to standing. She can't quite do it herself yet. She gets all the way up on her knees and then gets one foot out from under her and can't quite pull herself up all the way; she needs a little push. But now that we were working with her on it she is determined to try & stand and practices it on the couch, the ottoman, and the tv stand.
Auntie Phanie would make lots of silly faces and Isabel couldn't help but laugh at her.
So.....I Grab Here?
Auntie Phanie taught Isabel how to pull on Uncle J's beard. I have a feeling they might regret that in the future.
Isabel w/ Grams
"You wear buttons on your shirt like mama does. I love buttons!"