Thursday, August 30, 2007
Happy Little Girl

Lots of Photos

Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Another Rainy Day
She did take a nice long nap this morning & I was able to start watching a movie. This afternoon when it was rainy we tried out this yoga video we got from the library, Kids Musical Yoga - Let's Go to the Ocean. She mostly watched while I moved her around to the poses, but she did catch on to the clapping and did that. Then we played some games (First Steps) on her Little Leaps. We rarely take that out to play with. She completly understood when it said to push the button and would get excited when she could do that.
Since I was able to start the movie before I was able to get into it and then I could play with her while I finished it. I was watching Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants. The last half I was crying and Isabel came up and gave me a hug and gave me her dolly. It was very sweet.
Then later on she went to turn on her Wiggles CD and she didn't realize she had turned the music WAY up and when she turned it on it scared the bee-jeezus out of her and she leaped into my arms crying and then went & got dolly and brought her back to me so I could hold her.
We did have some good moments, but hopefully things will be even better tomorrow. We don't have any plans, but it is supposed to be a nice day so I think a walk to the park will be nice.
Monday, August 27, 2007
Hey - Check It Out!
I am typing this post while my pictures upload....so it will be up and ready to view very soon.
Happy Monday!

Sunday, August 26, 2007
Camping Photos

Check was at 1pm and we left about 12:45......although we never got around to swimming again. But that's ok, we have aplaydate tomorrow late afternoon with Rhynda & Charlie to go the the indoor waterpark. That should be fun. She loves it there. Hopefully the water isn't too cold, as it sometimes can be.
Last night she decided (after daddy accidently woke her up) that she was going to be up from 12am-1:30am. This less than thrilled mommy, but she did sleep in then until 8:30am. She was kinda cranky and clingy today and so drooly too. I wonder if she is pushing through those cuspids. I hear those are not fun for babies to push through. I can tell it's not the lower and she wouldn't give me a good look at the upper, but they start coming in around 16mos. (until 22 months)...She has tended to push through her teeth in the first month of the range.
Well, she might be weaned. Yesterday morning she kinda cut our time short (just like she did when she started cutting out other times) and today she did not indicate that she wanted it so I didn't offer. Although it makes me a little sad. I kinda want one more last time so I can think about it being our last time and have that memory in my head. Although, maybe it will be different now that we are back home. Who knows.....Although, when she cut out the evening time it was when we were visiting Grams & Gramps.
She is just growing up way too fast. I am glad I am staying home with her now, as I don't want to miss any of these moments. Although, I am sure I will have frustrated days and days I miss working, but today I am glad. Just look at her eating at the picnic table like a big girl.
A little while ago she started making the sign for bath......she has always responded to a sign in a way to let us know she wants that, but she has never made the sign back. Actually, we started using our signs less & less and then one day we would ask if she wanted to go take a bath and she made the sign. It totally threw me by surprise and I was so proud of her. We only taught her a few signs and so far that is the only one she has made. Although one of the signs was nursing, so I guess we may never see that one. I think I will add a couple new signs in there and see how they go.
And Kudos goes out to the MN Wayside on I-90 by Rochester. We made a stop there today on our way back and it was very clean, but best of all it had a playground with a slide (she loved it) and a tire swing. Mom kept a hand on her, but she held on and was swinging like a big girl. She was starting to reach that point of getting cranky because she has been in a car for 1.5 hours (that seems to be her breaking point for sitting in a car) and that helped out so much. We had never stopped there before and mommy needed to use the restroom, so it was nice that this came along and had a nice little playground.
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Camping So Far.....
We just stayed at the campground all day. She took a nice long nap (so did daddy!) and we went swimming, walked around the campground and went to an ice cream social. Oh, and we played a lot with her toys we brought along and in the sandbox.
Checkout is at 1pm, so I am sure we'll be here until then. Hopefully she will take a short morning nap and then we can go swimming and eat lunch before we leave.
I did take a couple pictures both days so far, so I will post them later.
Friday, August 24, 2007
Camping This Weekend
We are staying at a KOA in a Kamping Kabin. It's right off the highway, so there is traffic noise, but it's ok. We went swimming tonight before supper. They have a heated pool here. And we play at the playground and in the sandbox.
Isabel did ok taking a nap in her pack-n-play, with me taking a nap in the bed. She has gotten really cingy to me in the past few days, but I think it's because she got this last little bit of her 4th molar to push through and it is a little incomfortable. She's sleeping inside the cabin right now and we are on the porch. The door is squeaky, so I hope we don't wake her when we go in.
I also hope that between our tossing & turning and daddy's snoring that we don't wake her. Daddy hasn't slept in the same room as her since she was only a few months old. Since then when we have visited people she initially didn't like her separate sleeping arrangements (but in the same room as mom), so she ended up sleeping with mom and dad was in a different bed/futon/couch and then recently she has her own room & cleeping arrangements at the places we have visited and did fine in those.
She has decided it is not as comfortable to crawl around here and it is now more necessary for her to walk so she is starting to walk all over the place today (& crawl all over everything as well.)
So, hopefully our little camping trip continues to be fun.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Another Rainy Day....

Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Meeting Big Foot

Monday, August 20, 2007
15 Month Measurements
15 Months Old

Sunday, August 19, 2007
Steele County Free Fair

We visit the poultry & rabiit barn. She loved the bunnies and this one was particularly friendly and would nibble on your finger which made Isabel giggle a lot. She was interested in the rooster below, but we thought it kept eyeing her up as tonight's supper.
We had a bunch of fair food (cheese curds, mini donuts, shish-kabobs, corn dog, chili cheese fries, hot dog, & chicken sandwich.) That is what we all had -- not just baby. We ate in one of the 4-H buildings because it was indoors, plus they give a side option of fruit, which is nice to be able to have grapes and strawberries with all the other crap.
The showing cancelled for today. I guess the wife really wants the house and the husband really wants central air. Our realtor has to get them a couple quotes on converting before they will reschedule the showing. So, it still might happen.
This week we plan to go the Mommy & Me at Crown Theatres with our friends Rhynda & Charlie and we have a couple things scheduled to get together and do with our friend Carrie & Gavin. We are thinking that maybe this coming weekend we may go camping after all. This would be her first time camping.
Oh - and for my local friends - I did find out that if you to the indoor water park at HI you don't have to pay admission for kids under age 2 (once they turn 2 you have to pay.) I thought it might be fun to go there one more time before we move. She loves going there and loves the little toddler water slide. Monday is their cheapest day - at $5 admission and Thursdays cost $6 and other days just go up from there.
Saturday, August 18, 2007
65 Weeks Old

Friday, August 17, 2007
Splish Splash

Friday at Home

Isabel was being super silly on the swing. She likes to reach out to me and have be grab her arms.
A couple of things she started doing in the last couple weeks is ringing doorbells and pulling the chain to turn th light on/off on her ceiling fan in her room (with mom proping her up there, of course.)
If you click on the picture, you can see the images larger. Her favorite slide was the tallest, twisty tube slide. So, of cours mom has to follow right behind and go down with her. It's a fast slide and is a lot of fun. We wore ourselves out there this afternoon.
When she was done, she climbed down the stairs to me and pointed to the car. I picked her up and she put her head on my shoulder and we left. She went down for a nap right when we got home.
She took a nice hour nap this morning. My friend Linda came to babysit (w/ her daughter & daughter's friend) while I went to a dr. appt. She did great with them. I don't even think she realized I was gone whenshe woke up because she saw the big girls there and wanted to watch & play with them.
This was before we left for the park and she was being silly. Her newest word in the last few weeks is "Arr", as in Larry. She can't quite do the l or y yet, but she only sayd it to him or when she wants him to come to her (like when she takes a bath, he always comes into the bathroom and sits while she takes a bath and she gives him a dish of tubwater, which he drinks.)
We have another showing of thehouse on Sunday, late morning. So, hopefully the weather holds out and we can go to the fair during that time. Otherwise we might not get to the fair (it's supposed to rain all day tomorrow.)
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday

Finally, we ate lunch at Twin Cities Grill. Then we went to grandma and grandpa's house (we stayed there Tuesday & Wednesday nights) and we went to a park near their house. Isabel loved the park there. It had a lot fo slides for her to climb up the wrong way on.
Wednesday, we went to Como Zoo & Conservatory. I liked it better when it was more a zoo and not such an amusement park. They have changed things and I would say that I prefer the MN Zoo better now. While we were there, we did check out the Tropical Encouters Room, which I was not that impressed with.
The picture where she is bending down was not taken weird. I took that in the Tropical Encouters Room and a bunch of mist was being shot out in that area.
The onesie in this picture is the one we bought at Carter's the previous day.
We did take a ride on the Carousel. I had never been on it. It always seemed to be closed or under construction before. It was nice, kinda long.In the morning we had gone to the park again. It is only a very short walk to it, which is nice. Grandma came with us to the zoo. And then that evening, mommy met some friends at Benihana's for dinner and Isabel stayed with grandma & grandpa. It was the first time mom ever let anyone besides her or daddy put her to bed. Any other time Isabel has had a sitter we put her to bed before we left. She did just fine, but I don't think mom is quite ready for a full overnight w/o mom yet.
Today (Thursday) we drove back home and then in the afternoon we met our friends Carrie & Gavin and went for a walk and to the park. We made plans with them for next week as well and also plans for them (& Kyle too!) to come visit us at our new home in WI in a couple months.
Monday, August 13, 2007

These two were my favorites.
It was kinda a pain in the butt today because they were behind schedule (and of course we had arrived early.)
The top left picture with the tea party is the one I have the package of. You have to take the first picture as your package pose, that's the deal. Then they try to sell you on the cuter ones they take later and get you to buy more.
Isabel was very kissy while we were there and the photographer wanted a picture of that, which was easy to get. She loves giving mommy kisses.
The dress she is wearing is one that Grandma bought for her. I thought it was definitly a picture worthy dress. Although, I am still saving the cute outfit from Kendra & Tim for her 18-month pictures. That one is warmer than this one, so it needs to wait a bit.
Tomorrow the house is being shown -- woohoo! Say some prayers this family wants it. It's a big family looking for a big house, which that is what we have.
Making a Collage

Funny Little Story
Isabel was playing nicely by herself in the playroom while I swept & mopped and kitchen floor. Then, along comes Lucy and sits in the middle of the kitchen, who Isabel loves to try & chase. Isabel takes after her only to slide off of her hands the instant she touches the kitchen floor and Lucy takes off out of sight. Not sure what's going on, Isabel keeps slipping & sliding & falling until she gets to the middle of the kitchen where Lucy was. Then looks at me at the other end with my mop bucket, tries to crawl some more and completly wipes out. Well, now she has no cat to chase and is frustrated with wiping out. She whines to me, but I am not tracking anything across my newly mopped floor. She figures out how to shimmey across in a way that she doesn't fall anymore and gets to the point where I can reach her and slide her the rest of the way to pick her up. I think she was thoroughly confused about what was happening.
Sunday, August 12, 2007
This Weekend

These pictures all happened in a matter of minutes. She was fun & silly, then decided to try eating it and then went straight to tired and whiney.
This week our plans are to meet grandma on Tuesday at the MOA for Toddler Time (1st time checking that out) to see Strawberry Shortcake and then we will spend a couple days at grandma & grandpa's house. We plan to go to Como Zoo sometime on Wednesday. The Thursday, we are hoping to get together with some friends and Friday Isabel will have mommy's friend Linda babysit her while mom goes to her appointment and sometime next weekend we might like to go to the county fair. We also might have some friends over for dinner and maybe go the the Children's Museum - wow that's a lot. I don't think we will do all three things this weekend. Probably just 2 of them.
Trying Out the Potty Chair
64 Weeks Old

Thursday, August 09, 2007
Being a Student

I bought this little desk, which is an actual antique small child's desk, to use as decoration several years ago. When I no longer wanted to use it I decided I would keep it for our children. I had my own antique child's desk, but it is for a much older child and this would be one to use inthe meantime. She loves when I give her things to sit on that are her size. I took it out because I thought it would be a great place to have her color, rather than having her sit on my lap. I didn't want to put her in her highchair, which I could have done too.
She is defintily enjoying coloring more each time we do it. She loves choosing which color she wants next. Although today she thought she would see what the orange & blue taste like - they don't taste very good.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007
Settling Back into Our Routine.....

We had plans today, but changed them since I was sick of driving and just wanted to stay home. She is happy to re-discover toys she has not seen in almost 2 weeks.
Monday, August 06, 2007
Pictures from Sunday
68 Weeks Old
The Ride Home Monday

Kudos to Ripon Park System

This past weekend
Friday afternoon we headed to Sheboygan to stay at Auntie Phanie & Uncle J's house.
Then Saturday we went to the Old Wisconsin store (to pick up more goodies for my neighbors) and grocery shopping andthen finally went driving around Port Washington & Saukville and went to the YMCA in Port Washington. Isabel had a good time swimming, she always does.
Sunday, we went driving around other areas (Butler, Glendale, Meqoun, Thiensville, Cedarburg, Lakefield) and check out a couple places. We came back and made a nice dinner for the 5 of us and worked on Isabel walking. We got her to walk w/o holding onto anything several times. Each time she took more steps. The most steps she took was 5 steps before falling to the ground. So, she's going to be walking all over the place real soon.
She has done really well on this entire trip, let's just hope the drive back to MN is good as well. I left the house clean and with an empty fridge, so it's always nice to have a clean house and I ordered groceries online last night to have them delivered after we get home, which will be nice that I don't have to scrape up stuff and don't have to find time this week to go to the grocery store.
Stay tuned for pictures. I took some really cute ones on Saturday.
Friday, August 03, 2007
Last Day of our Visit to Grams & Gramps' House
As soon as she wakes from her nap we are going to Auntie Phanie's and Uncle J's house for a few days and then we will head back home. While we are there we will check out some of the neighboring communities and find some stuff to do and see what we think. I probably won't post any pictures until we get back home because I don't have my cord along (luckily, Grams has a similar camera and we could use hers).
Thursday, August 02, 2007
Thursday Pictures
We didn't go swimming yesterday, but we did go visit great grandma & great grandpa....today we plan to go visit great-great aunt Mary (one she wakes from her nap.) And then we are hanging out here this afternoon until we go swimming this early evening.....
Another Picture from Yesterday
She has this thing about sitting sideways in the highchair at Grams' house. I put her in there the right way and she turns to the side sticks her leg out the side. Silly.
She is very good at self-monitoring her food intake. She doesn't overeat all the time or anything. Actually, this cookie she is eating....she only ate about 2/3 of it and then gave it to me to get rid of.....she used to throw stuff on the floor when she was done eating it, but I taught her to give it to me if she was done with something....she has this thing about having food off her tray when she is finished with it....
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
Having Fun
This is a picture from this morning. I put her in a onesie and her little black tutu. It's going to be a scorcher today, so I thought we would dress lightly. Anyways, Grams got out a bucket of matchbox cars for her and she loves playing with them. Then she would go grab a dolly and bottle and feed the dolly and back tot he cars again and back to the dolly.
We went out to the barn so that she could see some new baby twin calves. She was amazed at how many cats are in the barn. She usually just sees the one that likes to hang around up by the house, but in the barn there are many more. And then we went to pet the dog for a bit, then a ride on the baby swing until she get distracted by a cat and wants to go by it. She loves cats.
Yesterday, we went to the O.F. library because they had Duf the Clown there. It was ok, but she got restless, so we went to check out the children's area. They have a nice children's area there. It has a nice big tiered area, a tent to play in, a kids picnic table with a puzzle on it (Isabel enjoyed playing with that), a little puppet theater and probably around 75 different puppets. It was an amazing collection of puppets and they were all really nice ones too.
In the evening we went swimming again and gramps kept trying to catch a turtle. She has claimed the floating raft as her own.
No real plans for today except to probably go put up the decorative wallpaper border at Auntie Razz's place in the nursery. And we'll probably go swimming again this evening.