Sunday, September 30, 2007
Art Project Day

Saturday, September 29, 2007
Friday, September 28, 2007
Back at the Lake House

Last night, we did end up going to the Y and got her completely exhausted. We went swimming for a half hour and then went into the playroom for 15 minutes. We had fun. Daddy gets home from his work trip soon.

Thursday, September 27, 2007
Pictures of Blake

Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Mid-Week Review
Sunday - We all went to the Y swimming. It was fun. Sunday evening at 7:17pm, baby Blake was born. He is 20.5 inches long and weighed in at 9 pounds 4 ounces. He is now the second grandchild on mommy's side.
Monday - We went to storytime at a different library. The content was lively & good & they had playtime after it, but the kids were a little older than Isabel (even though it was 1-2, I think most were between 2-3) and were a little more agressive with the toy playing. That afternoon, Isabel & mommy went to the Y to play & swim.
Tuesday - Daddy left for PA for work and returns Friday. We left for grams & gramps house to visit them and to meet baby Blake. He is a cute baby. Isabel was very sweet with him. I think she thought he was a doll at first and wanted to pick him up, but then he started moving and it surprised her a little. She gave him several kisses and a hug too and kept wanting to check out his hands and feet and wanted to rock him in his bouncy seat.
Wednesday - We visited baby Blake & family again. Isabel was again very sweet with him. It is nice to see that he is not jealous. He a little jaundice, so they have to take him into the clinic everyday for a while to get his bilirubin count and they have to put him in the sun for a few minutes several times a day. We ran some errands, but spent most of the day at grams & gramps' house. We played with their new puppy, Benji. He is a very cute puppy. He kept wanting Isabel to play with him. It was as if he was thinking "Hey, you're my size."
Tomorrow we head back to the lake house. On the way back we'll stop & have lunch with Auntie Phanie. That gives us all a chance to move around and for Molly to go to the bathroom. Yes, now since Molly is an indoor dog, she needs to makes these trips with us. She does fine in tha car. I might have to take Isabel swimming at the Y tomorrow night. Today, she was looking at a big puddle and kept making the sign for swim. She didn't understand why I wouldn't let her swim in a puddle. Friday we have playgroup with M&T in the morning. We will plan to go to that, but if Isabel decides she wants a nap, the nap will win out.
She is transitioning her nap schedule. So, it's hard to say when she will exactly nap.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Sunday, September 23rd

Saturday, September 22, 2007
70 Weeks

Friday, September 21, 2007

One of the middle pictures, you see Molly. She doesn't go in too much further than that.
This morning she slept in 2 hours longer than normal. And that was because she was oushing through her first cuspid. Whenever she pushes through a tooth and it breaks skin she takes an extra long nap or sleep. So, now she has 13 teeth. The corresponding lower cuspid looks like it might be following shortly.
We went to a few rummage sales today to help make the lake house feel more cozy. We got a couple of quilts, one which we will use on the twin bed if we have any guests that are here to use it and I got an area rug. The hardwood floors are cold on our feet, and now we have an area rug in the living room.
After that, we went to a Mom's & Tot's (I'll refer to them as M&T from now on) playgroup and a member's house. We had a good time and there were a lot of kids Isabel's age there. All the moms seem really nice. I think it will be a good group for us.
I was just having some fun and thought a picture of our feet together would be sweet.
And then I also did a picture of our handprints. We did collect some nice rocks that we will use to paint someday. Just a differnt medium to paint on.

No real plans for this weekend. There are a few things going on that we might check out, but if we don't get to them it's no biggie.
Still no baby cousin Blake yet. Maybe he is waiting until we go visit so that we have to take them to the hospital (in case Uncle Shane is at work).
Thursday, September 20, 2007
16 Months Old

Busy Week

So, Tuesday we had a playdate with Sophia & her mom Miriam. They just relocated here as well for Harley, but they came from Atlanta. They are both very sweet and I am glad I met Miriam on Milwaukeemoms. We were there for almost 2 hours and had a lot of fun. The cool thing is that they give your BOGO Free admission if you have AAA. Way to put my membership to use. And parking was cheap too. It cost is $9 for admission & parking.
Yesterday, we went to storytime at the local library. Someone had told me it was kind of dreary and it was. The content of the storytime was great and was active and at a fast pace for 1 & 2 year olds, but it was just in a meeting/confrence room. I think next week we are going to try storytime at a different nearby library.
Then yesterday afternoon, we drove to Glendale, where one of mommy's friends from high school lives. She has two little boys, Logan & Evan. It was a long drive for a playdate, but we had fun.
Today, Isabel is 16 months old. Guess I should take a picture then. We went to a rummage sale this morning, but we didn't find much. There are some more I saw advertised on craigslist for tomorrow that I think we will go to before we go to our moms&tots event. We also have lunch playdate with Noah & his mom Michelle. Mommy met Michelle on Milwaukeemoms too and they recently relocated. Us relocationers (is that a word?) need to stick together. And this afternoon, we might head over to Delafield to a park there for a Meetup.com playdate.
There are different meetup groups on there and you can join them and attend some playgroups. So, this would be the first one for this group. It only looks like a few people will be attending, but that's ok.
We have not scheduled many playdates for next week because I am waiting to see when my sister has her baby. We plan to go stay with grams & gramps for a few days, but if she goes way over her due date (she's due today!) then we might be there & gone before she has the baby.
So, that is what we have been up to.
Monday, September 17, 2007
Playgroup to Concord Zoo

Sunday, September 16, 2007
First Week at our New Home

We went to Olive Garden in Brookfield with Auntie Phanie & Uncle J. We were there shortly after 5pm and we still had a 30-40 minute wait. That's crazy. All of us got the unlimited pasta bowl and tried a few things (our own & each other's) Isabel loved all of it. She is a big fan of pasta.

Thursday, September 13, 2007
Isabel's Lake House Bedroom

Take Baby to Work Day

Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Outside Pictures

You can see the house a little bit in the background and see part of the large yard. Molly has enjoyed running around a lot today. Although, Molly lost her softball in the lake. She dropped it on the pier and it fell into the water. She tried to get it, but would only go in 6 inches. She has the abnormal fear of water.
Stay Off the Road!

Finally....Some Pictures....

We returned the u-haul yesterday. In the picture here she had just got up from a nap and then we left to go to Plaza Garibaldi. It is a Mexican Seafood restaurant in Waukesha. It was pretty good. I liked the ceviche the best, but Isabel didn't care for it, but she did love her shrimp taco. The fun thing about having moved is that we get to explore some new restaurants.
Saturday - 68 Weeks Old
The last pictures taken at our home in Medford. In these pictures it was right after bath time and she wanted to turn on her Wiggles CD and dance. That's her new thing - waking up and dancing, going in her room & dancing, putting pj's on & dancing. The dancing thing was what actually gave her the distraction to not want to nurse first thing in the morning. It has almost been a week now since she nursed and I think we are probably all done now.
Another Saturday Picture

Friday, September 07, 2007
End of the Week

Thursday, September 06, 2007
A Long Day
Anyways, I called neighbor Mary and asked for help and she & her friend came over for an hour and helped. I am really going to miss our neighbors here. Daddy & I always said that was one of the draws to staying living in our house was that we had so many great neighbors that we knew we could count on - they are like an extension of our family. Daddy already says it is weird that he doesn't talk to and see one of the neighbors as often and kinda misses it.
Anyways, we got the house cleaned and onto Isabel's doctor appt. She got 3 shots and was a trooper about it all. BTW - the showing went great and they loved it, but they still need to sell their house and don't want to do a contingent offer in case someone else comes along w/o contingency.
After lunch, mommy's college friend Kristin & her little girl Kayleigh came over for a visit. Even though Isabel slept through much of the visit, she did wake up at the end.
Then we ran to Bath & Body works to buy some thank you gifts for Mary & her friend. We bought Isabel some bubble bath - she picked it out - and a back massager. I thought it would be fun to rub her back with it, she thinks it tickles but does like it and will go get it and give it to me. Then we dropped those off.
Supper time was next, then we went to a wake for the grandpa of one of Isabel's little friends and FIL of mommy's friend. Isabel had never been to a wake. We didn't stay long, we just wanted to stop there and tell them we were sorry. Isabel was nice & quiet the whole time.
Then mommy's friend Linda came over for a walk with her two kids, Morgan & Nick. Morgan was along to play with Isabel, she at that age where she likes babies and is probably thinking about wanting to babysit in a few years. Initally, all Isabel wanted to do was play with sticks, but finally she warmed up enough that she would let Morgan carry her and got on the equiptment with her.
I still haven't eaten supper yet, so pizza ranch is on their way. I was talking on the phone with daddy while Isabel ate hers.
Sometyimes I am amazed at how much I can do with Isabel in a day and even more amazed at how well she handles being so busy. Tomorrow we just have a walking playdate to a park with Carrie & Gavin. Saturday we are having a BBQ for our neighbors, kinda a last goodbye to them, and Sunday we move.
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Saying Goodbye to Her Old Daycare

Tuesday, September 04, 2007
I usually buy from Amazon, but I am going to need new wipes in a week or so and I'll need more diapers in less than a month. So, I thought I would try them out. I'm basically getting 20% off and getting it delivered to my door for free. So, why not. Plus, someone on milwaukeemoms.com said that Luvs just changed and now they have stretchy tabs.
I pretty much used Luvs for all her sz. 3 diapers. They didn't leak and were a good price. But once she got mobile I switched to Pampers (which I just found out that Luvs is made by Pampers) because I wanted the stretchy tabs. But now that Luvs has stretchy tabs, I am going to get a box of those because they are cheaper than the Pampers.
We tried Huggies a couple times and they always leaked on us. I liked Seventh Generation as well, but they can be spendy. Otherwise, Target brand is pretty good as well. But I ldo ike not running to Target, because if I run there to buy diapers I end up walking out with $50 of other stuff. So, if I just have diapers delivered (for free!) I actually end up savng myself money.
Have you heard of gdiapers.com , they are a flushable diaper. My neighbor mentioned it to me and I had to look it up. The starter kit (of 2 diapers & 10 flushables) costs $26.99. Has anyone tried these? It's kind of like disposable meets cloth diapers.
Only a Few More Days....

I try to order somewhat healthy when we go. We ate veggie before we left and when we got there we had our cheese burgers and share some apple slices (they sell those separate from the kids meals) and a fruit & yogurt parfait.
The rest of our week will be busy, but not so filled with errands. Tomorrow morning we are going to her old daycare to play with the kids and say our goodbyes. And in the afternoon we have a playdate with some friends at a park. Hopefully it is not too hot & sticky outside for that.
Yesterday night, Isabel & I went to the Indoor waterpark for one last time. She was more than excited. We lucked out because starting today they were closed for 2 weeks for their annual cleaning & maintenance. Daddy so lovingly pointed out that we were there on the dirtiest day of the year then. Ewww....gross.....
She is starting to do even more sign language now. She does the signs for bath, swim, finished (all done), and eat. She understands others, but hasn't done them herself yet. Today we were playing "Where's baby's tummy?" And she pointed to it today (well, actually rubbed her belly like I do when I play the game), she hasn't gotten the other body parts right yet, but we're working on it.
Sunday, September 02, 2007
Sunday Good Times

We thought we would try on some sunglasses today. The sun was really bright.
Mommy took these when she was following Isabel through the tunnel to the big twisty tube slide. In the first picture she is looking out a hole at daddy.
Saturday, September 01, 2007
67 Weeks

Today we went to our neighbor's house, Mary & Denny, for lunch. Mary had made homemade spaghetti sauce & bloody mary's from tomoatoes she grew. It was fabulous. We are going to miss them when we move away. This afternoon, Isabel & I picked apples for Grams (she wants to make apple butter) ans some for Mary too. I pick the apples and put them by the buckets and Isabel puts them in the bucket. She's a good little helper. We picked 15 gallons of apples.

I woke her up from a nap to go to lunch and then took away her pacifier. She was not happy about either.
Thursday evening we went for dinner w/ Carrie & Gavin & El Tequila (mom was craving it and it is her favorite restaurant in this area.) Isabel did a great job there. When mommy's Strawberry Margarita came, Isabel got all excited and started pointing & making noise. She wanted the strawberry that was on the glass.
Friday we went grocery shopping for a few things and then in the afternoon, Carrie & Gavin came over and we went for a walk to the park here. We will miss them too when we leave, but they have plans to come visit us over MEA, which will be nice. Gavin will have gotten so big by that time.
Tomorrow, I would like to try to go to the beach & go swimming. We are supposed to have another 80 degree day, so it might be really nice to go enjoy the beach one last time