Anyways, we went to storytime and the librarian said several times how cute she was. We went gorcery shopping afterward and I managed to get ones of those "car" carts, where they have a car in the front of the cart that she sits in and rides & pretends to drive. That kept her occupied, as long as I was pushing. She thought it was fun and it worked out very well. It was probably one of the best shoppnig trips we have had. The only sticky part was when we were checknig out and the candy was at her height. But after moving the cart over some more, it was not a problem anymore.
This late evening we went to the Halloween Open House for the Children's Play Gallery in Delafield. Remember to click on the picture to enlarge the images. Anyways, they officially open tomorrow, but tonight they were doing a special open house with a puppet show. Isabel couldn't sit still for the puppet show and just wanted to play (as did some other young ones and that was ok) and I didn't think the puppet show was that great anyways.
I thought it was pretty neat inside. There are lots of toys, books, activities, etc. for the kids to play with. It is separated into several different areas that include: Under 2 soft play area, reading/puzzle room, sand & craft tables, House w/ slide & dolls, etc. (refer to the picture of her throwing a doll down a slide), construction/ building area, huge pirate ship play area w/ slide, puppet/theater area, kitchen/grocery store area, & other rooms for classes, etc. It actually had quite a bit to do. Isabel & I never did get around to doing everything in the 2 hours we were there. She loved it.
We will definitly go back again, but I am not sure how often we can go. At $14 for the both of us and us having only one income, it's not something we can do too often and still go to other fun places. They are a for-profit company, so there is no membership like Betty Brinn's has. The huge plus for this place is that is it only a 7 minute drive rather than a 35+ minute drive and parking is free (Admission for both of us at Betty Brinn's is $12, but with AAA you get BOGO free.)
One thing to note is that she is running a Playgroup on Tuesdays from 10:15-11:30 ad it has a structural component to it for the parents (i.e. meeting/discussion.) And if you go then it only costs $5 a person. So, that I think it cool and I am more apt to go then.