She will leave out her list on December 5th and St.Nick (aka Santa) will come to retrieve her list & check to make sure she is being good and then will leave her a few little treats if she is being good.
This was a picture from Monday actually. I just never got around to posting it. She brought daddy a couple pairs of his shoes to wear and since he can only wear one at a time he told her to wear a pair.
I do stand corrected when I say she isn't kicking the ball yet. Today when we were playing I asked her to kick the ball and she did it perfectly. She was so very proud of herself.
We went swimming today before supper. She just loves swimming so much. The past couple weeks she dunks her own head under water, well, she dunks under to her forehead, so almost all the way. She does this all on her own and thinks it's fun. It's good that she likes it because we won't struggle with her having to swim under water or jump into the water once she starts lessons again.
I am waiting to start lessons again until there is some skill being taught. Classes at this point are just to get them comfortable with the water, and she is certainly that. And since we go often there is no need to pay for lessons at this point. From what I can tell it will be good to start her next summer/fall.
We just started her in the booster seat. She still fits fine in the high chair, but we needed to change things up because she was very insistant that I sing to her out of this nursery rhyme book every time she eats and didn't have the patience to let mom eat first. The book sits on the shelf under her highchair seat. So, we thought if we tried her booster seat she might not ask for the book. She tried, but I told her it wasn't by us. We have music playing the background, hoping that would help too. And now that she is at the table she gets to eat with a plate. She's been eating with a fork for quite a while. She has been drinking with a cup now & again, but I have never given her a full cup for the entire meal. Normally I would just put little bits in. She did great with it.
Just another picture from today. It is a very poofy skirt. We went to check out a church today and then went for a quick lunch afterward. Daddy is not too sure about whether or not he likes it. I liked it and Isabel seemed to do fine in the Nursery.
You can check out a couple of the blogs some of our friends in M&T have:
As we look ahead to next week, things get back to normal. Mommy is meeting another mommy to go to Spinning Class while the kids go to Kidcare (hopefully she does better, as she has to go Tuesday when mommy has yoga class). Tomorrow afternoon we are going to M&T playgroup. I already mentioned our highlights for Tuesday. Wednesday we are going to Betty Brinn's with M&T playgroup. Thursday we have a playdate with Leah & Ryan. Friday we have M&T playgroup in the morning. Saturday afternoon is the Christmas parade in town. So, back to business as usual.
Isabel was playing with the beads just like she does with her scarves. She had fun.
Another nice thing about the living tree is that we will have the pine smell, but since it stays living, we won't be cleaning up pine needles. And the fact that it sits up higher on a root ball means that it's harder for Isabel (or the cats) to take ornaments off the tree.
Decorating the tree was a new experience for Isabel, as she was too young last year. Daddy strung on the LED lights (we only need 1 strand of 50 lights on our tree) and the beads and placed the star on top, but Isabel helped hang the xmas balls & candy canes.
We are going to be turning out xmas cards into ornaments to hang on the tree as we get them. I thought that would be a neat way to display them and decorate the tree.
Sometimes you just need to try, even though you know you shouldn't.
BTW - there is very little sound to this video, but the sluide shows do have audio.
You build them up, just so you can knock them down. All the fun is in the knocking down.
Her weight is 26 pounds 4 ounces. She dropped a little from last month, but the doctor said that is normal when they start getting really active, just as long as she doesn't keep dropping. Plus, they just wanted to see that she gained since her last well-check visit, which was 15 months. Her weight is now in the 75th percentile.
They do an autism screener at the 18-month visit and she does not have any of the signs of autism. As someone who has worked with autistic kids and has a degree in the field, there was no doubt that she was not autistic, but they do the screener regardless.
The only thing the doc was first concerned with is that she is not saying 15-20 words on a regular basis, but when I told her she does other signs that are not parts of the words she uses, then the doc was fine. She didn't care if they were words or signs, but that Isabel was communicating 15-20 words in some way and that she was imitating our words.
Isabel has really been imitating our speech a lot lately. Now we really have to watch what we say. By continuing to imitate us she will learn the actual words and have a larger vocabulary. I am not worried about her vocabulary. She is going to have a huge vocabulary due to all the reading we do. Each day we read a minimum of 15-20 books. Yes, we really do read that many. She always gets 5-6 books before nap & bed time and then there are other times through the days she will bring books to me to read. I usually have to read her a couple books while I am getting her dressed in the morning and it's not uncommon for daddy to have to read her a couple when he gets her jammies on. We read a lot in this house.
She does get certain sounds stuck in her head that she keeps practicing over & over again. At one point she was saying "O-sha" a lot. Now it sounds like she is saying "gabba gabba".....sounds like gobble, gobble, as if she was practicing for Thanksgiving.
Well, it's naptime now and we have some reading to do. She should take a nice long nap (hopefully) since we went swimming at the Y for an hour after our appt.
We won't have pictures on here again until Sunday. We're all heading back to MN because we have some thigs to take care of. It is a last minute thing.
I was trying to teach her to put on her socks. She doesn't actually try to take off her clothes much. Every once in a whileshe might take her arm out of a big sweater (just because it's so easy) or she might pull off a sock while in her crib, but that is really about it. She seems content staying in her clothes.