After that we came home & I picked up the babysiter for the night. Brooke did a great job with Isabel. Isabel didn't even care that we were leaving because she was too busy putting together puzzles with Brooke. It is nice to have found a sitter.
As always, remember that you can click on the picture to enlarge it and see more detail.
We all went to church this morning and then out for brunch at Saxe's Casual Fine Dining. They have a buffet brunch on Sunday that was really good. I recommend it.The best thing about a buffet with kids is that you can can them fed right away and then get out when you need to, so I am happy we found this place.
Grandma & Grandpa were here for a short weekend visit. We played outside this afternoon & grilled out. It was very nice. It was the first time this season that we grilled out & had a picnic outside (both at the same time). We hope the weather stays beautiful like this because Isabel & I are having an Earth Week Celebration playgroup on Friday here.
Here are some pictures I took that I thought looked great as black and whites. Well, I need to go, it's time for cake!
Sliding down bounce house; Decorating party hat with mom; Playing in sandbox; Playing with toys.
Not sure what number of slideshow this is to the Concord Zoo, but we love this place. We met some families from our playgroup here on Friday and had a great time.
Today, we went to Good Harvest Market for their Earth Day Celebration and bought some yummy food and were able to sample lots of yummy treats. Now we are just waiting for grandma & grandpa to get here for their visit this weekend.
This one does have music and only a little text to read at the very beginning and very end.
I will also post a collage of my favorite pictures from this slideshow and I have a couple of videos on YouTube as well. Just follow this link to my YouTube page and see the new videos of her throwing rocks and exploring a worm. Sometimes the videos take a while to process and get on there, so just check back if they are not there yet.
The slideshow is only pictures & words. No music to this one.
We met some members of our playgroup at Fort Cushing park. It's a fun park, but because of all the nooks & crannies it is hard for the moms to have a conversation & keep an eye on their kids. The place was super packed and all the spots in the parking lot were taken. She had a good time. We ate lunch there and then stopped at the library on our way home to turn in her Culver's coloring sheet (for National Library Week) and got her certificate for a free ice cream cone. We didn't end up sharing the cake we brought. It seemed like everyone was on different snack/lunch schedules and it was just too busy. I gave Isabel a piece in the car and she fell asleep while eating it. She got up about 30-40 minutes too early this morning, so consequently her naptime is now 40 minutes earlier. Plus, running around at the park probably helped tire her out.
I think this picture is funny. I told her she needed to make sure a bird didn't poop on her head (there were lots of birds flying above us - it was indoors.)
We went to the zoo with our playgroup. I will post the slideshow in a bit. It was a lot of fun. We carpooled with Lori & Rachael. The girls on the same nap schedule, but it didn't work out so well. She napped for 15 minutes in the car and then about 15 minutes in the house and that as it. Maybe I'll get her to go down for a later nap.
She loved the fish again. I have a feeling that someone may be asking for a goldfish in a couple of years. She really liked the elephants too. She liked seeing all the animals, but the elephants & fish were her favorite.
Tonight we are hoping to take her to the Books & Co. Pajama Party storytime. Although, lately she has not been good about public storytimes. She doesn't want to sit still and just wants to run around.
Apparently, we made national news because a church downtown blew up. It was about 6-7 miles away from our rental here. And speaking of our rental here, the neighbors just put their place up for sale for $1,375,000. Crazy. We don't know the neighbors, but my theory is that it is a divorce. The guy would yell a lot at the wife & kids.
Here is Isabel & daddy in front of the lake house rental. Every time I would tell her to say cheese she would squint her eyes and then look down. Guess I have tohave her say something else.
Oh - and Auntie Phanie called and tried telling us she is pregnant. We're not sure that we believe her and are waiting until we see the proof in a couple of weeks. Her & Uncle J have this thing about playing April Fools pranks, so they are not to be believed. She thinks I will feel foolish when she proves she is, but I will just be happy for them.