Sunday, June 29, 2008
How Well Do You Know Isabel's Mommy?
I took this quiz out because it was seriously flawed. You can read the comments to see why.
Last Weekend in June

The last couple days Isabel has been wanting to play with half her clothes off. Silly girl.
This is the bug we made out of recycled materials for the library. They are havinga display & competition for bugs created out of recycled materials. We used a juice box and wrapped it in a grocery bag and she colored the outside and then for the legs & teeth we used juice box straws, a pop tab for the nose, and water bottle caps for the eyes.
Thanks again to Luanne, Ryan, Lucie, & Henry for letting us stay at your house the last week and a half.
Friday, June 27, 2008
Summer Fun

Before we went to the zoo we went to the Delafield library for a puppet show. Isabel loves puppets, so she was very eager to get there. While we were there, Isabel won a little readng poster. Next week their Wednesday afternoon activity is the Bug Ball (dance), so I think she will love that. We hope to get to the zoo again next Wednesday evening as well.
Yesterday we had Rachael over for the day again and our friends Michelle, Noah & Olivia came over to play with us in the morning. In the afternoon we went to our friends Kelly & Drew's house to play and have them show us around their place, as we go to their house this weekend to housesit.
Today we joined our friends Mary & Ben and Lori & Rachael at the Wirth Park Aquatic Center. We had a great time there and we recommend it very highly! She slept for 20 minutes on the ride home and that may be it for a nap for her today, although she seems in good spirits. It may be an early bed night for her tonight then. This afternoon we are babysitting for our friends Clara & Julia.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Lunch on the Lawn

Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Slideshow from this Afternoon
Here is a slideshow of Isabel & Rachael playing in the sprinkler this afternoon. I will post a few of my favorite photos from here in the next post.
This afternoon we played in the backyard. The girls had a good time running through a sprinkler toy and playing with the outdoor toys. They also thought it was fun to come sit on my "dry" lap after they ran through the water. I got quite wet. Afterwards, we all changed and went for a walk until Rachael's mom came to pick her up.
The girls had a good day playing with each other.
Play Day with Rachael

Today we have Isabel's friend Rachael spending the day with us again; she'll hang out with us again on Thursday. The three of us first went to storytime at the Oconomowoc library and they both really enjoyed that. We met our friends Sophia, Tommy & Elizabeth there. Afterwards the three of us went to Westover Park. This park is designed more for the able-bodied climber. Isabel isn't quite there, but loves practicing and takes her time so that she can learn and be safe.

Monday, June 23, 2008
Sunday & Updates
Right now we are housesitting for my friends. We have 3 different places we are at over the next few weeks. After that, the plan is to find something to rent month to month. I figured out we can probably double up for 6 months by using our savings, but beyond that we are screwed. So, we may get to stay in WI for another 6 months but it may be inevitable that we have to move away from here. Daddy has now had to start searching in MN for a new job so that we can live in the house that we own. The only way we would move anywhere else would be if they bought our house as part of the relocation. We did have another open house this weekend and a privcate showing this past week, but of the 3 groups through our place none of them want to call it home. So, that's the scoop.
We just don't know what the future holds for us or where we will be living mid-July. The only thing we know is that if we want to stay here or are able to, we will have an income coming in.
As for Sunday, we went to church in the morning (after Isabel & I took a bike ride, she is really enjoying going on bike rides) and then went to the Delafield Brewhaus for their Sunday brunch, which was fabulous by the way. After naptime it was playtime until dinner, then another bike -ride, which daddy came with us on. Then we went out for gelato and walked to Fowler Park. By the time we reached the park it was raining, then pouring. So, she never got to play on the equiptment and we just walked back to the car.
I'll have pictures to post later.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Power Wheels Fun
Tomorrow we are going to plan on going to church and that's about in for plans. If the weather is nice we'll play outside some and go for bike rides again.
Friday, June 20, 2008
This Week
This is from this morning as I was getting us ready to go to the park for playgroup. She is watching Super Why! which is her new favorite program. You can watch it on PBS. She is doing great here at Luanne's house. She is sleeping in the big girl bed and taking nice long naps and only seemed to have one nightmare the first night and none last night. And she hasn't fallen out of the big girl bed (twin) yet. She has been enjoying playing with Lucie's toys, as it's like having all new toys for 1.5 weeks. And Lucie has lots of books we have not read before, so that is fun. She likes to "cuddle" now on the couch or chair under a blanket as we read stories together. She will go to one of them and grab a blanket and put in over herlself and say, "cuddle, cuddle."
In other news, she is back to taking 2 steps forward with potty training. She is now starting to periodically tell me when she has to go pee-pee and is going on the potty with a great er frequency and is staying dry or mostly dry at night. So, that's neat. Although, poopy on the potty is a different story, that isn't happening yet.
Playing at Cushing Park We met playgroup today at Cushing park. It was quite sunny & warm today and her little cheeks go so pink. I lubed her up with sunscreen a couple of times while we were there and I made her wear a hat as much as possible, but I did put sunscreen on her head as well. Our friend Carrie let us borrow her sunscreen there and it's a spray, which worked well for doing her head. After Cushing, Isabel & I had a picnic at Riverside Park.
Her Playgroup Twin
This is Isabel & Taryn. Both her mom (Lori) and myself have heard from a number of people that our little girls look so much alike. Taryn is about 4 months older, but other than that they are about the same height and same body structure and same blond hair and blue eyes and are both frequently in pigtails or ponytails, same full lips, and by looks of things they are both right-handed. We had a playdate at their house this afternoon. I love their playroom and took pictures of a couple things I would like to make, get, or have made for Isabel's playroom someday.
AND......Happy Birthday Godmother Jessi!!!!
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Library Reading Programs
Bay Beach Amusement Park
Any moms in my playgroup that are looking for a good weekend or day trip, you should go check out Green Bay. You could to do Bay Beach and the next door Wildlife Sanctuary (we haven't take Isabel there yet) on one day and then go to the zoo another day. Plus there is the Packet Hall of Fame, which you can intice the dad with. I haven't been there since I was in junior high. There is actually a lot of other neat things to do in GB, so if you do make a little trip out of it, let me know if you need more ideas.
Happy Father's Day!
Pictures (Trying Again!)
She really enjoyed the playground here. It helps that she is a tall girl because if she wasn't and was the height of other 2 year old girls she would have struggled more to climb on things since this is for elementary students. Doesn't she look so grown up?!?!?!
The Weekend & Beyond....
Anyways, I have pictures of:
Saturday: Isabel at a trial gymnastics class
Sunday: Isabel playing the Lena Elementary School playground, pictures of cousin Blake, pictures from the N.E.W. Zoo in Green Bay
Monday: Pictures of Isabel with us at Bay Beach Amusement Park
For those that are wondering, we are staying at a hotel for a couple days until we start our first stint of house/cat sitting for a friend. We went swimming in the pool here last night and Isabel thought that was so much fun. We are doing a lot of swimming this summer. Molly (the dog) is now at her summer hom on the farm. My parents built a new & bigger kennel for her & Benji to be in with their dog houses.
We had a good weekend by Grams & Gramps and we'll have pictures from our adventures there soon.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Practicing Somersaults
These are pictures from yesterday when she was practicing doing somersaults in her shirt & pull-up. On Saturday morning she is going to try out a gymnastics class on Saturday at Gymlingo (see link on sidebar) with her friend Rachael. It is bring-a-friend free week, so Isabel gets to try it out. The class is for ages 1-3, so it should be perfect.
Yesterday we had our friends Ben & Mary over to go swimming & then later we went over by them to go walking. In the morning we had gone to the Y & to the library to sign up for the summer reading program. Today we had our friends Carrie & Ryan over to play in the morning and then in the afternoon we had dinner with our friends Elizabeth, Sofia & Thomas and then we stayed with the kids so their mommy & daddy could get out for a couple hours.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Wee Wonders Class at Retzer Nature Center
Monday, June 09, 2008
Recent Pictures and Videos
Her first corn on cob of the season. We had dinner with Rachael and her parents last night. Rachael and her mom made us a very delicious strawberry-rhubarb pie for dessert.
On Saturday, we (daddy, mommy & Isabel) went swimming and then we spent some time in the resprt basement hoping a tornado didn't hit us. It didn't. On Sunday, we went to church and then got some Little Caesars for lunch and then for dinner we had dinner with friends (see above.)
She thought pouring salt was fun. I didn't think it was so fun when she tried to pour it in mama's wine. Today we me our playgroup at Delafield Sports Commons park. Isabel went straight for the tallest, biggest slide right away. She had a good time, although was not very good about sharing her snacks with her friend Ben. We brought carrots, strawberries & cheddar bunnies crackers. She had not interest in the strawberries until Ben was enjoying them, then she started shoveling them into her mouth by the fistful. Isabel & Ben act like such brother & sister. He's always trying to touch her and she is always like "Mom, he touching me!'
One of Isabel's favorite things to do right now is play Hide & Seek. She only likes to be the seeker. She is sometimes a cheater, but when she isn't she loves to be scared (i.e. you jumping out yelling Boo!) She also got a couple new puzzles that she is enjoying. She loves doing puzzles.
Here is a video of her new swinging (sorry, it's sideways) and of her playing with Rachael last week. They are such silly girls together.
Tomorrow we have our first "Wee Wonders" Class at the Retzer Nature Center. We are all prepared to get wet & muddy (per description) with her rain boots & rain jacket. In the afternoon we have a playdate with some friends. On Wednesday we are going to a birthday playgroup. Thursday is a pretty relax day and Friday we have a park playgroup in the morning and will maybe have a friend over to swim in the afternoon. This weekend we are going to visit Grams & Gramps and are planning on going to the N.E.W. Zoo on Sunday (Father's Day) and Bay Beach on Monday.
Saturday, June 07, 2008
Birthday Playgroup for Maggie
This Week (Tu & Th)
I taught Isabel a new way to swing that she can do herself. So, she loves it. She wants to be so independent sometimes, but she just can't do everything (or it's not safe) to do it by herself. So, I am starting to experience some power struggles with that. She sits on a big girl swing just fine now and holds on well. I give her a little push and then I can't push anymore because she wants to be a big girl. She is trying to learn how to pump with her legs. Swinging on her belly is something she can do by herself without mom's help.
They really likes this horse swing because they could both be on it at the same time and Rachael could use her legs in the stirrup part to help push and keep it swinging. (Less pushing for mommy!, Actually, Rachael would tell me to get them started and then to let go because they could do it themselves.)