Friday, October 31, 2008
New Videos
Two Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed
Attention Span of a Two-Year Old
Halloween Dance (Sorry it's kinda dark, it was dark in there.)
Friends & Family

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

We visited some of our friends here yesterday. In the morning we went to Midwest Twisters (oh, I forgot to attach that photo, I'll get to it after I post this.) In the afternoon we went to visit our friends Sofia & Tommy. They were with their grandparents since their parents are traveling this week. It was nice to see them and for the kids to play together. That evening we were joined by our friends Luanne, Lucie, & Henry for dinner at Chili's. It was so nice to see them. The girls get along so well.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Halloween '08

Friday, October 24, 2008
Dancing Feet

Tomorrow morning we head out to O-town week. We will be busy with Halloween activities there as well. So, all those costumes will get some good use out of them. We will also get to spend some quality time with friends and family there, which will be nice. Unfortunately, I won't have readily available access to the internet. So, I may not post much on here or be able to check my email often.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Just Kickin' Back

Monday, October 20, 2008
Baking Bread
We also made some homemade bread today. You will see from the (just under a minute) slideshow that she helped every step of the way, except using the mixer. She has some fear of the mixer and when I use it she runs out of the room yelling "Get Out of the Way!" I am not sure what all that is about. It is good bread and I am trying really hard to save some for daddy. I really like homemade bread. I rarely make it from scratch though. If I have it, it is usually forzen stuff from the grocery store.
You can also view the (just over a minute) video of Isabel kneading bread.
Making Shakers

Sunday, October 19, 2008
Music Lessons, Week 3
* Maisy Makes Music (video)
* Forever Young by Bob Dylan (book)
* I Say a Little Prayer for You by Burt Bacharach & Hal David (book)
* Greatest Songs of the 70's by Barry Manilow (cd)
* The Artist's Album featuring Leonard Bernstein (cd)
I read about this book, Say a Little Prayer by Dionne Warwick, but our library system didn't have it, but through my search is how I came up with the one by Burt Bacharach.
I requested the Bernstein CD because this past week I bought tickets to the Minnesota Orchestra to go to the "Bernstein Beat". It is part of the Young People's Concert Series, which means that Isabel is going, as well as mommy & daddy and we are taking grandma too. I also requested a free poster, once we get that in the mail we can talk abot more instruments, but here are the details:
A poster featuring EVERY musician in the orchestra and a seating chart showing orchestra instrument locations! Call or email to order your free poster: or 612-371-5671.
The books I already requested & reading have been well received by Isabel. She knows all of the instruments in the books, which is awesome!
This week I plan to print off a few more coloring sheets:
Violin, Xlyophone, Barney & Music, & Barney & Trombone.
The musical instrument we are going to make this week is different kinds of shakers. I will use 4 bottles that are the same, but we will decorate them each differently and put different things in each one (beans, rice, sand, something metal like maybe some washers) so that we can talk about the different sounds each one of them makes.
Finally, I am hoping to get the Karaoke Revolution going this week.
I did look up when concerts are for our school and we need to wait until Nov. & Dec. for that.
Tomorrow, Laugh, Love, Learn will post their suggestion for the week and week three is book club, so then maybe we'll get a few more ideas of books to order from the library.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Fall & Halloween Stuff

Well, I had the pictures posted earlier and am now getting around to the text.
Today we met grandma & grandpa at the MN Zoo for HallZOOween. Isabel wore her cow costume and they gave out trick-or-treat bags and some treats. She played for a while in the Kids Den, which was kinda fun. You can see her donning the scuba gear that was in there to try on. We had never gone in there to play before. She lasted 2 hours until it was major meltdown time. She got about a 20-minute nap on the way home and then rested for another half hour and that was it for naptime today.
This evening we went to a graduation party for our friend Rebecca who got a Master's degree today.

We've been doing storytime on Thursday nights and Isabel enjoys that. She really likes when they get to stretch & "get the wiggles out" and then when they get to sing a song and get to go put items on the board that were handed out to the kids. This week it was stories about bears and they had different colored bears to put up on the board. When Isabel's bear colors were called she would run up there and place her bear on there and then "correct" other bears that other kids put up there upside down. She couldn't just let them be upside down and had to fix them. She got that from her mother.
Friday we went to playgroup at a nursery in a local church in the morning and then in the evening we went the Haunted House fundraiser for her gymnastics club. We went through the Haunted House as a non-scary group, but she was still scared. It wasn't too long, so it wasn't too bad. They had 2 different bounce houses there that she absolutely loved.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
How to Make Scrambled Eggs

Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Today & Yesterday
Today was a busy day. We went to that new church and tried out their Moms Group. It's 1.5 hours long and the first half hour is eating & socializing. Then for an hour is a bible lesson. I had never done a bible study thing before so I wasn't sure how all this was going to go, but it went well and all the women were very nice and wasn't all preachy & boring. I plan to go back next week.
Then this afternoon Isabel made another maraca, but this time it was a gift for her friend Cole from playgroup. She also made a card for him. I let her use a bunch of foam stickers along with markers to decorate both. Then this afternoon we went to a birthday playgroup at Cole's house. She had a lot of fun there and enjoyed dressing up in his cowboy boots, cowboy hat, riding his rocking horse and playing guitar. She was a little traveling musical cowgirl.
Tomorrow we FINALLY get our last windows installed. Yeah! Now I won't have to put plastic on any of the windows this window. Now we just need to finish up stuff with the roofer and get that replaced yet this fall.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Monday, October 13, 2008
Making Maracas

A Rainy Monday

Well, we didn't make it walking because of the rain. So,we stayed home and she helped me sweep. I am not sure how much help she really is, but she pushes around a broom and listens to me when I ask her to stay out of my dirt pile. So, I guess that is helping. We also did some coloring pages that had to do with music, a french horn & a microphone.
We also listened to Peter & the Wolf cd that is the story w/ orchestra. There was too much time in between pages to keep her interest, so after a few pages I just had to read the rest of the story while the cd played in the background. It was mainly music anyways. I could see that this would be a good Children's Theatre production though. I was looking at what the Children's Theatre in Mpls has to offer, and it might be fun to go to see something there. They do have something geared towards preschoolers in April of 2009 and tickets go on sale in January.

Well, this picture of her creating her own t-ball game. She took the cats' scratching post and put a ball on top and then wouldhit it off a cat wand toy. Oh, the cats don't really have toys anymore, they are all used by Isabel. They don't playwith their toys much anyways. The dog is a different story, he plays with her toys and knows they are her toys and only plays with her toys. Whenever Isabel has the notion to play with one of Molly's toys we have to tell her no.
Here is a little video of Isabel reading Don't Let the Pigeons Drive the Bus. I know for some it will be hard to understand what she is saying. I guess that is one of the benefits of being with her all the time is that I understand most of what she is saying. Daddy does a good job of understanding her as well. Plus it helps that we have the book in front of us. She will "read" first and then I will read next.
Oh, another thing I keep forgetting to mention, but you may have noticed from the pictures is the lack of Paci (that's what we call her pacifier). We had been slowly weaning her from Paci for several weeks and she only had it at naptime and bedtime, but then we finally said no more and got rid of it completly. She didn't fuss too much. We told her it was time to be done with it and she didn't need it. She tried to convince me she loves Paci, but that didn't fly. The consequence of
not having her mouth plugged up is that she is talking so much more, hence the reading stories to us. Paci used to help put her to sleep right away, but now she is chatty through all her stories & songs and is a little squirmy and takes a little longer to fall asleep.
Next I plan to tackle the potty training thing once & for all. No more doing it when she feels like it. A lot of the moms in my WI playgroup seemed to do it cold turkey and just stayed home for several days or a week while they worked on it. And it seemed to be what was needed. So, I think that is what we will have to do. She was going on the potty this summer, but it was justa crazy summer and it didn't stick. So, the plan is after our trip back to WI at the end of the month we will work on it.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Pumpkin Carving 2008
So, this evening we carved the pumpkin we bought from the pumpkin patch. Actually, daddy did all the carving and we helped a little with digging out the insides. Isabel didn't care much for the seeds. She was pretty grossed out by them. But she did help out little bits here and there.
This morning we went to check out another church. This one is called River Valley Church. It seems like the best fit for us so far. Actually, I think it may be the last church we are checking out. The have a Moms Group as part of their ministry groups, so snce Isabel & I are free Wednesday morning we plan to go check that out.
Yesterday we just did stuff around the house and in the afternoon daddy went to help grandpa install and overhead microwave and teach grandma about Facebook. That evening we had our friend Carrie, Gavin, & Kyle over for dinner.
Tomorrow, we are meeting some other moms in the morning for walking club, weather permitting. In the afternoon, we are hosting playgroup here.
Right now one of daddy's & Isabel's favorite books is Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus. She has it memorized and can "read" us the book. Daddy seems to enjoy when I check out Mo Willems books from the library. Another book that Isabel "reads" to us is Old Mother Hubbard. And she is really enjoying Zin Zin Zin a Violin, as part of our music theme.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Lesson in Music, Week #1
* We made up a new song about a bike ride.
* Had a jam session with daddy on the guitar.
* Checked out 5 books about music from the library and have been reading those.
* Played toy instruments with mommy & friend Gavin.
* Explored how sticks make different sounds on different objects.
* Listened to a new (new to us) CD by Raffi.
* Listened/Watched the animated songs (link in previous post) online.
So, I think we had a pretty good week. Next week & this weekend we plan to start watching the Baby Einstein video "Meet the Orchestra", color some music coloring sheets, and make a homemade instrument. Plus, we'll keep doing what we have always done and the new stuff we experienced this week.
Thursday, October 09, 2008
Thursday ctd.

Although I think her favorite is the straw bale pile with a huge pile of leaves. She loved jumping into it, as did many other kids. They also had a playset there, a wobbly ladder (with straw pile under it to fall into), a small haunted house, an inflatable haunted house, activity table (to paint pumpkins), gift shop, & snacks.

They also had a haunted trail and corn maze. It was all very tame, but Isabel is starting to get into "It's scary" and is afraid of little things (like ladybugs) that she was never afraid of before. But she was fine as long as it was daylight and she was holding my hand. We did have a lot of fun.

Click picture to enlarge.
Well, since I finished up making jelly rather quickly this morning, we had plenty of time to take a bike ride to the park and play. We had a lot of fun there. Some of the new things we did there was climb to the top of the hill and roll down. Although we both stopped several times because it is a long hill and we were getting quite dizzy. We also went into the tennis courts and we would throw the ball back and forth to each other and then she started kicking it around. What's so nice about playing in there is that it has a hard flat surface which makes it easier to run on and is also gated all around, so the ball can't roll to far away. And when there is a wind like today you like having those boundaries.

This afternoon w are meeting playgroup at a pumpkin patch. So, we will buy a pumpkin to carve sometime next week. Since we will be visiting friends & family the last week in October, we want to carve it s that we have some time to enjoy it. And we'll probably go to the library for storytime afterwards.
Tomorrow we have her other ECFE class in the morning and then in the afternoon Carrie & Gavin are coming over for a playdate.


Monday, October 06, 2008
October Theme: Music
I think it will be fun to make some of our own instruments. Isabel loves to do projects & crafts, s combining the two will work out nicely. I was thinking that the three of us could play some musical chairs too. I am also going to call Javalive(a nearby coffee shop that sometimes has live music) and see if they have anything coming up. I had been wanting to take her there to listen/see a performance.
Well, I have made some requests from the library to aide in our musical theme:
- Melissa & Doug Band in a Box (toy)
- Zin! Zin! Zin! A Violine (book)
- Musical Instruments from A to Z (book)
- Mozart Find a Melody (book)
- Sergei Prokofiev's Peter & the wolf (book & cd)
- Mole Music (book & cd)
- Baby Einstein: Meet the Orchestra & First Instruments (DVD)
- 101 More Music Games for Children
Here is a fun website ( I found that has animated sing-a-long songs. That will be fun to use.
And here are some coloring sheets I will print off to use (not sure which ones, so I will just post the links and decide a the mnth goes on):
Sunday, October 05, 2008
Playing in the Leaves

So, I rake what leaves we have already ( I know LOTS more are to fall) so that we could have a big pile and could jump in it and just have fun playing in the leaves.
We didn't too much else today. We went to check out a church and during the sermon stopping the slautering of babies (abortion) and slaughtering the giants of homosexualit and all the screams of Amen from the congregation, we got up and left. Wrong church for us for many reasons.
Isabel did take a nap with me, which was nice. She is not good about napping/sleeping together because she thinks it's a slumber party and wants to bounce around and tickle and just have fun. But we laid down, sang some songs, and then fell asleep.
And all three of us did go grocery shopping too. Yup, that's it. That's what we did today. Now we are grilling some brats & hot dogs and will eat them while we watch football.

Click on image to see it larger.
Thursday, October 02, 2008
Apple Picking Picture

Apple Picking w/ Playgroup
We went apple picking with our playgroup today. Even though we have some apple trees here, there just isn't a good selection this year. We had 4 apple trees and one was lost in the storm in July, another has ripe apples at the beginning of July (so it's too late for that one), another one had many of the apples blown off, and the 4th tree was struck by lightning and has a big dead branch in it w/ rotting apples attached that will have to be removed. So, our apple selection here this year is slim. Anyways, it was fun to go somewhere else to pick apples & get bigger ones, as our are always smaller apples. Now to decide what I will make with them. I am sure daddy will like it if we make an apple pie and I was thinking I may make & can apple sauce with the rest. Although it could be fun to use my dehydrator and make apple slices too.
Wednesday, October 01, 2008

This morning we joined some friends from our new playgroup at the MN Zoo. We had not been there since June last year, so over a year. Of course it is too big to see enough of it in the short time we can be there before naptime. It is really a zoo that you need a good 3-4 hours at and we only had 2 hours plus lunch time. We could have stayed longer, but she was tired and she fell asleep about 5 minutes into our ride home. Tomorrow we are going apple-picking with playgroup and Friday we are meeting the playgroup at a park.

I got a lot of decent shots of Isabel today. Even though she slept for about 35 minutes in the car, I think she is down for the rest of her nap. I sure hope so because she was kinda cranky when she was falling asleep and we are getting together with some of my friends after naptime. There won't be any kids there so she'll have to entertain herself with what I bring along for her to play with.