Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Tumblebooks Library
This is such a great website. Tumblebooks are animated stories with the words on them so that the kids can read along. There are a ton of books on here and each books is a different length and geared towards a different reading level. This was posted on our library's website and we decided to check it out one night and we must have listened to & read about 6 or 7 books.
Last Day of 2008

Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Sometimes you have to be thankful people don't overhear your toddler......
Isabel comes up to me and says, "Where's My Peep Show?"
She was referring to the DVD we picked up at the library of Peep & the Big Wide World.
Isabel comes up to me and says, "Where's My Peep Show?"
She was referring to the DVD we picked up at the library of Peep & the Big Wide World.
January Theme: Winter
Speaking of winter -- the snow is really comiong down outside right now.
I don't know what the theme on the LLL blog is for January. We will supplement with that. But my plans are to do a winter theme.
Some of the things I plan to do with her are:
* Wintersports (sledding, ice skating, snowshoeing might be fun too, hiking)
* Crafts (snowflakes out of paper, glittery snowballs out of string, paperplate snowman, q-tip snowflakes, marble mittens)
* Books about Winter & Hibernation
* Learn about Ice (Ice/Koolaid painting, juice pops made oustide, colored cubes in the bath)
* Coloring pages: Winter Counting Book, Prepare for Winter Weather, Snowflakes, Snowman, Snow Angel
* Winter themed games (mitten matching, snowman matching game on felt board)
* Snacks/Food (snowman made out of marshmellows, raisins & pretzels; pancakes made into snowmen dusted with powdered sugar; rice krispie snowmen, make some more snow ice cream)
* Songs:
I don't know what the theme on the LLL blog is for January. We will supplement with that. But my plans are to do a winter theme.
Some of the things I plan to do with her are:
* Wintersports (sledding, ice skating, snowshoeing might be fun too, hiking)
* Crafts (snowflakes out of paper, glittery snowballs out of string, paperplate snowman, q-tip snowflakes, marble mittens)
* Books about Winter & Hibernation
* Learn about Ice (Ice/Koolaid painting, juice pops made oustide, colored cubes in the bath)
* Coloring pages: Winter Counting Book, Prepare for Winter Weather, Snowflakes, Snowman, Snow Angel
* Winter themed games (mitten matching, snowman matching game on felt board)
* Snacks/Food (snowman made out of marshmellows, raisins & pretzels; pancakes made into snowmen dusted with powdered sugar; rice krispie snowmen, make some more snow ice cream)
* Songs:
- (We did this one at the O-ECFE class) A chubby little snowman Had a carrot nose; Along came a rabbit And what do you suppose? That hungry little bunny, Looking for his lunch, Ate the snowman's carrot nose... Nibble, Nibble, Crunch!
- Sung to: "I'm a little teapot"Here's a little snowman Short and fat Here is my broom and here is my hat When the sun comes out I tremble with fear 'cause soon I'll melt and disappear!
Making Butterflies
How to Make Butterflies out of Cone Shaped Coffee Filters
So, I gave away a coffeemaker that used these filters, which are too small for the coffeemaker I got last Christmas and I forgot to give the filters with them. So, I started looking for ideas of crafts to make with them. I have quite a few filters left and there were not that many ideas for crafts using the cone filters, so I may have to come up with some of my own ideas. But this is one idea that it out there A LOT.
2 cone coffee filters (peeled apart at the seams)
1 pipe cleaner
bowls of water w/ food coloring in them
DIRECTIONS: Peel apart your filters at the seams. Paint them with the water/food coloring mixture with water design/pattern you like. Remember that the paint will spread on the filter as it absorbs the liquid. Gather the filters in the center and loop a pipe cleaner around both. Twist to secure. Curl tops of the pipe cleaners to make antennas. The wet filters are very flexible, so let them dry and they will harden and you can then hang them.

This was our project this morning. This afternoon we are going to the library and maybe to Cabela's to look at the animals.
Monday, December 29, 2008
River Bend Nature Center

They have a great play & learning area inside with a puppet theater and a whole bunch of animal puppets, puzzles, a felt board, block, plastic animals, sand table, etc. Just outside a couple of windows they have feeding areas set up for the birds & squirrels & they have binoculars to use. She thought that was pretty fun to try those out.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Christmas Presents

We all received some wonderful Christmas presents this past week+. Above you will see pictured with the stick horse that grandma made for her and in the other picture she is wearing a new pair of jammies from Auntie Razz. We recieved many other generous gifts from our family and when we got home today there was a package in the mail with a Christmas present for Isabel from godmother Jessi. She knit Isabel a pair of leg warmers. I can't wait for her to try them out. I think godmother Jessi must have been reading my mind because I was thinking how a pair of leg warmers would be nice for Isabel to have when she wants to wear a skirt & tights of a pair of leggings. I didn't even say anything to anyone about it either.
Fun Stuff

Isabel had some fun at grandma & grandpa's house. She decorated cookies with grandma (while mom made homemade finger paints) and then she did some fingerpainting. Grandma - remember the fingerpaints are in the fridge so that you can show cousin Blake how to use them when you watch him this week.
Easy Finger Paints
2 C white flour
2 C water
food coloring
Mix together flour & water until smooth. Pour into individual containers (I used 6 baby food jars) and mix in desired food colorings ( I made red, blue, yellow, green, orange, & purple.)
Isabel's Cousins
Doing Chores in the Barn

Christmas Day

We left at lunch time to head on our 5.5 hour journey across WI.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Merry Christmas!

We opened presents to each other tonight and we all received some very nice presents. After presents we had our tradition for the past few years of take-n-bake pizza on Christmas Eve. Then Isabel watched a new movie she got and mommy & daddy relaxed until we went to church. After church we came back and made chocolate chip cookies for Santa(& us!) and I read her a bunch of Santa stories before bed.

Tomorrow we are heading out to grams & gramps house. The original plan was to go there on Friday, but tomorrow is the only clear, dry day for travel. So, our plans had to change. I had this big Christmas dinner planned for us, but I guess it can wait until New Year's Eve or something.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Today's Playdate

Today we had our friends Cheri & Cole over for a playdate. The kids mostly played nicely by themselves, which gave ample times for the mommies to talk. They kids had a fun time playing this morning, then we had lunch, and then read the book "Danny's Christmas Star" by Edith Kunhardt and made our own start ornaments and then played some more. DCS is out of print, so you can only find used copies out there. But the story is about a family of mommy, daddy, & son Danny (all alligators) who are decorating the Christmas tree. Danny breaks the Christmas star and it's too late to go buy one so him mommy suggests he make a new one out of cardboard & silver paper & a metal hanger. So, we did just that, except I let Isabel add a few beads to her metal hanger. And when we went to hang it on the tree, she wanted to be picked up like Danny & hang it on the top of of the tree like he did. It was fun to be able to read about something & then go do it with her.
This afternoon both Isabel & daddy have dentist appts, just check-ups/cleanings.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Her New Robe

Saturday, December 20, 2008
M Family Christmas

Thursday, December 18, 2008
O Christmas Tree!

Last night I asked Isabel what daddy got me for Christmas. She helped him wrap presents while I was at the gym. Anyways she told me "Sticks." And I asked is there was anything else and she said a green thing and a purple thing. I told this to daddy and she said everything she said was right. I have NO clue what they are. Oh well, guess I will find out in less than week.
Tonight (if the weather holds out) we are going to a Holiday party for our town's ECFE. It's hard to believe that we might get hammered with 6+ inches of snow this evening when it is 20 degrees and sunny out.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Gingerbread House

Here is another blog you can check out, for Makenzie Marie. She is the daughter of a friend from high school.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Potty Training Update
Well, things have been going well on the potty training front. We usually have one accident every day or every other day, and that accident is usually poopy. She's still not fond of pooping on the toilet, which I hear is pretty common. She has really figured out how to hold in her pee and usually has to go every 3-4 hours, but if we are out running errands or something she has held it has long as 6-8 hours. She is not fond of public toilets, but will use them if she has to. She usually stays dry for naps, unless it becomes a 3-hour nap, then there might be an accident. She has also gotten good about telling us she has to go, there are still some false alarms, but we go in the bathrooom every time. She still wears a diaper to bed at night but occasionally she will wake up with a dry diaper or with a small amount in it.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Happy St. Lucia Day

Thursday, December 11, 2008
Last Friday Night
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Being Creative

The idea for the puppets came from this website, which grams had sent me last winter and we finally made it. We also made some as gifts.

You can't tell from this picture, but she is in her jammies (4th pair). We started out with the pair she went to bed in and since she isn't feelingwell I told her she could wear jammies all day, which she is loving. And after 1 puke, 1 accident, and 1 food spill she is on her 4th pair of the day.
Her being in her jammies all day and eating a lot of cereal for a meal other than breakfast is so much her father (if allowed.)

Monday, December 08, 2008
Reindeer/Santa Hat

Other than that we went to the gym this morning and I had to deal with her and her newfound separation anxiety. It seems to coincide with Thanksgiving & getting sick & progress towards potty training. After I leave and she is crying she gets over it after a minute or two, it's just that I haven't had her be like this for a year. I talked to another mom at the gym about it and she said her kids get like that after they have been sick and the oldest sure did when she was potty training. She didn't go in the nursery when we went to church this weekend because she didn't want to leave us. Instead she cuddled with daddy in his lap & stayed with us through the service.
We also braved it out there at the beginning of this storm to go buy some pizza at Pizza Ranch. One of the ECFE's was having a fundraiser there today to raise money to buy some new sensory equipment & outdoor play equipment. Oh, and we did bop over to the outlet mall right when they opened to finish up our Xmas shopping. So, other than a few things I have to wait to get in the mail and have to make.....I am all done. Woohoo!
Sunday, December 07, 2008
Anti-American Girl
I knew these dolls are trendy and I really hope the trend goes away before Isabel even knows about them so that I can avoid that conversation of telling her that we can't afford one. I was talking to another mom who was thinking about going to the new store at the MOA and checking them out and while we talked I looked them up online. NINETY DOLLARS!!!! For a (one) doll?!?!?!? That's nuts! And at least another $20 per outfit. And $10-$20 to get their hair done at the store's doll salon? Ummmm...NO! A bedroom set with quilt/pillow for the doll is going to run almost $200. Are they serious? Really? Who is buying all this stuff?
I know there will be other trendy expensive things I will have to say no to, but I am not starting with this. We don't read the books or watch any of the videos so she has no idea it exists and would probably not know the difference between an American Girl doll and some other doll.
I know there will be other trendy expensive things I will have to say no to, but I am not starting with this. We don't read the books or watch any of the videos so she has no idea it exists and would probably not know the difference between an American Girl doll and some other doll.

So, Isabel is in a size 4 top and size 3 bottoms (fit perfectly) right now. This summer as started to buy some sz. 4 tops I had to read up on what the difference on 4T (toddler sizes) and 4 (kid sizes were). Well, basically what I found out is that the kids sizes were a little bigger all around (length, waist, neck) than the corresponding toddler sizes (which for some manufacturers will go up to a 4T or even 5T).
But what about beyond that?
I bought Isabel some size 4 winter tops and the end of last winter on clearance after I figured out what she would probably be by how her growth was tracking (it's easy to do if they are consistent and you use one of those growth charts a doctor uses). The tops are a little big, but not too much. Either the wash will shrink them a little or they will fit her through the whole winter.
Well, I am not sure I really have too many of my questions answered after an hour of searching the internet. I may have created more questions, but used the charts from wikipedia and consolidated them to the chart I will need (see above) to be (she will be tall, so there is no need for any petite measurements and of course didn't use the boys' measuements) and you have to remember that each manufacturer cuts things differently and uses different measurements and each cild grows differently, because according to this she should be in size 3 for both top & bottom. So, use the chart as VERY LOOSE guidelines.
As far as overlap, I guess that if you were to start junior sizes at size 0, which they often do, you would have overlap of girls sizes and junior sizes until junior size 5 (so, for sizes 0, 1 & 3), which make me wonder if they correspond with a girls' size 10, 12 & 14.
If you are shopping for shoe sizes, I found this shoe size chart to be handy once they get to a size 4 through a kids' size 8.5. Shoe sizes seem to be easier to understand and I don't have to worry about figuring out if there is any overlap in kids' sizes & adult sizes for quite a while.
Now to get out the Dr. measurement chart and see what she will be at 3 & 3 1/2.
But what's next? It seems like not all manufacturers make a 5T, so will she be in kids' sizes after 4T? And what the deal between 6 & 6X? How far to do kids sizes run until they are in junior sizes? Is their overlap between the larger kids's sizes and smaller junior sizes?
I have been looking for a comprehensive chart that tells me the sizes & measurements on on one screen, but every image I open up is different. Bah.
Saturday, December 06, 2008
St. Nick's Day ctd.

We have her tree upstairs in the hallway, which she now refers to as Isabel's living room. I suppose we have the big xmas tree in the fancy living room in our house, and that must be where a tree goes, in a living room.
Something else kinda funny......she thinks that every sink must have a garbage disposal. If she has a piece of food that she thinks is "gross" (like is a grape gets smooshed) she will throw it in the nearest sink, which is sometimes the bathroom sink.
She also thinks you are supposed pick up bugs with a piece of toilet paper. Whenever she sees one of those asian beetles on her window sill, she runs to get a piece (just one piece per bug) of toilet paper to pick up the bug & throw them away. The other day there was a couple of living house flies that she wanted gone (bugs on her window bother her). Luckily it is cold and they are slow so that I could actually catch them with the single piece of toilet paper.
Yesterday as we were driving around she kept pointing out castles (any big tall old buildings like churches) and I asked her if our house was a castle and she said, "No mommy, our house is a home."
Isabel likes to tell secrets, but it's always the same secret she tells me "Mommy, I love daddy." To which I respond, "I love daddy too." And then we yell, "Daddy!" Daddy loves that secret game we play.
She has also been getting into telling "jokes". She frequently asks me where daddy is throughout the daddy and she knows he is at work, but instead we take turns making up fun things that daddy might be doing instead of work, like golfing, ice skating, sledding, playing basketball, shopping, swimming, etc. Then we laugh because we knows daddy isn't doing any of those things because he is at work. We know he would probably much rather be doing all of those things.
Another game she started playing is "I'm going to eat your _____" It started with me and I would steal her nose and then eat it. So, now she likes to steal my face, nose, mouth, eyes, hair, etc. and eat them and we go back & forth like that.
She also thinks it's fun to play "Chase me and catch me to get me dressed."
On a different note -- today was the first day that she has gone the ENTIRE day with no accidents, no changes of clothes were necessary today.
St. Nick's Day

Last night we visited Santa at an ECFE Holiday Open House. This time she wouldn't sit on Santa's lap even though he gave the kids a gift of a book. Hers was Rudolph. She also got to make (another) foot/hand reindeer as well as decorate/frost/eat a suagr cookie.
We also went out for a monthly happy hour with some of mommy's friends (from when she worked) and she got some presents from them as well, a Color Wonder set and a Christmas stamp, pad & paper set. Such a lucky little girl.
Painting a Christmas Present
Friday, December 05, 2008
Fun Things to Come
I love Christmas time with all the traditions and festivities. But sometimes it just seems that there is a lull. You get the tree & house decorated and then you wait. But why wait when you can do so many fun things through the month. I am not talking about visits to Santa or shopping (which I avoid as much as possible during December, my xms shopping is done already and anything I have left is usually done online). There will be days that we bake cookies or make candies and some present wrapping, but I am talking about a little education & fun wrapped up in a few more events spread throughout the month, actually they are spread pretty evenily.
St. Nick's Day is the first, which is tomorrow, December 6th. Tonight St. Nick will visit the homes of boys and girls around the world (or maybe in areas where there is a strong German influence) and leave goodies for the kids (some in their boots, others in stockings.) In our house here, St. Nick (also known as Santa Claus) comes and retrieves the letter Isabel wrote for him (we have to do that yet) and if she is good he will leave her goodies and a note (to keep being good - or start beinggood if she wasn't). St. Nick is also leaving the whole family a new xmas cd to enjoy through the holiday season. Tomorrow morning she will wake up and check out her stocking and see her goodies and I plan to make some St. Nick cookies with her tomorrow afternoon.
A week later on December 13th and we can celebrate St. Lucia's Day. St. Lucia's Day tends to be of Swedish origin (which we aren't), but we can still have fun with it. It's another day to make something fun. We will be making a St. Lucia crown and later on we will make some St. Lucia buns.
And to do one more thing that is kinda fun before Christmas, we will celebrate the Winter Soltice (December 21st), which is a Pagan holiday. To celebrate it we will eat by candlelight in the diningroom and end our meal with a Yule Log Cake, which Isabel will help me make (I plan to haver her help me make the buns & cookies above too!)
And then it is Christmas & New Year' the driving to see families the weekends before & after Xmas. We spend Christmas together as our own family.
We've done St. Nicks's before, but St. Lucia & Winter Soltice will be new to us. I plan to use all of them as teaching oppotunities, but also a times to do things together and have fun. All three holidays have a variety of different ways that people celebrate them. In some families they also give gifts on St. Lucia & Winter Soltice, but we are just doing it on St. Nick's day and Christmas. And the goodies on St. Nick's day are minimal. Search back to our St. Nick's day last year to read about it. Or wait until tomorrow when I post (a picture hopefully) of Isabel looking in her stocking.
St. Nick's Day is the first, which is tomorrow, December 6th. Tonight St. Nick will visit the homes of boys and girls around the world (or maybe in areas where there is a strong German influence) and leave goodies for the kids (some in their boots, others in stockings.) In our house here, St. Nick (also known as Santa Claus) comes and retrieves the letter Isabel wrote for him (we have to do that yet) and if she is good he will leave her goodies and a note (to keep being good - or start beinggood if she wasn't). St. Nick is also leaving the whole family a new xmas cd to enjoy through the holiday season. Tomorrow morning she will wake up and check out her stocking and see her goodies and I plan to make some St. Nick cookies with her tomorrow afternoon.
A week later on December 13th and we can celebrate St. Lucia's Day. St. Lucia's Day tends to be of Swedish origin (which we aren't), but we can still have fun with it. It's another day to make something fun. We will be making a St. Lucia crown and later on we will make some St. Lucia buns.
And to do one more thing that is kinda fun before Christmas, we will celebrate the Winter Soltice (December 21st), which is a Pagan holiday. To celebrate it we will eat by candlelight in the diningroom and end our meal with a Yule Log Cake, which Isabel will help me make (I plan to haver her help me make the buns & cookies above too!)
And then it is Christmas & New Year' the driving to see families the weekends before & after Xmas. We spend Christmas together as our own family.
We've done St. Nicks's before, but St. Lucia & Winter Soltice will be new to us. I plan to use all of them as teaching oppotunities, but also a times to do things together and have fun. All three holidays have a variety of different ways that people celebrate them. In some families they also give gifts on St. Lucia & Winter Soltice, but we are just doing it on St. Nick's day and Christmas. And the goodies on St. Nick's day are minimal. Search back to our St. Nick's day last year to read about it. Or wait until tomorrow when I post (a picture hopefully) of Isabel looking in her stocking.
Thursday, December 04, 2008
Grocery Store Tour

Wednesday, December 03, 2008
Project from Clas Last Night
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