We had a couple of options of Easter Egg Hunts to go to. We decided to go to the one an area ECFE was having that was INDOORS. Indoors was the clincher. They had games to play, coloring sheets, a craft (which we never got around to), meeting the Easter Bunny, and hunting for eggs.
They had 3 huge piles of shredded paper that eggs were hidden in. Isabel loved playing in there. First se found her eggs & then turned temin for her goodie bag, but later we went back just so she could throw the paper and make huge piles to jump in.
She also met the Easter Bunny. She is timid around the Easter Bunny, but not completly scared like she is of Santa. She had to quick color a picture (before we left home) that she wanted to give to the Easter Bunny, which she did. She gave the bunny her picture, shook her hand, and stood by her for some pictures (but couldn't get a smile out of her.)
Poor girl has a big scab on her sore nose as a result of her headcold the last week.
She actually just fell asleep while I was typing this up & I had to take a short break to carry her up to her room. My little girl is so tired that she actually stayed asleep. Normally she doesn't transfer well and normally she won't fall asleep unless she is in her bed. She's still recovering from that head cold.
After the Easter Egg Hunt we went out for brunch, which was nice. Tomorrow, we are supposed to go by grandma & grandpa for brunch at their house, but we are supposed to get 6+ (up to a foot depending upon how north the storm tracks) inches of snow through tonight into tomorrow morning. They said on the weather last night that tomorrow morning is supposed to be the worst, guess we'll see.
We'll be spending Easter in WI with mommy's family.