Monday, April 26, 2010
Weekly Theme: Turtles

Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Anhorn's Gas & Tire Tour

Flower Prints

Saturday, April 17, 2010
The Works Hands-On Museum

It is definitely worth $5 a person if we would have gone without a coupon (although, you know me & coupons.) It was so fun for all of us. Daddy & I played as much as Isabel did. Henry just slept (kids under 3 are free too!)
As you can see there was a variety of activities and we didn't even get to spend a lot of time at them all. We only left after 2 hours because they were closing. Next time I think I might allow three hours for us. We seem to be spending that much time at museums these days with her and even after three hours we are still dragging her out reluctantly.
She was very excited when we told her we were going to a museum today. She has learned that most of the museums we take her too are a lot of fun.

Tae Kwon Do Class

Tuesday, April 13, 2010
We had So Much Fun in the Dells!

So, we were there three days and I almost think we could use just one more day there. I know we could have stayed latere or gotten there earlier on the first day, but with young ones (& for us too) it was important to have a room to go back to rest. So, this time we did all 4 waterparks at least once (actually, did two of them twice) but we never did the dry playpark. I was also thinking it would have been fun to do the pottery painting thing with Isabel and next year she will be old enough to do the Wild Kids Club events (well, close enough.) But it is nice to have the time we did have there and an extra day might have just gotten really exhausting too.
Monday, April 12, 2010
WI Dells: Wilderness Territory, Glacier Canyon Lodge
WI Dells: Wilderness Lodge Waterparks

We have had a great time and it's amazing what a different child she is this year compared to last year. She has no desire to go on anything bigger than is appropriate for her age. She had so much fun and hopefully next year we can plan a little more in advance so that we can plan to have friends with us so she has someone besides mom or dad to play with.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
First Sleepover & TKD Class

Later this month we will start some squash and cucumbers indoors when we have our Earth Day playgroup (which is actually a week later due to scheduling conflicts). But we like to give some seeds to our friends so that they can start a garden and have them plant them that day. We will also probably buy some flowers in cells that her friends can plant directly into pots to put on their porch.

I had to admit that I have knots in my stomach and I am not sure how well I will sleep tonight. Not sure this was the best plan since we are leaving in the morning for a couple nights in WI Dells, we will pick her up on our way out. I feel like how I felt the first week she was at daycare when she was an infant and her first preschool day camp. I was a nervous wreck, but she did just fine. When did she become such a big girl?
I don't have picture of it, but she had her first Tae Kwon Do class this week. We are trying this out because there is no dance in the spring due to the instructor having surgery & needing healing time. So, she had her first class and she loved it. She did really well and has good form and enjoyed that they got to kick & break a board at their first class. This is only 6 sessions and I don't know if community ed. offers it in the summer or not. We'll see how much she continues to like it and if she has to choose between her activities in the fall.
Friday, April 09, 2010
This Week with Isabel

We went to the Nature Center this week after storytime. We spent 2 hours here. We were looking for snakes, but it was a bit chilly so I think they were underground. But we did see lots of turtles in the turtle pond and heard frogs singing and heard lots of wood peckers.

Sunday, April 04, 2010
Happy Easter!!!

We started out the morning with an Easter Egg Hunt, then had breakfast, went to church, then grandma & grandpa M came over and we had lunch, played outside (flying a kite, riding a bike, blowing bubbles) then had dessert, naps, then ham & bean soup made from Easter dinner leftovers.
Happy Easter Everyone!
Egg Crafts (Weekly Theme: Eggs)

We also did another craft with egg shells, but it isn't finished yet and it is going to be a birthday gift for daddy (Isabel's idea). We also spread crushed egg shells in the garden and talked about the benefit of putting egg shells in our garden to help the vegetables grow and how egg shells contain calcium.
Ballet Dance Recital
So, a little over a week ago she has her first dance recital. They did three dances: ballet, tap & jazz. I have a video of each, but uploading & processing just this one took 45 minutes. So, you can see the ballet one. The tap one she had to go potty during it and adds a whole bunch of extra taps & then about 3/4 the way through I pull her out to take her to the bathroom (she didn't care & wasn't embarrassed at all) and the jazz one she was in the far corner away from me, so it's not as easy to see her anyways.
So, enjoy watching her ballet video. It's about 2 minutes long.
So, enjoy watching her ballet video. It's about 2 minutes long.
Three Easter Egg Hunts

And here is a video of her doing part of her Easter Egg Hunt at home today, that the Easter Bunny hid.
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