Saturday, November 05, 2005

That Drug.....

Knocked me on my ass!

I took it at 5pm, and by 7pm I was completly passed up twice in 2 hours, once to go to the bathroom and another to go to the bathroom and to haul myself upstairs and out myself to bed.

I got a lot of sleep, felt very relaxed, and the nausea went away. I'm so happy the nausea went away yesterday. I only took a half a pill......I wonder if I take a 1/4 of a pill is I won't get so knocked out.....I'm concerned that I will fall asleep at work if I take a half a pill......

1 comment:

Tru said...

I wonder if you got so zonked because you needed the rest? Glad to see the nausea went away though. Guess you have to weigh the effects; nausea vs dopey. I guess for me dopey works, just try to take naps if possible. I get the same with allergy meds, and sleepiness sure beats the pain and stuffiness of a sinus infection.