Where is my buried treasure?
Her other favorite thing (not pictured) is feeding at the breast. She may poop a lot, but she is not fond of it and hates farting. She hates hiccups, but gets them daily. She used to hate yawning, but I think she is getting used to that feeling. Sometimes, she isn't fond if sleeping either. She's usually fighting herself to stay up for that first nighttime sleep, after that first nighttime one she generally is easy to get bak to sleep at night, after you feed her or course.
She likes swinging her arms & legs around, but doesn't have very good control yet and hates it when she hits herself in the head. I have to laugh at her when she does that. She'll hit herself in the head & then cry and look at me like I am supposed to fix it, but I tell her it's her own fault and she has to stop hitting herself.
She likes to be swaddled, when she's tired. If she's not quite tired, she'll fight it and try to wiggle out. Daddy doesn't wrap as tight and she can normally wiggle an arm or two out.
She seems to like being tickled. It's a good way to get her to smile. Daddy is waiting for the time when she learns to laugh.
This is mom's new favorite picture of me. Aren't I just adorable? I look pretty happy here -- that's because she took off those stupid sunglasses. Man, I hated those. She says I'll grow to like sunglasses in the future.
Anyways, this is my 5 weeks picture (a day late). We were pretty busy yesterday. Me - eating, pooping & sleeping (you know -- the usual), mom & dad - doing stuff around the yard, garage & house. I slept pretty good and they didn't have the heart to make me stay awake longer for their silly pictures.
If you want a copies of pictures of me on this blog, just right-click on the picture and select "save picture as" or any of the other options shown. Who wouldn't want a picture of me? I'm so cute!
Here's a close-up. She's playing with her toy in the crib again. You gotta love those chubby cheeks. Daddy says she looks like a chipmunk with a bunch of nuts stored in her cheeks.
I'm hoping today she gives me some downtime.....I need to stitch together a makeshift swaddling blanket. She has these 2 really nice ones that grandma M. made for her, but they are a little warm now tht she has a good layer of fat on her. And she has been getting too hot. So, last night I tore apart a pillow case we don't use and tried that. The heaviness (or lightness was perfect), but it needs to be bigger. so I need to tear apart another one and stictch them together. We tried looking for a lightweight blanket in Target, but there is not such thing.
Just look at those chubby cheeks. You can tell she is a good eater. I took her to the Newborn Clinic (we were able to make it after all) and she weighs 10 pounds 6 ounces. It makes sense that many of her 0-3 month clothes are fitting perfect now. Next week they probably won't fit anymore. It's so funny - because at one week they were falling off of her and now she is going to outgrow them already. They grow so fast. I also meaured her length today (still the same 22.25) and head (now 15".)
So, I wanted to figure out just what percentile she was in for everything and I found this site that will calculate it. At birth she was in the 95th percentile for length, between 25th&50th percentile for weight, and 75th percentile for head circumfernce. Now at one month she is is between 50th&75th percentile for length & weight and 50th percentile for head circumference. So, it seems like she is right in the middle of everything at one month old.