Did You Fart or Was that Me?

I couldn't decide between pictures, so I am putting a bunch up. She's such a card sometimes. She is so much fun. We have a relatively laid back weekend planned. Today, we are just chillin' at home and then tomorrow early evening we are going to a friends house for an early dinner party (there are kids involved so early dinner is preferable for all.)
I Love Daddy!
Daddy was making her laugh here and she was looking up at him. She has become really chatty and she has long talks with her daddy. He seems to enjoy it. She has also been ejoying her Johnny Jump. She jumps a little and twirls it around. Just another little something to keep her busy and entertained for a while.
No, You Da Man!
Today's outfit are a couple of pieces mom purchased new. On top we have a Flapdoodles button down top, very comfy and cozy. On the bottom we have some Oshkosh B'Gosh pants which are nicely constructed. You cannot see but there is a bird and some flowers embroidered on the top left of the pants. The ruffles on the bottom are just darling. I went to the library today and picked up 7 more books to read over the next couple of weeks.
Westside Comin' Straight At Ya!
On Monday she is staying home with dad since daycare is closed and grandma M. is coming to help out. And that early evening we have our first ECFE class for infants. Both os us are going to it with her. Daddy is hoping to make it to quite a few, but one night he won't because he is signed up to take an Infant/Child CPR class. Mom would lie to as well, but it's scheduled from 6-10pm and that just wont workout for bedtime stuff.
I Like Sucking on My Hand

I took a whole bunch of shots and half them had her face hald covered by her arm or fist as she was trying to suck on it. She was beginning to get tired and when she is with mom she likes to nurse down (although she only nurses for 5 minutes then and she's out.) The last couple weeks she has started burrowing her head into your chest if she is hungry.....she knows where the food is, although it's not there on everyone. But she doesn't discriminate, she burrows on everyone, but burrows harder on mom because she knows that there is something there for sure.