Monday, December 31, 2007
New Year's Eve

Thanks for the Presents.....

Sunday, December 30, 2007
Christmas Pictures (Round 5)

Here she is at present opening time. She got her nice little cleaning trolley from grams & gramps, so now she can help clean things up. She also got an apron, some books, a savings bond, & a very cute outfit.
This is a train that Aunt Razz made out of Sugar Wafer cookies and marshmellows & lots of candies. I thought it was pretty neat and thought maybe we would try this net year instead of a gingerbread house.
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Cold Day at the Zoo

I think her favorite was the fish in the aquariums. She did enjoy the monkeys. We didn't see everything because some things were hibernating or not for show during the winter, plus we were getting cold & tired and couldn't make it around to everything. But we did see quite a bit and had an enjoyable time. It was neat to see her recognize the animals (from her books) and use their names.
19 Month Charts

She didn't gain any weight this month. It probably didn't help that she has been sick. Plus, she's a toddler now and doesn't want to sit to eat anymore. She just wants to go-go-go & play.
I entered in her number in the boys chart, just to see how differently the percentiles would be. If she were a boy, her height would be in the 84th percentile, rather than 95th percentile. And for weight she would only be in the 51st percentile, rather than the 73rd percentile.
Just last week she started making the sign for "more" all on her own. She'll use it if she wants more snack or wants you to read more (usually it's the same book again & again, some books she'll let you read it once & be done.) I had periodically done the more sign with her from the beginning of when I did signs with her, but she never caught on (or maybe never had a need for it.) Anyways, she does it now. And what's cute is that if you aren't giving her more (snacks or stories) and she really wants it, she make the sign with more intensity. It's cute, really. Other signs she used to do she doesn't do much anymore because she either doesn't have a use for them or now has words that replace them. She will still do the sign for tired though.
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Baby Loves a Massage

She seems to be feeling better today than yesterday, but she still has the snotty, runny nose going on and has the chunky cough.
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Christmas Pictures (Round 4)

Anyways, as for presents from Santa. He brought her this play "cabin". She loves it because she can go inside & it has Pooh on it. She has developed a fondness for Pooh bear recently. She doesn't care for the fact that she has to duck to get in there. I told her to get used to it because she's tall and she'll have to duck for everything when she grows up. Larry loves it too. He keeps going in there when she is not & going to sleep.

She had fun opening her stocking presents from Santa. I think her favorite stocking present was some punch balloons. She just loves balloons and these have a handle on them, which makes them frun & different. She also got some books & some matchbox cars (which her & daddy made a ramp for and where racing them down that), some chocolates, a train whistle, a christmas bear soap bar and a feather mask to play dress-up with. Santa also got the whole family the new Shrek video and we watched that together today. Here she is wearing her other set of Christmas jammies (they were a set.)
Monday, December 24, 2007
Christmas Pictures (Round 3)

Sunday after breakfast we drove up to grandma & grandpa's house. I am glad we left when we did because the weather got really nasty and the road were awful. We spent the night there and left this morning. Molly was a very good dog the entire time and was very good in the house. Here Isabel is playing with some blocks she got as a present. She does enjoy them. She was also playing with her cousin Travis with them.
Here are pictures from this evening when we opened our presents to each other. Isabel got lots of books, puzzles, & puppets from mama & papa, as well as some new slippers and a LF learning guitar, a bath toy and a new Little Leaps game.
Tomorrow, we'll take pictures as she opens presents from Santa left in her stocking. I am making a nice Christmas dinner just for the three of us. But Christmas won't be over yet, it will continue next weekend.
Christmas Pictures (Round 2)

Sunday, December 23, 2007
Christmas Pictures (Round 1)
These are pictures that grandpa took.
The whole family (minue the ones living in Spain). This is daddy's side of the family.
Nevemind my devil red eyes. Isabel was so tired, as she took an hour nap earlier this morning on our drive up, but didn't nap anymore than 5 minutes in the afternoon. She did go to bed early. We all received some very wonderful presents. I will post pictures later of her playing with her cousin Travis.
Here is daddy with 2 of his 3 brothers. They are goofy when they get together.
Friday, December 21, 2007
Last One for a Few Days

Anyways, I was telling her about baby Jesus & him being born on Christmas Day. She likes looking at the baby and touching the baby.
In a little bit we are going to go to the Y to go swimming to get her adequately tired. It was kinda a rough night. Well, not rough like it was when she was a baby. But she kept getting up & crying. She did have a good stretch where she slept for about 6 hours w/o getting up (or at least not waking us up.) She is still whiney today and clingy. She is watching Peep right now, so I have a few minutes to type & pack some stuff.
Thursday, December 20, 2007
19 Months Old

We opened a couple of presents tonight just because we wanted to have them for the trip. Plus there will be plenty of presents to open this weekend & on Christmas & next weekend. She opened her travel-size magna doodle. She loves it. Although she doesn't get why she can make marks on anything else with the "pen". That will come in handy as an extra car toy these next 2 weekends. She also opened her new baby doll, but that was only because the box got all wet from when I watered the tree and we wanted to make sure I didn't wreck anything. She doesn't have a name yet. When I ask Isabel what her name is, as she says is "Awwwwwwww." And we all opened our new pajamas. I thought it would be nice to wear our new pjs at the start of our xmas celebrations. So, we'll take them to MN with us. Mommy also got to open the present of a car food/beverage cooler/warmer. That will come in handy to store our sandwiches, etc. as we make our journey. I always pack stuff, but if you don't dirnk/eat it right away it starts to warm up and then it might not be as appetizing.
So, tomorrow we head back to MN to our home there. We'll get there early Friday evening and stay through Sunday morning. Then we are going to the Cities to grandma & grandpa's house. That afternoon we are taking cousin Travis to an indoor waterpark with us as part of his xmas present. We'll spend a couple hours there and then we'll head back to grandma & grandpa's to enjoy the xmas festivities there. We're spending the night there and then Monday (24th) morning, we'll head back to WI and do our own xmas thing -- just the three of us. Next weekend we travel north to grams & gramps to do the xmas thing with them.
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Ging Her Babies Love

You Tube
You Tube seems so much more public than on this blog, since so many people look at it all the time. I might just not put them on there if this proves to be a negative experience. I know daddy checks out You Tube videos and you can leave anonymous comments and be dumb shits about it. I don't want people being like that. So, I will give it a shot and if this turns sour it will be the last time I try it.
Monday, December 17, 2007
Pictures from Friday

Sunday, December 16, 2007
The Weekend....so far....
Yesterday we went to the post office to send out some Christmas packages and apply for Isabel's passport. We don't have any plans to leave the country (or any vacation plans at all), but winter has set in and I want to go somewhere in Feb/Mar and if the deals take us to Mexico, then we all need passports. And with it taking 4-6 weeks to get one, we needed to get this done right away. Of course she wouldn't smile for her picture, but she really never does when anyone else takes a picture.
Then we went to buy some rock salt for the porch/driveway and finally lunch @ McDonald's. We had not been to a McD's since we moved here. Having that playroom at YMCA keeps us from wanting to go there for a playplace. It was a big open one and Isabel was able to crawl through the whole thing by herself & slide by herself. Mommy went with her the first couple times, but then I thought we'd see if she could do it all on her own and she did. I was so proud of her. Someone there asked how old she was and when I told them they said she was a brave little girl in there.
We spent the rest of the day home, wondering when it was going to quit snowing and if we were going to go broke having to pay a plow guy this year. We had snacks and started watching "Polar Express" together (we'll finish it soon.)
Right now Isabel & daddy are still sleeping and mommy is just waiting for them to wake up so she can make Banana pancakes for breakfast.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Making Snowflakes

Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Gingerbread Houses

They had some time to play as well and played with her Little Leaps and also watched a little Peep. When they were watching Peep, Leah & Isabel were snuggled up next to each other. It was very adorable.
We went to the last storytime of the year this morning. She got a little homemade stuffed bear from the library. Apparently some woman makes them every year for the little ones. Storytime will start again at the end of January.

Monday, December 10, 2007
Sunday, December 09, 2007
Another Sunday

Saturday, December 08, 2007
81 Weeks
Friday, December 07, 2007
Setting the Table

She likes to help with laundry too. She will take verything out of the dryer & put it in the basket. While she does that I put the wet stuff in a basket so she can put that in the dryer. And when we put away laundry she helps put away her bibs & the kitchen towels.
When I do dishes she likes to help too. I have her put away storage containers since they are stored at her level. Other times she will hand me dishes to put away.
She likes to try help sweep & mop, ut sometimes that is just a hassle.
Midwest Twisters

Thursday, December 06, 2007
Christmas-y Day
Today we went to the Cookie Exchange for Newcomer's Club. We came home with 12 dozen batches of bookies/candies. My favorite so far is the Chocoalte Covered Peanut Butter Balls. I think Isabel & Daddy have the same favorite (so far) of the Pinwheels.
Tomorrow we plan to go to Midwest Twisters with another mom & her kids (maybe some others) for their open gym. Isabel is just learning to jump, so she will have so much fun I think. And then in the evening we are going to go to the Erock concert at Books & Co.
Elfin' Around
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow.

We went outside for a little bit today. Not too long, otherwise I would have put snow pants on. And I couldn't find her sled that we brought along (just found it though), so I knew we weren't going to stay out too long. Just long enough to do a little exploring.

We were homebound today. I had 12 dozen cookies to make. Well, 12 dozen for the cookie exhange tomorrow and then a couple more dozen. I still probably have another couple dozen in dough left. I just got tired of making the same cookies after 3 hours that I finished when I had enough. I made Chocolate Crinkles. I also did a lot of laundry & cleaning today as well. I still have more of each to do.
Monday, December 03, 2007
New Things

You can see the orange marker all over her hands. I left it out accidently and now there is orange marker all over the step stool too. Luckily it is washable.
Tonight I was watching her play with this wooden Melissa & Doug containers I got her. They have tops that are magnetic. I gave them to her quite a while ago, while we still lived in Medford. She had her own way of playing with them then, but now she is matching them up based on color. There are 5 different containers that have labels on the front & have cap the color used in the label. The colors are yellow, blue, orange, pink & purple. The first 2 & the last 2 have matching top sizes (so there are 3 different sizes). So it's not like she is matching size; she has to be matching color. This is really the first evidence I have really had that she can see color.
The other thing I observed her doing was accurately matching the animals halves in her Leapfrog Fridge Farm Magnetic Animal Set. That was really neat to see her doing that. I can't even tell you how many words she can say now. She says new words everyday. It's truly amazing to watch her learn.
Sunday, December 02, 2007
Isabel Meets Santa

Saturday, December 01, 2007
First Saturday of December

We got her an Advent Calendar (although, is it really an advent calendar with Santa on the front.) She wasn't sure about the chocolate at first. I don't think she knew what it was, but after daddy took a bite she was all over that. We'll see how many days before she catches on and is asking for it other than after dinner.
Friday, November 30, 2007
Letter to Santa

She will leave out her list on December 5th and St.Nick (aka Santa) will come to retrieve her list & check to make sure she is being good and then will leave her a few little treats if she is being good.
Some Pictures (Finally!)

This was a picture from Monday actually. I just never got around to posting it. She brought daddy a couple pairs of his shoes to wear and since he can only wear one at a time he told her to wear a pair.
I do stand corrected when I say she isn't kicking the ball yet. Today when we were playing I asked her to kick the ball and she did it perfectly. She was so very proud of herself.
We went swimming today before supper. She just loves swimming so much. The past couple weeks she dunks her own head under water, well, she dunks under to her forehead, so almost all the way. She does this all on her own and thinks it's fun. It's good that she likes it because we won't struggle with her having to swim under water or jump into the water once she starts lessons again.
I am waiting to start lessons again until there is some skill being taught. Classes at this point are just to get them comfortable with the water, and she is certainly that. And since we go often there is no need to pay for lessons at this point. From what I can tell it will be good to start her next summer/fall.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
She is starting to say lots of words now. She loves to say ball and a few others she has recently been saying are bubbles, baba (banana), bear, bub-bye, girl, poopy butt (I taught her to say that today when I was changing her poopy diaper) and many others. She just started saying all sorts of words this week.
Our week review so far:
Monday -- we went to the Y in the morning & playgroup in the afternoon
Tuesday -- we went to the Y in the morning & delivered food to a new mommy from our playgroup & Isabel got to play with her first born who is just a couple months younger than Isabel
Wednesday -- We went to Betty Brinn's with playgroup in the morning
Thursday -- Relax at home day
Friday -- Play group in the morning, maybe swimming at the Y in the afternoon
I registered her for a class at the Y starting in January. It is called Giggle & Wiggle. Here is the class description:
"In this semi-structured class, parents and children will enjoy play equipment, balls, parachutes and creative enrichment activities in an atmosphere that encourages play, play and more play!"
I have not decided which classes I plan to take yet for the next session. I am still talking with some other moms to figure out classes to take together. I am thinking spinning for sure & make yogalaties (yoga & pilates together) rather than just yoga, and maybe group power (it's a weight lifting class.)
Isabel & I have done a computer learning program together a few times. It is called Starfall. It's different steps to learning to read. We are in step one - ABC's. It has worksheets as well, but we just print them off to color and it is good to repeat the images that start with that letter. She likes it. She is very interested in the computer and has started to really get the hang of the mouse on the desktop. We bought her a toy laptop on black Friday to distract her from ours periodically.
She likes sleeping with a pillow now. We still have her in her crib and are not quite sure when we'll convert the crib into a toddler bed. We did bring the attachments back with us.
We have not begun potty training yet. We are in the pre-training stages yet. The potty chair is out in the bathroom, She practices sitting on it and sitting dolly on it. She practices flushing the big toilet (& cleaning it too!) We read books about using the potty. And when mommy is on the toilet she comes & gives me a dolly & a book to read, which is something the characters in her books do when they are learning to use the potty. She's just now starting to get interested in removing her own clothes when it is bath time, so once she actually gets the hang of removing her pants I think she'll be ready to start trying.
She loves sitting in her booster seat at the table and eating with a plate, cup, & utensils. She hasn't even thought twice about her highchair, which sits directly behind her.
We practicing climbing stairs like a big girl (no climbing up the stairs). She can do it at the Y on the water slide because there is a railing at her height, but at home there isn't, so that needs more practice.
We're still reading A LOT. In fact I just went to buy more books because after you read the same books 100 times (seriously, I probably have read each books that many times) you get bored.
One of these next 2 weekends we'll take her to visit Santa. We're not sure how she will react. Last year she was only 6-7 months old the 3 times she met Santa and she didn't care. This year I think she may get upset that a stranger is holding her. We've been reading her xmas books with pictures of Santa in it, so hopefully that will ease any anxiety, but maybe it won't.
She is down to one nap in the afternoon now, usually fom 1-3pm.
We've been practicing kicking, but she doesn't quite get it yet. She thinks it's fun when I help her do it, but can't quite do it on her own yet.
If you want to see a picture of us, look in the back right of this picture from the Erock Concert. We're planning on going to another Erock concert on Friday, December 7th.
Anything anyone wondering about regarding things she is doing/ not doing?
Sunday, November 25, 2007
End of Thanksgiving Weekend
We just started her in the booster seat. She still fits fine in the high chair, but we needed to change things up because she was very insistant that I sing to her out of this nursery rhyme book every time she eats and didn't have the patience to let mom eat first. The book sits on the shelf under her highchair seat. So, we thought if we tried her booster seat she might not ask for the book. She tried, but I told her it wasn't by us. We have music playing the background, hoping that would help too. And now that she is at the table she gets to eat with a plate. She's been eating with a fork for quite a while. She has been drinking with a cup now & again, but I have never given her a full cup for the entire meal. Normally I would just put little bits in. She did great with it.
Just another picture from today. It is a very poofy skirt. We went to check out a church today and then went for a quick lunch afterward. Daddy is not too sure about whether or not he likes it. I liked it and Isabel seemed to do fine in the Nursery.
You can check out a couple of the blogs some of our friends in M&T have:
As we look ahead to next week, things get back to normal. Mommy is meeting another mommy to go to Spinning Class while the kids go to Kidcare (hopefully she does better, as she has to go Tuesday when mommy has yoga class). Tomorrow afternoon we are going to M&T playgroup. I already mentioned our highlights for Tuesday. Wednesday we are going to Betty Brinn's with M&T playgroup. Thursday we have a playdate with Leah & Ryan. Friday we have M&T playgroup in the morning. Saturday afternoon is the Christmas parade in town. So, back to business as usual.
Saturday, November 24, 2007
79 Weeks