You can see the orange marker all over her hands. I left it out accidently and now there is orange marker all over the step stool too. Luckily it is washable.
Tonight I was watching her play with this wooden Melissa & Doug containers I got her. They have tops that are magnetic. I gave them to her quite a while ago, while we still lived in Medford. She had her own way of playing with them then, but now she is matching them up based on color. There are 5 different containers that have labels on the front & have cap the color used in the label. The colors are yellow, blue, orange, pink & purple. The first 2 & the last 2 have matching top sizes (so there are 3 different sizes). So it's not like she is matching size; she has to be matching color. This is really the first evidence I have really had that she can see color.
The other thing I observed her doing was accurately matching the animals halves in her Leapfrog Fridge Farm Magnetic Animal Set. That was really neat to see her doing that. I can't even tell you how many words she can say now. She says new words everyday. It's truly amazing to watch her learn.
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