Sunday, May 20, 2007

Happy Birthday to Isabel!

1st Picture:
Here she is with her birthday cake (version 2). The first version looked the exact same and we used it for pictures yesterday and let her get all sorts of messy. This version she just went for the candle (and ate part of the wax) and we sliced the cake. I also made a bunch of mini cupcakes and put them in the shape of a "1" on a nice serving platter.

For her birthday party, the guests that attended were mommy & dady, Grams, Grandma & Grandpa, Auntie Razz & Uncle Shane, cousin Travis, Uncle Tony, and friends Noah & Kallen with their mommy April.

One the menu was favorites of Isabel's: hotdogs & sausages, fruit salad, chips, pasta salad w/ cheese, ham & peas, cake, & assorted beverages.

2nd Picture:
Here she is modeling some nice shiny & silky scarves that grandma made for her. They also gave her a Little People set, & a Little Tikes Cube Climber w/ Slide & picnic table that grandma picked up on her garage saling fun. Anyways, she loves the slide. She loves sliding & swinging. And later I had her sit at the picnic table. She got a kick out of that. She just gets all giddy when she sits at furniture that is her size.

3rd Picture:

Here she is opening up her Little People set. She is wearing the bow headband that she got from Kallen & Noah. It matches the shirt and socks they got her as well. Very cute. She also got this neat little sorting toy & books from Uncle Tony & Aunt Carol and some nursery rhyme cd's & books from Uncle Chris, Aunt Lisa, & cousin Travis.

4th Picture:

Another picture of her eating her birthday candle.

After everyone left she took a 3 hour nap (she already took a 1 hour nap in the morning) and when she woke up (or at least when mommy woke her up) she pushed a tooth through. Finally that corresponding bottom tooth (2nd left bottom) came through and she has 8 teeth. She was drooling all day yesterday and today. Her teething has been relatively easy for us (she has to make something easy). When she pushes a tooth through (each of the 8 times so far) she takes a nice long nap and when she wakes up there is a tooth there.

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