Well, what new things can I tell you about Isabel. Or at least things you haven't heard before.....
She has taken to making her Leapfrog Fridge Farm play songs and then she dances around in a circle. She will sometimes take it off the fridge and keep making it play songs as she walks around the house with it, as if it were her little radio or something.
She noticed this afternoon that her pillow has letters/blocks on it (as does her fitted sheet) and she was pointing at all the letters on it and telling me the sounds they make. She did A, T, L, P, Q, B & C accurately. Actually, those were the only ones she showed me and she did them all correctly. I asked her about Z and she wanted to show me a different one, but I know she knows it.
She does screw up what a pig is. She always says it is a cow and we always correct her. This evening we were playing with her see-n-saw & it asked which animal makes the sound "oink, oink" and she pointed to the pig and said "cow" of course. Other farm animals she gets correctly, just not a pig. I don't know what it is about that darn pig.
This afternoon I was feeding her lunch and noticed she was trying to eat her chicken nuggets with the wrong side of the fork, so I took a little video. She actually can eat rather well with a fork and a spoon, even though it doesn't look like it in the video.
Pooh might not have seen his shadow, but Phil did. Damn that cursed groundhog. I am sick of winter. I took the above pic with my phone so I could send them to daddy who is out of town for work this weekend. He's not that far away though, he's in the good state of Minnesota.
This evening I thought I woukd try doing the signs for please & thank you again for her and she did them in her own toddler way. You can see that video here.
We did get out of the house a little bit today and went to the library to pick up some books (btw- their video selection sucks!) and one of the books we got was Everyone Poops. She made me read it to her at least a half dozen times already. A friend is going to lend us The Gas We Pass. She will prbably make read that to her a lot as well. What are we teaching ?!?!?
Tomorrow we are going to a Super Bowl party at the house of the same family we had Thanksgiving with. It should be fun. There will be other kids there, including hers, which I think are Isabel's little boyfriends.
My kids are obsessed with playing with their hats and mittens, too - and it's not even cold enough for a coat outside.
My son was given The Gas We Pass. He now has taken to telling me about how the food he eats will go down through his tummy and out of his bottom. Such pleasant dinner table conversation...
Anyway, just wanted to stop by and say thank you for the nice comment about the barn I made. Take care.
Have fun at the Super Bowl party! Sounds like fun!
Sofia also adores her leapfrog fridge farm!
That everyone poops was HILARIOUS.
I saw that like 12 years ago at my friend's house. I about fell on the floor laughing.
I'm going to have to go find the gas we pass. LOL
Oh I'm going to have fun with this one.
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