Friday, May 30, 2008
No News Is NOT Good News
So, that's it. I will empatically proclaim if we get an offer and close on our house. So, no one has to worry that they won't know. But until then I guess we have to learn to live without even more of our stuff while we try out the hobo lifestyle. Honestly, this is all really hard and very stressful and I just wish it would end and we could just live in one place.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Things I Found Interesting in Parents Mag June Issue
- Tattoo You Child in Case they get lost. (They are temporary!)
- The Potty Caddy -- Very cute, kinda funny. Check out the names of some of the "mags" they get.
- The New Car Seat Rule that recommends being rear-facing until 36 inches and 30-35 pounds. What?!?!?! When we turned Isabel around at a year she was already spreading her legs bow-legged to sit rear-facing. At about 3 feet, but under 30 pounds, where would she be putting those legs of hers?
- Computer games for autistic children, check out and (they recommend Bejewled 2 or Chuzzle on here.)
- 50 Free Prints at PictureWagon (code: PAERNT50), but just as nice is that 4x6 prints are normally 5 cents print. I have used in the past, but their prints are 8 cents a piece now. Although, you only save money with picture wagon if you buying at least 20 pictures because of shipping costs. If you order under 20 prints you could end up paying more because of shipping. Although, it might be as cost effective to order from Wal-greens or Wal-Mart and just pick it up at the store when you go. I haven't done digital print comparisons in a while, so you might need to do some research.
- Change your AA battery into a C or D battery. This I thought was a great idea. And they are rechargeable too. Look at the Power Pack or Travel Pack. Apprently you can buy this at Costco, although I don't have a membership there.
Not sure if any of this is of interest to anyone, but it peaked my interest. Kinda wish I had one of those blogs where I got money everytime someone clicked on a link from here, but I don't.
Monday, May 26, 2008
Playing with a Ball
She was having fun trying to figure out all sorts of games she could play with this ball. One of her favorites was throwing it under the car so she could use the broom to fetch it out. For lunch, Isabel & Mommy went to the local organic beef & bison farm. They were having a baby bison showing, but we got there too late as the bison moved to the farm end of the field. She did get to see a rooster (which she would yell "cock-a-doodle-doo" at) and a bunch of cows (which she would yell "moooo!" at). It was very cute. The local FFA was there selling Bison burgers, so Isabel & I shared a burger & chips & a cookie. Last night we had our friend Elizabeth over (without her family - they are all taking a couple day vacation from each other or something). She mainly came over to hang out & talk with mommy & daddy while we drank wine & ate cheese, crackers & chocolates. Sounds like a nice way to spend an evening. Isabel did get a story out of her, which I think made her miss her own kids even more.
Blowing Bubbles

We brought a few loads to the storage unit an Andy is still trying to get the car running. He went & bought a new alternator last night and is going to replace that today. We have to get that running soon, because on Thursday we head back to MN & bring some stuff with us and take the cats to their summer home with grandma & grandpa.
Thursday, May 22, 2008

Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Happy Birthday Isabel!

She currently weighs 28 pounds 9 ounces, which is 5 pounds 3 ounces more than last year. She is in the 74th percentile for weight.
Happy Birthday Isabel!
We had a little birthday lunch with two of her friends that like to play dres up to. So, we had a dress-up birthday party. They girls put on tutus, crown, hats, necklaces, you name it, they put it on. We had lunch and they played and we painted fingernails and had brownies. I had enough of cake, so brownies it was and they were very good.
I read somewhere once that for a kid's birthday party you should have one friend for every year they are, so that is what I have done. Although last year the one friend was really two because of siblings. And even though we had a birthday "party" this weekend, that was more for mom & dad and that was when family could come since they work during the week. Her birthday was just an excuse to grill out and have people over, but today was all about her and nothing about mommy or daddy.
She had fun. I burned her birthday candle and since the weekend I have had up her 2-year old poster. I made a life-size poster of a a picture of her both last year and this year and plan to keep doing it through her 18th birthday. Then at her graduation I can hang up all her posters from one year old to 18 years old. And her little party started at 10:21, her birth time. I know - I'm a dork.
Tonight, I think daddy is going to take her out for ice cream for her birthday. Momy has a banquet to go to for Newcomer's Club, so she gets to spend the evening with dad and he can do something special just with her & him for her birthday.
Free Stuff in Parenting Magazines
Want to download a FREE fun song for the kiddos by Barenaked Ladies. It's called 7 8 9. I thought it was fun and may have to buy the CD now.
Get a free skin cancer screen from May through July. Look here to see where participating dermatologists are available. In WI, there are 3, one in each of these cities (Fort Atkinson, Madison, & Monroe). In MN, there was just one in Bemidji.
Get a Free copy of the book "Goodnight Giant"
Send in one Johnson's hair care product UPC and you'll receive a FREE copy of Goodnight Giant(a scholastic book). Send in the UPC along with your name, daytime phone, e-mail, and mailing address to:Goodnight Giant Book, Offer 557, Broadway PO box 711, New York , NY 10012. Offer expires 9/30/2008. Questions concerning this offer, contact P&
This last one is not something I found in a magazine. I stumbled across it about a month ago. But if you buy Arrowhead Mills products - save those UPC's or register receipts and get some free OXO products. Here are the details and form you need.
Monday, May 19, 2008
Playgroup at the Zoo

It turned out to be a nice trip to the zoo and a great day for it. We ended our little trip with a ride on the carousel. The girls loved it. We carpooled with Lori & Rachael there like we did last time. It is nice to carpool with them.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Sunday Pictures

Anyways, I made her a Kool-Aid cake for her birthday cake. We had Dora decorations (which I'll use again on Tuesday for her actual birthday). So, you can see her looking at the candles as we sing to her in the picture above. Then there is a picture of her giving Uncle J a high five, and the other picture is of our cousins Jeff & Luz and Uncle Henry.

We started the party outside and played for a while and got most of our eating in before it rained and we had to bring it inside. I made a ton of food and we do still have some left for a meal or two for us. The above is a collage of pictures from Isabel from today. You can kinda see the hair ties I made for her. They are very cute and I received several compliments on them.
Being outside today with all the fresh air was good for us. She took a 3.25 hour nap this afternoon, which meant that mommy & daddy were able to take a nap as well (once everyone had left).
Tomorrow begins another busy week of playgroups, walks, & visits to the Ymca.
Saturday Pictures

Thursday, May 15, 2008
Hanging Out with Rachael

Which TV Mom Are You?
You encourage your kids' creativity and individuality, whether that means watching them perform the saxophone or helping them raise exotic lizards. You may sometimes say things that sound like old-fashioned parenting clichés, but when it comes down to dealing with domestic disasters, you can be a pretty together, modern mama.
Budding Artists

It's Happening!

She had a good night with daddy while mommy was gone. Daddy made a little video of them playing/siging music.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Old Pictures
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Woohoo! Potty Time.
Then later in the afternoon Isabel went into the bathroom and I went in to check on what she was doing and she looked at me and said "Potty" and so I took off her pants and pull-up and she sat down and pooped on the potty. So, I guess we'll be potty training this week since we'll be doing it with Rachael.
I wasn't planning on it because things will be crazy for us in a few weeks, but maybe this is ok. After the craziness subsides we will only have to worry about getting the pacifier away from her and not both potty training and weaning from the pacifier.
I have more pictures from today that I will post later.
Mother's Day & Today

Happy Belated Mother's Day to all those Mother's out there reading our blog.
In the morning, Daddy & Isabel made me breakfast of cinnamon rolls, scrambled eggs, & fruit. She helped him out. They made me a card; Isabel used every color marker she has. Daddy did the dishes and swept the kicthen as well. Then we went to Concord Zoo. Isbel was a little afraid of the sheep when they were "baaaa" ing. So, we spent quite a bit of time playing in the playhouses. We did feed the animals. Her favorite to feed was the ducks.
After naptime we hung out for a bit and went to dinner at Stolley's Hogg Alley. Daddy wasn't so sure about my choice to go to a biker bar for dinner on Mother's Day. We had a HD theme going on this whole weekend, I guess. We had really good burgers and they make hoemade fries (which I prefer) and homemade soups (Isabel had Chicken Dumpling.) And the dinig area is smoke-free and pretty separated from the bar. We are going to try it out for breakfast some weekend because they have awesome breakfast prices.

We have the dog house out again so that Molly can see it and get used to it, as she'll be living in it shortly when she goes to her summer home at the farm. Although, Isabel keeps trying to play in it, thinking it is a house for her.

For the next few days we are babysitting Isabel's friend Rachael. We went to play at another friend's house today and Isabel thought it would be fun to sit in a wagon and Rachael thought it would be fun to pull her around. They play so well together. They both have the same nap schedule (which they are sue to get up from here soon) and went down nicely after we read several stories. We also made a Curious George craft this morning. This afternoon we'll probably do some coloring and play outside some more.
I let Isabel pick out her pants today and she picked out a pair that fit last week and now are too short. She insisted on wearing them and I was not going to fight it. I gave her the choice and she picked something out. Why get her angry because I didn't know she grew. Next week we'll get the 2 year measurements and we'l see if she has hit the 3 foot mark....she's so close.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
103 Weeks

Thursday, May 08, 2008
Pictures from Today & Yesterday

Isabel now has her first true dislike of something. She HATES spider webs. One daya couple weeks ago there was a spider web across her cube slide/climber and it got on her face and she didn't like it one bit. Now if she sees a spider web (& a darn spider keeps making a web there) she whines and points to it and says "Spi, spi, spi." It's just the web, not the spider, that she doesn't like.
She really loves this new hat mommy got her and the sunglasses Jessi gave her.
Having Friends Over
Today we had some friends over. It was good for Isabel to practice sharing her toys, especially her cars. The boys love cars, as does Isabel. We had a lot of fun with play-doh, painting, racing cars, storytime, playing outside & much more.
A few pictures from this slideshow & pictures from yesterday will be posted soon.
Tuesday, May 06, 2008
Playgroup Birthday Party

This was a fun one. The kids kept climbing on the fence to try & see the train they could here.
It was a fun party. Thanks Michelle for hosting it at your place!
Monday, May 05, 2008
Other Weekend Pictures

Saturday, May 03, 2008
102 Weeks

Playing Catch Up (Again)
I got out the other evening with some of the ladies from the club for our wine group and we went to the Coffee Vault for their wine night on Thursday night. We found out they do storytime on Tuesday mornings, so we are going to check that out in a couple weeks (next week Tuesday we can't as we are having birthday playgroup for Noah & Isabel who both turn 2 this month.)
In other news, dadd was in a little accident last night. I purposefully tried to bury that in here as I didn't want to freak anyone out. He was wearing full protective gear (it's a good thing he convinced me that it was a good idea to buy everything) so he was covered head-to-toe and didn't get any road rash. He was turning and didn't see a patch of gravel and lost control. He has a fractured radial head, so his arm is in a sling for 4-6 weeks and as long as that heal properly that will be it. Without the sling, you wouldn't know (by looking at him) that anything happened. He has some pain killers, which he seemed to like taking last night.
Isabel was such a trooper through going to pick up daddy & bring him to the ER and staying there & then waiting to get his prescription. She didn't get to bed until 10:15pm last night, so I hope she stays asleep a little longer today. We had some book in the car that I brought in with us and I had a small tape measure in my purse I gave her play with, which brought many minutes of enjoyment and measuring. She had never really seen/played with one before, so it was new & exciting to her.
This afternoon we plan to go to church & then out to eat with our friends who introduced up to that church and tomorrow we are babyssing for some friends. Next week is another week of playgroups, playdates, going to the Y, & walks. But we also have Isabel's 2nd dental appointment. We're a little past the 6 month mark for her checkup, but we're fine. I called yesterday to schedule her 2 year well child exam and ended up having to wait until July 2nd, although I did ask them to call if something opens sooner. She's just fine, but I would rather keep it closer to her birthday.
I will take pictures today and post them. I am on my last 3 Saturdays of weekly pictures. My plan was to do that for the first two years and assemble them in a photo album that godmother Jessi gave us. I acually have the first year assembled, but since we moved here I have not done any picture sorting, but I did take all the pictures and have had prints made of about half of this second year (I think.) I am not sure what I will do after that....weekly is pretty intense and if I ever have another child I need to be able to keep up. I was thinking a monthly picture, and by that I don't mean a picture from that month, but a picture on the 20th of every month even if she is crying, crabby or covered in mud -- that's the picture for that month. I may even get into scrapbooking for this -- but I don't know yet.
Oh - and if you think my weekly (it was weekly on a Saturday because she was born on a Saturday) or monthly (on the 20th of every month) is a little strange or even perhaps, anal. Well, then knowing that I have her birthday parties starting at 10:21 (her birth time) might put you over the edge. I don't know what I'll do if I have another child and they are born at 2am, so I'll just have to figure something cleaver out in that case because I am certainly not inviting everyone over at 2am.
Don't confuse by all my "if I have another child" references to be giving you a clue. I did got in to the gyno's office this week and got my next there is nothing that we know that you don't know.