Friday, May 30, 2008

No News Is NOT Good News

So, there is no news on our house. For the last 9 months I have been saying, "Whoever said 'No News Is Good News' had not been trying to sell a house." So, we have our stuff in storage and brought some stuff back to MN, along with the cats who will soon have a new summer home with daddy's parents. One of mommy's friends has the dog. I cried on my way to deliver the dog. I don't even like her all that much, but it's just the whole situtation where we have to give away our animals until we have a permanent home in WI or have to move back to MN. It's great to be sitting here on my leather rocker/recliner typing. It is so comfortable. I miss having all our stuff with us. I like knowing that I can go in the garage and find the tools I need to put together Isabel's trike or that we have an air compressor sitting there to inflate the tires in my jogger stroller (which has to be left here because we only have so much space with us.) I have learned how to live without a lot of our stuff, but gosh darn! when we come back and have it all around us, we shure to appreciate it and miss it.

So, that's it. I will empatically proclaim if we get an offer and close on our house. So, no one has to worry that they won't know. But until then I guess we have to learn to live without even more of our stuff while we try out the hobo lifestyle. Honestly, this is all really hard and very stressful and I just wish it would end and we could just live in one place.

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