Yesterday we went to the Y for our classes, then had snacks in the cafe with our friends and then went to the library to pick up some new books & videos. That evening we had dinner with Jeff, Lynn & Luz that I made.
Today we mostly stayed here except for a shopping trip to Target & Michaels to get some things for Jeff's house that he asked us to pick out. We did go outside during the morning to have some adventures in the woods & on the rocks. We also made some drawings on the driveway, including a hopscotch and four-square.
Not sure what is really on the docket for tomorrow.
We were hoping to know what our plans for the future were by tomorrow, but the other place is not deciding who they are offering a job to until Monday. There is a possibility that we are going to move back. Daddy had interviewed at a couple of places and has one offer and possibly another. This has been a stressful year and extremely stressful summer and as much as we like living here and like our friends and daddy enjoys his job, well, we can't go broke or crazy from stress. So, we'll see.
And I guess a strom ripped through out town. One of our neighbors called to say that our house was unharmed but that there are some big branches of ours down and they have trees of theirs that are down, one of which is through their garage roof. And there may be some down lines. Daddy called the utility companies and they basically said, Get In Line. And if anyone saw it or read it on CNN, there was a plane crash at the small airport (only 2 miles from our house) that went down and killed seven people. I don't know anymore details than what I read from the CNN article, but they were flying in for a meeting with a local company.