Friday, July 25, 2008

Family Weekend #2

Isabel woke up and when she saw it was raining she got so excited and wanted to get outside RIGHT AWAY. So, off come the jammies & out she goes in her diaper and bed head to splash in the water. There is also a little video of her splashing with grandma.

She also found the sombreros that Uncle Tony left at grandma's and she enjoys putting them on and mom has to wear the other one. The one picture she is also wearing daddy's shoes.

We made a German Chocolate Cake for grandma's birthday celebration this evening. Isabel helped sprinkle the pecans and pour everything into the bowl and mix it. She is so much better now and getting thing IN to the bowl when she pours them.
Rarely are there pictures of Isabel & I since I am the one taking the pictures. This is a picture that our friend Luanne took when we made jam recently.

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