Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Learning Time
I am going to try out this blog called Laugh, Love, Learn and use their monthly theme and I will have my own weekly sub-themes which I will tie into her ECFE classes and our playgroup fieldtrips, park dates, & playgroups.
And now that we have her playroom & art room set up and everything all unpacked we are ready to go. Plus, I feel better about being able to put together a weekly curriculum. I like to plan things.
When I get around to it I will post some other links I have found to use with my curriculum. I have requested a couple books from the library to use as well.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Messy Fun

Ins & Thrus

Sunday, September 28, 2008
Day with Grandma & Grandpa

We ate lunch there and then came home and Isabel played for a bit before we took off and grandma & grandpa took over. From what I hear they had a good time and played with every toy we own.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Digging to China

Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Class Day

This morning was gymnastics. It went ok. She was an emotional child this morning and I am not sure why, but she was clingy one moment and then independent running all over the place the next minute. She is getting better at listening to me in class, but there is still some work there.
Right now her & daddy are playing kick the ball in the sitting room. I am sure someday something will get broken and we will tell her we can't play ball in the house. Daddy is mixing kicking & & gymnastics. He is having her kick the ball and then do a pike jump or a straddle jump.
Monday, September 22, 2008
The Weekend & Today!

After we came back from the nature center & grocery shopping we had dinner & mommy chopped and froze 8 quarts of tomatoes. Then daddy came home and we played outside as long as we could with the shortening of daylight on this first day of Fall and then went down to her playroom to play until bathtime.

Thursday, September 18, 2008
The New Arts & Crafts Room

So, we did some painting & stamping today and then some coloring. That antique wooden desk was mine when I was a kid (not original to me, of course!) The seat says "Miranda Sit" on it. I have a hunch that Auntie Phanie wrote that on there. She has a little table & chair to use to do painting at and play with play-doh. I bought the foam puzzle mat from Target so that it will hopefully be an easier cleanup on that than on the carpet. I also put up a couple of double hooks to hang her smock and old t-shirts for painting. And then on the wall you can see how I repurposed some items to make it a place to hang her artwork. I was going to make something like my friend Lori has in her basement for the girls, but I don't think I really need it since I have the cabinet to use to store everything.
Isabel is loving it in there. Now we can get messy and then I can close the door on it if I don't want her to go in there and play. It will be a fun room to use.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Tomorrow we have a playdate at the park with a little girl Isabel's age that we met at ECFE class on Tuesday night. And we may go to storytime at the library tomorrow night.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Gymnastics - Week 2

Isabel is wearing her dress-up wings. She loves wearing them, although usually when she is wearing them she wants to "fly" which means we have to carry her around so she can fly.
Today for supper I asked Isabel what she wanted and she said "Eggs!" So, she helped me make friend eggs, toast, & sliced strawberries. She was such a good little helper.
Tonight we had our first ECFE class in our town. It is 1 hour and 15 minutes and is in the preschool room, which is nice that she can spend time in there before she will go to preschool next year. We made a craft while we there and played with lots of toys & play-doh. Then about halfway through the parents & kids separated and the kids had snack time & played more while the parents talked. It was a good class.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
The Weekend

Pretty much all day Saturday it rained, which meant we pretty much stayed inside. We did get a chance to go outside and do some puddle jumping. Puddle Jumping is one of Isabel's favorite sports and she has become a pro ans seeking out the biggest puddles and getting the biggest splash. So, she had to introduce Sofia to this wonderful sport. Sofia loved it and they took home a pair of rainboots of Isabel's to borrow this next month until we see them again.
Saturday evening we went to Target and then to El Tequila for dinner. It is our favorite local place to dine. The girls were very intrigured by the pink drinks their mommies were drinking, so we had to get them their own in a kids cup. Once I had finished mine I had to pour the rest into my cup for her.
Here are a couple of pictures of our wonderful friends. All three kids were so nice and went down easily and earlier than their normal bedtimes, so us parents had time to chat and watched a movie (In the Land of Women) we had Tivo'ed . They left late this morning. We will get to see them again at the end of October when we go back for a visit.
Thanks for coming to visit us!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
U of M Southern Research Center Open House

Cabela's Visit & Lunch at Wendy's

Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Straight River Park

Tuesday, September 09, 2008
Looks Can Be Deceiving

She looks so cute & sweet, but she didn't act anything like sweet. On her third & final warning, we ended up leaving from class 10 minutes early. She was not good about taking directions from me and I pulled her aside twice and gave her a warning to start listening or we would go home. I really didn't want to, but I had to follow through or it might never get better. The straw was when she wouldn't get out of the foam block pit because she wanted to jump around in it, not walk from one shirt side to the other like instructed. Would she have done better if I wasn't there and she just had the instructor to listen to? I don't know. She always seemed to do good at the Y when she had her classes by herself and had to take instruction from another adult.
We'll keep trying (& leaving if neccessary) through this session because I paid for it and can't be refunded (plus I had to pay the yearly membership fee as well, so that would kinda suck if we paid that for a year and we only do one session.)
I don't think the open gyms helped us, as she knew how to use everything and wasn't afraid or unsure. She was overly confident and wanted to do everything right away, even if we weren't working on that particular piece of equipment. During the open gyms she could just run around and do what she wanted, which is what she wanted to do today. Now she has to be taught how to be a gymnastics student and I hope she catches on soon, because I don't like the looks I got from the other moms. Looks that said "Control Your Child" or "She's Mean Making Her Leave" or "Been There". I wish more of the looks were for "Been There", but I don't think they were. I think for the most part most of these kids had never seen a gymastics center before and never tried the equipment and were just too scared to be sassy or overly independent. There were a couple of other kids I noticed that would run off & moms go chasing them, but then Isabel would run after them as well, like it was permission to do what she wanted. So, other moms might have been frustrated as well, but I was too busy trying to get my child to listen that I didn't notice.
This afternoon we have an ECFE class called "Your 5 Senses". They have these themed classes and you can sign up for whichever you want. This is the only one we signed up for because starting next week she will have her regular parent-tot ECFE class in the evening here in our town and I thought 2 things in one day was more than enough. I would have rather just done one thing a day, but as it turns out this is the only day of the Tiny Tots gymnastics and the only day for our town's ECFE class. We are taking an ECFE class on Friday mornings in the neighboring town and I chose the one & only separating class (out of 5 Two's Classes) so that she could get instruction from someone other than me.
Monday, September 08, 2008
Godather's Tour & Weekend Photos

Here is Isabel & daddy in the Big Sandboxon Saturday. The actual sandbox at this park doesn't have much sand left in it, plus the volleyball courts of sand is so impressive & much more tempting.
We got out the puppet theater that Isabel's grandparents made her last year. It was packed away and not has surfaced and we set up in her room (since we keep the puppets in there, and it can fold us nicely & go in the closet.) She didn't quite get how it all works yet as she didn't actually want to sit & watch, she just wanted to play with the puppets and not necessarily have a show. what she likes using the theater for was to drape blankets over it & her desk chair to make it her "house". She kept trying to get daddy or mommy to get her her house with her, but we didn't fit very well.
Isabel has been a big sweetheart today. At breakfast she told me she liked the banana muffins I made and thanked me for them. Then she saw I didn't have juice & asked why, when I told her I gave her the rest she gave me her juice and said she was going to share with me. And we had lots of "bonkas" and kisses at breakfast. And while at Godfather's she insisted on sharing her lemonade with me and giving me hugs & kisses. What a sweetie!
No Pictures, Yes Videos
Later, when it is working properly, I will add a picture from our playing in the "Big Sandbox" and our puppet theater play.
We stayed home all day Saturday & Sunday, with the exception of doing some grocery shopping.
Saturday, September 06, 2008
Minot Brown Park

She spent most of her time in the "big sandbox" as she puts it, but really it a sand volleyball court. One of the moms brought some fun sand toys, so she had fun with those. We played a "big sandbox" a couple days ago as well. I really need to get her "traveling" sand toys back in my car. She doesn't need all of them in her sanbox anyways.
Last night we had a "picnic" meal with the neighbors & some of their friends. Their son was back for a visit and we had this really nice potluck. It was supposed to be outdoors, but it was sprinkling, so it was mostly indoors. Isabel did a great job entertaining herself. Mary had an art set there and a coloring book, so she spent a lot of time painting & coloring. Now I just have to see if I can get the paint out of her hoodie, the arms are covered in different colors.
Not much else planned this weekend, just probably finishing upacking & tidying up for visits from friends this week.
Thursday, September 04, 2008
Playing Dress-Up

Wednesday, September 03, 2008
Upcoming Festivals to Make Note of:
U of M South Research Center Open House
Sept 12-13 (Fri & Sat)
Sept 13-14 (Sat & Sun)
Tree Frog Music Festival
Sept 27 (Sat)
Oct 25 (Sat)
Enchanted Forest
Gainey Park

She did play nicely in her playroom yesterday while I worked out on the treadmill & with weights. We took turns checking in on each other and the mess of toys in her playroom wasn't too bad either. After I finished working out we played with Tinker Toys together and made a big castle. She is really into castles the past few days.
Right now I am reading The Why Cafe for book club. It is a relatively short book and very fast read, but really makes you think. I only sat down and read it for a short while yesterday and am half done and while she naps now I hope to finish it up.
Isabel's "Coffee"

Until it was cool she kept using the spoon. After it was cool (not just warm) she picked it up and drank it all. I had a feeling she would love it as she has a weak spot for chocolate.
Garage Kitty

Monday, September 01, 2008
River Bend Nature Center
