Monday, September 01, 2008


Yesterday was kinda a lazy day. We did go to church and she had a fun time playing in the nursery. We are trying out churches trying to find one that is the right fit for us. I think we might check out 1 or 2 more. The rest of the day we stayed in the house. Daddy has been sick (bad allergies maybe) and so we closed up the house & turned on the air. We did play quite a bit here. We had a party in her playroom with cake & juice (all pretend) and we made some other pretend food. It was cute to see her playing pretend. She also had a Care Bear at her little table so it could have a party with us. We also played lots of "soccer ball" and ring-a-round the rosie and jumped on lots of pillows. Isabel will say, "Mommy, play soccer ball, come play soccer ball." She had this Dora ball that she likes to kick, which I am certain we are starting something that will be dangerous in a couple of years (or maybe even tomorrow) when something gets broken.

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