Today was a play at home day. She was having fun playing with a new yard toy acquisition, a lawn mower. It has a spot where she can take the cap off so she can put gas in it & she puts oil in it too (did daddy talk to her about it needing a gas/oil mixture?), She was having fun with it and it making popping sounds as you push it. Her brother tried to hold it, but he just fell over since it isn't meant to be leaned on.
She has several crafts she worked on today for daddy's father's day presents. She couldn't wait, so he got them tonight. She wanted to paint the frame she made at Lowe's last weekend, so she did that, then she also painted some wooden flowers to which she added to a cup that had an insert that could be decorated, and then stuck the flowers in some floral foam and filled with stones to cover it up. She was very proud of her presents.
She also did some pudding painting and played wth the water table with her brother. And did some swinging, filled the hummingbird feeders, and made a mess of toys in the living room. She had fun. Every once in a while it's good to have a day at home, but tomorrow she will be asking to go somewhere. She has developed mom's go-go-go personality.