This top picture is of Isabel at the picture station at the Old Navy Lil' Monster Bash. I think the witch costume was her favorite this year. I had bought her a fairy costume and a witch costume.

Isabel wanted to be a fairy princess (from her costume box) to go to the Halloween Carnival at the firehall that was put on by the high school Student Council. Grandma & Grandpa M. took her to this carnival. The night before daddy took Isabel & Henry to a Haunted Schoolhouse & bus at the firehall, which was put on by the high school SADD organization.

I took the kids trick-or-treating around the neighborhood and pulled them in the wagon. They seemed to have a good time and liked checking out their loot once they got home. We didn't stay out too long, because after a while Isabel didn't want to put her hoodie back on because it covered her costume. She is wearing it for the above picture, but as soon as we got to the first house she took it off & it stayed off.

Last night we took the kids to a Halloween event at RBNC. We went to it last year and it wasn't too crowded, this year it was very crowded and not as enjoyable as it could have been because lines were too long for things. But we did get to go on the horse-drawn wagon ride (made that a priority since Henry loves animals so much and really wanted to go by the horses), did the halloween games, Isabel went on the inflatable dinosaur slide, and had campfire food by a bonfire. To this event, she was just a princess (from her costume box).

The picture of just Isabel is of her is at the Halloween & Monster storytime at FPL. She is wearing the fairy costume I bought her for this year. The other pictures are of her preschool Halloween party.
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