These are some pictures I took of Isabel in our friends' yard. The top one is my favorite and is the one I am going to make copies of for friends and family.

She looks so grown up in this one and like she has so much teenage angst. uh-oh!

I like this one because she was being playful and silly.

She didn't want to look directly at the camera. She had this thing about look just off to the side today. Not sure what that was about, but I got some cute shots from her.
These are terrific! I'm with you though... I saw that second one and was like "uh-oh"... beautiful and emo-ish. :)
What are you guys doing for her birthday this year?
Next weekend will be a bday party with friends. On her birthday, daddy is taking off work and we are heading to the MOA, just the 4 of us. And then Memorial weekend my family is coming to town and we'll have a family bday party for her. Lucky girl just gets not stop parties 3 weekends in a row.
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