I just finished reading I Wish Someone Had Told Me. The link is to a newer version than the one I got, but I don't know that it makes much difference. I like that is offers a historical perspective of how things came to be, as well as personal experiences from a bunch of moms. Each chapter there is the "ideal" that each woman might have, but then it is followed by the "fact". I found a lot of chapters really helpful in setting realistic expectations and gave me some things to talk to daddy about and figure out, because I was thinking the "ideal". So, I would definitly recommend reading this book. It's not your regular pregnancy book, it really addresses a lot of your concerns and feelings during labor & beyond. I had bought this "lot" of things off of eBay and this was one of the things in it. I had bought the lot for a couple of other things, so this was just an added bonus. I probably would have not thought or known to read it otherwise.
The above picture illustrates the pelvic bones. I couldn't remember what the doctor said was causing my back pain, it was an "s" word, that was all I could remember from my hospital visit. So, after researching online I believe he was talking about the sacoiliac joints. I should probably go over and see my chiropractor neighbor. (Actually, he sent a different neighbr over to do "neighborhood watch" and see how things were going, after she was at his house.)
The other pain I have occasionally experienced (actually happened shortly before I was told I was dilated more /effaced more /lower pelvic station) was this feelings that my crotch was just going to fall out. It's kinda hard to explain. That pain started yesterday. It is probably just ligaments loosening further and adjusting to the pressure of the uterus & baby upon it. But it feels like I don't have much control over my bones & muscles in the groin area. In the past weeks, these feelings have gone away in a couple days and then I see the doctor and he tells me I have dilated more, effaced more, & the baby dropped into a lower pelvic station. So, we'll see.
Although if it means labor is looming closer, like within the next couple of days, then I probably wont have my own doctor, as he said he is at a conference today, Wednesday, & Thursday (but is on call Thursday night) & back @ work on Friday. I found out the on-call schedule for this week. The other doctor I met yesterday is on-call tonight, and then the one I didn't meet is on-call on Wednesday & this weekend.
Hmmmmmm....Presents.....Presents can be so much fun to get. I got a couple last week. The first was a gift for the baby from Kendra & Tim. It was a witch ball. It is a yellow & green glass ball with a tree-like, web-like thing inside that is supposed to collect & trap bad feelings and thoughts, sort of like a dream catcher. It is very beautiful. I am just waiting until after the new windows get put in the nursery (can't have our baby feeling a draft from our old windows this coming winter) to figure out just how I want to hang it. It says you should hang it in a window. And I also got presents from Daddy (& baby) for Mother's Day. He bought me this necklace I wanted & them picked a bouquet from the yard of purple tulips, lilacs, & apple blossoms. It was very nicely arranged. I haven't been outside enough to enjoy them, so I am glad he brought them in. I try to do that myself throughout the growing season - bring the outdoors in. I do enjoy the smell of lilacs and apple blossoms, and the tulips are just so pretty.
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We got more presents in the mail today......from Tony & Carol.....we got these great wooden toys (I love wooden toys and these have non-toxic paint on them & everything) and a baby sling, and this HUGE baby reference manual......as soon as daddy saw the book he handed it to me and said, "Uhhhhh, this is for you."
They had wrapped each present individually, so daddy had fun unwrapping them. He's sucha kid sometimes.
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