I Sooooo Look Like My Daddy Here

A lot of people say Isabel looks like daddy and with this picture I have to agree. Actually, as the days goes by and she gets older and changes every day I really sees so much of both of us in her.
I took some picture on the changing table downstairs, which normally has a cover on it, but she pooped or peed on them both (for this one) and they are in the laundry.
I Need a Vacation!
Today she is wearing a onesie we've seen on her a couple of times. It fits and is comfy. Little Isabel has such a long torso that 3-6mo. onesies are starting to not fit her anymore. I had to dig out the box from Karen and find the 6-9mo. onesies she gave us. They fit Isabel around the body, but snapping some has become impossible. The bottoms are new and are Tommy Hilfiger that mommy bought.
She has been in such a good mood today. I have had to tell her each feeding time to stop playing with her food because she was having so much fun smiling and giggling at mom - which is hard to keep eating when you are doing that.
She has been pretty amazing all week so far. I had to work some (for those of you that don't know, I am a mental health therapist working in a school system and I work with some of the most at-risk kids, and we have summer school social skills groups periodically throughout the summer) and Isabel needed to come along as she is STILL not taking a bottle (Carrie is trying again on Friday -- anyone else wanna come try?) So, this week Mon-Wed was my days with my kids at school.
It is amazing just how the presence of a baby changes how they choose to act. (*Choose is the key word here.) The language gets cleaned up and they talk softer and if they are talking loud and you ask them to talk quieter, they do it without a fight or trying to prove something -- because they don't want to wake the baby. The girls ususally beg to have turns holding her and rocking her, but I did ask one of the boys to hold her today for a while and he was so excited. The boys didn't show much interest other than asking if she was sleeping or not, but when I asked this boy if I could trust him to hold her or a while, his face lit up and he said, "Really? You want me to hold her? Yes, sure. I can do that."
But Isabel did amazing with them. She was still a baby and would fuss when her diaper got dirty or she was hungry or sleepy. It was really good social skills training for the kids to be around a baby, but hopefully our next meeting days in August she will be taking a bottle and I can leave her with a sitter or with dad.
So, that has where we have been. I haven't really dressed her in any new outfits, so I didn't take pictures the last 2 days. And by time I got home from working, she needed to be nursed and rocked for a nap & mom needed a nap, and then dad is home and we need to talk & eat and then go to bed and start all over the next day. Although, I believe that this was physically more exhausting, as quite a bit of the time I had a 13+ pound baby strapped to me. And yesterday when we went to on a college tour I had a baby strapped to me and carrying around my filled purse & a filled diaper bag.
So, we need a vacation after that -- and that is exactly what we are going to get. Sunday, we leave to go up North (as we Minnesotans say) and will be gone until Friday. So, you probably won't really see any posts from me then. There might be a post or two if we go to the library in a nearby town, but seeing that everything we do now we do differently because we have a baby it might not be so easy for us both to run into the library to check our email. So, we'll see.