Sunday, July 23, 2006

A New Outfit for the Birthday Party

So, here's my new dress.

This dress is new to Isabel as a gift from her great-great aunt Mary. Doesn't she look sweet.
She's in a swing someone gave us after their child finished using it, but she hates traditional swings, just likes the cradle one. She likes the fish & colored lights on the top of the cradle one. Sometimes she talks to te fish.

Hmmmm....Let me scratch my head while I think about that.

So, if I hit the bird - it moves. And if I touch the swirly striped ball - it moves too. So, this toy does more than just show a pretty girl in the mirror. That's incredible.

She is starting to learn cause & effect. She used to just look at the mirror and smile at herself for a few minutes. Now, she'll spend 15 minutes looking at the mirror and playing with the other toys attached to it. It's fun to watch her look at something and then make a swipe for it.


Today we are going to a joint birthday party for grandma & grandpa M. Both of them have birthdays in July. Isabel seems to be in a pretty good mood this morning. Let's hope that continues.

Yesterday, we started to transition her out of needing to be swaddled. We swaddled her with one arm out during her naps. She struggled a bit more during her transitions between phases ad needed help getting back to sleep, but did sleep well once she got there. We still fully swaddled her at night, although she pulled a Houdini again and got an arm out. You know, it's generally the left arm she gets out & it doesn't matter which one of us wraps her (we wrap opposite.) I read that in the next couple months she will start to show preference for handedness; I wonder if she'll be left-handd like daddy.

1 comment:

Drea said...

Cute dress.