Daddy had to take in the car today to see what was wrong after someone ran into him (& drove off! F-ers!) He has a side mirror to replace, hubcap missing, & bent tire rim & some dents & painted scraped. I don't think we'll really worry about the dents. Daddy was ok, just shaken up.
I am uploading a video of her babbling onto YouTube, but it is taking a little while longer than normal. So, you'll see a link to it once it is complete. Daddy thinks her babbling is so cute and thought we needed to video tape it to remember it, so while she was playing after lunch I thought I would get some footage, because there was a lot of babbling going on. She took the bow out of her hair, so she has a Beetle look to her today.
She got several puzzles for Christmas. She doesn't have the fine motor skills to get them all the way correctly, but she has the knowledge to know where they all go. Some are a little easier than others, but I am sure she'll have them all figured out soon.
We are working on her saying her numbers. She is particularly fond of "3", but also likes 2, 4, 5, & 6. She doesn't care too much for 8 yet; it's kinda hard to say.
We started trying to learn how to use the potty yesterday. No actual poop or pee made it into the potty, but she did sit bare bottom on the toilet for 10 minutes while we read books. We tried 3 different times yesterday. Today we have only tried once and she popped on the potty. Woohoo! Although, I know she didn't poop as much as she had in her (that all came out in her pull-up after we got back from the Y.) But she did actually poop in the toilet & got hugs & kisses & cheers, which she was very happy about all that. At first she looked embarrassed (after she pooped) like she did when she would have an accident in the bath, but once I started congratulating her and hugging her she started smiling and giggling and I think then she knew it was ok. We bought some new books yesterday that she just gets to read while she is on the potty. And since she loves to read it was a good way to get her comfortable with sitting in the bathroom for a while.
This afternoon we are going to playgroup. It has been a little while since have seen some of the kids and moms due to the holidays & illness. It will be nice to see a bunch of them again. Tomorrow we plan to go to storytime in the evening at the bookstore. They are reading books about winter, making marshmallow snowman & having hot cocoa. It sounds like fun.
Oh man Andy, back surgery. Hope Mum gets well soon. That's rough.
Can't wait to see your YouTube link. She's a hoot.
Click on the pink babbling and you can see it.
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