Today she is seen in a vintage Simply Basic outfit that came from Karen's little girl. The pants are actually on the long side and a litle big around the waist, but the top will be too short very soon. This little girl has a long torso.
Today we are going to go to the Newborn Clinic and get her current weight. I measured her her and length this morning. Her head circumference is 16.25" (just 1/2" bigger than 2.5 weeks ago) and her length is 25.5", which is 1.25" longer than 2.5 weeks ago. That's why she is outgrowing all her 3-6 months stuff. The labels on the 3-6 month stuff say 22.5-26.5", well after you wash it and it shrinks a little -- well, let's just say I'll be breaking out the 6-9mo. stuff very soon (already got out those onesies.) So, now we just need to see how much weight she has gained.
As for making plans, well, I have some work days coming up to finish up my summer program with my kids there. So, Isabel is going to go to daycare for part of that time next week and then I have days the next couple of weeks until school is back in session and I am back at work for her to go to daycare. We'll try out our morning routine a few times to make sure we are getting stuff done & out of the house on time. She'll only be watching her half days and will try to feed her, but if she doesnt eat she won't have to wait too long for me. She'll start daycare full-time on September 5th.
This Saturday, we are having
Skye, the photographer come to the house and take some 3 month old pictures. I am hoping this will be a much better experience since she will be in the comfort of her own home and is much more easily entertained and we don't have to drive anywhere. This weekend her grandma & grandpa S. are also coming to visit.
We've planned a trip to WI to see family in mid-October. So, that should be nice.
In January, we plan to start Isabel with swim lessons. I am sure some people think it's a great idea and others probably think we are wasting our money. Well, we think it is a great idea. Daddy didn't much like water when he was growing up (mommy loved it!) and he wants her to like water from an early age. They offer swim classes at the
waterpark at the Holiday Inn, which is nice because it's close and the water will be nice & warm. It's a Parent-tot thing, so mom or dad will be in the water with her. They can start the classes when they are 6 months old. We are going to sign her up for the Tuesday evening classes starting in January and last 2 months (they also had M&W classes for one month both Jan. & Feb., but we though twice a week was too much.) The other cool thing about it is that you can use the water park for an hour before or after the lessons for free, not that we'll use it for an hour and do the 1/2 hour classes, that is too much for a little girl of 8 months, but it will be fun to play in it for a little while each time. In the summer we will probably do the lessons at the
local pool. There we will have 50% more classes at 33% less price.
The swim classes are just as much for mommy & daddy as they are for Isabel. How nice will it be to swim around in nice warm water in the winter? Very nice, I think. It's actually much cheaper to do the 1/2 hour lessons & free hour of waterpark time (what little kid doesn't get just exhausted after that much exercise?) than to actually pay to use the waterpark. The cheapest day is Thursday & costs $6 a person, but can cost as much as $15 a person. Where the lessons & free time @ the waterpark cost about $4 a time.
The library is also starting a new storytime in September (currently is it Wednesdays @ 9:30am & 10:30am) and will be adding a time at 6:30pm on Thursdays. That later time seems to be aimed at much younger kids, where the early time is aimed at toddlers & pre-schoolers. So, we might have to check that out and see if she likes it. She might be too fussy to do any of that for a while. Right now she really only likes it when I read to her while she nurses and occasionally will let me read to her other times.
And we might do an ECFE class with her this fall. The ECFE we took our baby classes through allows us to take our first session for free, so we might as well. I think a session is around 12 weeks. It's as much a support group for parents as it is playtmie for babies. The class teaches you about the different types of sensory experiences they are ready for and types of movement activities to do with them and then parents also learn about their baby's growth & development, parenting tips & challenges, and how to better take care of yourself as the parent. It's only for parents and their babies newborn to 10 month. So, I think that could be a very good experience for both Isabel & her parents. I just have to wait for the fall brochure to get out so that we can register for it, as they offer only 1 evening class and the rest are day classes.