Saturday, August 05, 2006

Wednesday, August 2nd


She has this thing about flexing her arms so that she looks like she is showing you her muscles. I call her super baby whenever she does that. It's very cute. One Tuesday we pretty much hung out at the cabin all day, although daddy got out for a little bit to go to Madsen's to have a soda and play some video games.

That night after we put her to bed she screamed bloody murder, it was a very panicky, terrifying scream. I ran into get her and everything looked fine. I roacked her back to sleep and 10 minutes later she has the same scream, which we had never heard before. So, I rock her even longer and nurse her and put her back to bed & we go to bed too. Afte we are in bed for an hour, she has the scream again. Well, the third time was it and we had alternate sleeping plans. Dad was out & Isabel was in (you can't get all 3 of us in a full size bed). She didn't scream anymore than night, but she is so active that she kept kicking & hitting me and making all sorts of noises that I didn't get any sleep.

I Look Like a Candy Cane. Kinda.
With the white t-shirt and striped Gymboree bottoms she kinda has a candy cane look to her. This outfit too would be very gender neutral if it didn't have the 2 layers of ruffles on the bottom of the leggings.

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