Saturday, November 25, 2006

27 Weeks

Smile for Mommy!
Well, we tried to do Wal-Mart pictures today, but they would never pick up their stupid phone in the portrait studio to make an appointment. So, we just walked in and made an appointment for tomorrow and then did our shopping we needed to go and go out of there.

I Have My Hands Like You Asked.

Yesterday when I took her shopping, I swear no less than 30 people told me she was so cute in the 75 minutes we were shopping at the outlet mall.

Sooooooo, Where is my Boobie?

She was moving all over the place when I was trying to take pictures. I wasn't confident that she would really smile for Wal-Mart. But I guess now we'll see tomorrow. I havn't decided yet if I will put her in this same outfit I picked out or a different one.

Who Said That?

Gosh, if I could get a nice camera for xmas I could take even better pictures and maybe we wouldn’t have to deal with portrait studios. Although, I still need talent.

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