Sunday, November 05, 2006

Pictures w/ Kendra & Tim

Baby Girl w/ Kendra.
They brought us back presents from their travels. They gave Isabel a sippy cup from Disney in Hong Kong. They thought it might be much later that she will use it, but really she might start drinking out of a sippy cup here pretty soon. Today (Sunday) she tried some of my apple juice (yes, I made sure it is 100% juice) ans she enjoyed that. She probably enjoyed both the flavor and the coolness on her gums.

" Ok, They Can Stay for a Visit."

The stranger anxiety thing has been starting to set in, but she warmed up to Kendra & Tim pretty quickly. They started making funny faces & sounds (sounds she already thinks are funny) at her and she realized that they must be ok.

"He's So Dreamy!"

Kendra said that little girls fall in love with Tim from ages 6 month until 12 years old. She might be starting a couple weeks early. She's a little flirt though; A few hours a week, the daycare lady takes care of her nephew Luis who is 10 days older than Isabel. She says that the two hold hands and play together when they are there at the same time.

1 comment:

Mom of Two said...

I think you are BOTH winners!