Sunday, April 04, 2010

Egg Crafts (Weekly Theme: Eggs)

She painted this egg & cut it out by herself. All I did was write the letters & then hang it up in the dining room window. We also did some other Easter egg coloring sheets.
These were fun. We tried some fun new things. One of them was putting pieces of colored streamers in the eggs to color them. In theory the color from the streamers were supposed to bleed onto the shells, but that didn't happen so we just left the streamers on them. It was a fun way to give our eggs bright colors and not have the mess of dye. We also did traditional egg dying with food coloring & vinegar. One some of them we drew designs with crayons and on some of them we wrapped rubber bands around to leave white lines (kinda like tie-dying). It was not very easy getting the rubber band to stay on the eggs. And then we used whisks to put the eggs in to dye them with. It actually was very helpful with letting them dry evenly.
We also did another craft with egg shells, but it isn't finished yet and it is going to be a birthday gift for daddy (Isabel's idea). We also spread crushed egg shells in the garden and talked about the benefit of putting egg shells in our garden to help the vegetables grow and how egg shells contain calcium.

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