Saturday, October 27, 2007

Halloween in Oconomowoc (apparently lasts for a week)

Well, today is trick-or-treating in town & the annual Halloween parade. We did trick-or-treating in the one shopping plaza that we were going grocery shopping at. She made a pretty good haul from just the few stores that were passing out stuff. She was super excited to get candy in her Halloween bag, although she didn't like going up to strangers. But she sure wouldn't give up her stash to mom & dad. Today she was a mouse. It was this little costume I got for free from someone and it goes over your clothes. It was good for today since it was a bit chilly & windy.
The businesses do trick-or-treating before the parade and then the parade was at 4pm and after the parade there was a picnic in the park and the Lions Club gave away free hot dogs, apple cider, hot cocoa, snack cakes & apples. So, we went there for a little bit and she went down the slide a couple times. Now there is trick-or-treating at the houses (we're not doing that.)
So, three Halloween events and we haven't even reached the actual day of Halloween. Well we have a couple more things, but they are on 10/31. We will have storytime at the library, which is dress up that day, and then in the early evening we are planning on going to the Children's Play Gallery for their grand opening celebration. Kids are supposed to come in costume and they can play around and they are also having a puppet show.
She loved putting on this costume today. She kept giggling as we put it on. She didn't giggle for any of the rest, so this one must have been her favorite.


CatWoman said...

That's a cute outfit too.
I like the bunny slipper princess though. LOL

Tim said...

You are such a good mommy. You are so stressed out now, but still making sure you devote plenty of time to the little one. I admire you :-)