Friday, April 24, 2009

Our Busy Friday

We had quite the fun time today. We started out by meeting grandma at the MN Zoo for a 3-hour visit today. We saw lots of animals, but Isabel was her observant, pokey self, so we didn't see everything. Actually, she was more interested in collecting sticks, leaves, pinecones, dandelions & playing in/on rocks & dirt than she was in the animas. Guess we could have just explored a new nature center. There is one near grandma & grandpa's house we will have to check out sometime (not sure how close it is, but is in their general area of the Cities.)

On the way home we stopped at our local McDonald's to pick up Red Pine Seedlings, which we now need to plant. They were giving them out today for Arbor Day. It was something they were doing in collaboration with the MN Forest Association & KARE 11, so it was just MN McD's. While we there, she got a kiddie cone & I bought some apple slices (since I can't do sweets these days w/o feeling ill.)

Once we got home, I decided we needed to wash the truck. A swear a flock of birds decided it was their personal dropping ground. So, now it may be covered in waterspots but at least it isn't bird poop. The truck sits outside, so it's going to get rained on this weekend anyways.
If you notice in the picture on the right, she decided to turn the house on me. She thought she was hilarious. Then I took the hose from her & sprayed her and they was even more funny to her.

Then I ran into the house & grabbed some water balloons we had & filled them up. She really wanted to get Molly wet with one, but that didn't happen. Poor little girl isn't strong enough to acually break a balloon when she throws it. But she did think it was hilarious when I would throw them at the ground by her and they would splash all over. When those were gone & I wouldn't fill up anymore she decided to go get the sponges we used and throw those at me, and her little play mop. She had so much fun. Too bad it's suppsoed to be mid-50's tomorrow and isn't supposed to get above 60 until Tuesday we don't hit 70 again until the Monday after that. We did enjoy these 2 days above 80 degrees.

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