Tuesday, April 11, 2006


Daddy & I watched the video to the book The Happiest Baby on the Block. We heard about it in our baby classes and it was available at our library. So, we watched it last night. And it's just amazing how this guy can get babies to calm in a matter of seconds. I don't think it's any kind of trick filming or anything. I think he really knows what he's doing.

I'm glad we watched the video rather than get the book. The video is just over an hour long, but is split into 2 parts. The first part shows you the techniques to calming the baby using the 5 S's (Swaddling, Side/Stomach positioning, Sshhhhing!, Swinging, & Sucking) and then the 2nd part is most commonly asked questions. So, after the credits role for the 1st part, stay tuned - or come back later. I could see not having that much time to sit & watch once the baby is born and have to do it in separate parts.

But I am glad we watched it now. I do feel even more prepared for a newborn. I am not sure if my MIL, who is a postpartum doula, has read the book or watched the video, but I think I will recommend it to her (actually, I would recommend it to anyone who EVER has any contact EVER with babies.)

1 comment:

Mom of Two said...

A comment from MIL:

I saw the film in my doula training and have the book which I have been reading to refresh my memory. I have been watching a baby with sleep issues and crying jags so I wanted to try some things. I do know from other doulas that it really works if you do it right and stick to it. From what I have already tried with little Jack it seems to make a difference.