Monday, April 10, 2006

Taking Fish Oil Supplements

So, in a recent article I read in a magazine (I think it was Fit Pregnancy), they talked about a study that found that babies born to moms who took fish-oil supplements in pregnancy and while breast-feeding had higher levels of brain activity and scored higher on IQ tests.

I thought I would look up some more information on that and I found this website that lists MANY different studies (7 that they summarized & 9 others that they gave the reference information & conclusion) addressing the benefits of taking fish-oil supplements.

I picked up some at the store today and thought - why not? I did read other websites besides this one and found that I need to be looking for the supplement that contains DHA and are not from fish livers. So, that's what I did. I know it's getting late into my pregnancy, but what I have found says you should take it during your last trimester. So, I figure better late than never. I started tonight. I haven't eaten fish really this entire pregnancy (I think twice total), so this is probably good for me too. The DHA is supposed to help with brain & eye development. And it supposed to also helps the baby grow (although big babies run in the family, so I am not sure that will be an issue and I don't think a lot of fish was eaten by family members either.)

Some of the studies support taking the supplements early in the pregnancy too. And there seems to be a lot of support for taking the supplments and how they benefit pre-term infants (although we are almost past that point.)

This study found that if mom took the supplements during pregnancy, it found that babies had reduced immune responses to allergies (like dust & cats -- I do worry about if the baby could be allergic to the cats, but have read in some studies that babies growing up with cats right from the get go tend to have less allergies to pet dander, as they body adjusted to it right away.) Plus, this stufy found that these babies are 3 times less likely to develop food allergies.

There are some studies out there that also address the benefits that it has on pregnant moms, which include less likelihood of preeclampsia and postpartum depression. This website address that, as well as says that kids who get adequate fish oils are less likely to develop asthma.

And if that is not enough, it helps reduce pain, prevent cancer, helps prevent Alzheimer's, diabetes, ulcers & hyperactivity, provides greater resistance to fighting colds and flu, increases your energy and ability to concentrate & fight and prevent heart disease.

So, again, I ask. Why not? Why not just take it all the time? It's no wonder you read so much about eating salmon (which is a nice fatty fish full of omega 3.)

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