Monday, November 20, 2006

6 Months Old

Well, she is in better spirits today and slept better last night. She's kinda sleepy and a little cranky due to that fact, but it's expected after the sickly weekend. We just don't know how parents with a very sick or long-term sick child do it. I know you don't think about it and you do just what needs to be done, but they have to be very tired (both physically & emotionally.)

Her temp was a normal 98.6 today. She didn't have any interest in solids today, just wanted to nurse. She nursed A LOT this weekend.....she certainly increased my milk production. She's at daycare today as long she continues to feel better. She'll probably take some good naps today (hopefully!)

Her outfit today is some jeans she has worn a lot from KO, a new TCP sweater I bought, a cute little hair tie, and some Gap shoes she has worn before.

I almost didn't get a picture of her looking up. Larry was walking around in the room and she kept watching him and trying to figure out how to get by him. I had to shove him out of the room & close the door so I could get my picture.

Today will be a short week at daycare because of Thanksgiving. We are going to daddy's family for Thanksgiving.

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