Friday, October 02, 2009

10/2/09 Trinity Playgroup

Trinity is the name of a church that lets us use their nursery/playroom to have playgroups. Isabel needed to get out. Once she became a three year old she has gotten very social and asks often is she can go play with friends or have some over. So, I thought we would go try this playgroup again since it would be a good spot to go once baby brother is born.

In the top picture I was trying to take a picture of the girls and Dani & Isabel decided to lay on the floor & pose for the picture and then Aleyah joined them on the floor. Their ages are 3, 2, & 1 (but the real order L to R is 2, 3, 1).

Here is some pictures of Isabel playing with some friends there. The other friends in the pictures above that were not in the top one are Cole & Casey. There were a few other kids & babies here too.

Afterwards I took her to open gym gymnastics. She loves that. It's a good way for her to burn off energy and I am so glad we have it.

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