Thursday, June 29, 2006

Picture Day Rant :(

It just was not a fun experience bringing her to the portrait studio @ JC Penney. The drive there (45 minutes each way) was just fine - which that has been the farthest we've taken her in a car. But once we got there she was just not happy. I changed her, I nursed her, the lady tried making hersmile & not cry. But nothing really soothes this child of mine, with the exception of my breast. Which I did nurse her once in there, but when that stopped she was all sorts of fussy again. I had a feeling once we got in the studio is was not going to go well. The lady asked if we were going to do a wardrobe change and I said "no, the extra outfit is just in case she ruins this one", but all I could think was "You must be crazy. You think this kid is going to stand for a wardrobe change." Isabel hated the bright studio lights, but there was nothing we could do about that. The lady kept touching her to move her and Isabel would scream and the lady would say "Oh, she's a baby that doesn't like to be touched, ok" and then touches her again rather than just asking me to do it. This kept going on. I had brought along this cute hairbow and some shoes, but I just ended up taking them off because I wasn't sure if they were bothering her or not. So, those didn't end up in the portraits. We got a few shots and then we had a break and they told me to come back in 15 minutes and look at what they took and if I don't like them we can take some more and I can take the next time slot (as it was open.) All I could think was I just want to leave. I was so stressed out by the ordeal.

So, break time and I ran to Cinnabon. I had been thinking about getting one ALL DAY! My agenda for going to the mall was pictures, Cinnabon and Bath & Body Works. I didn't think I was asking much. So, I picked up my Cinnabon, but couldn't eat it as I was afraid if I stopped moving she would get upset again (I had her in the Snugli, which she likes.)

So, we go back and they aren't ready for me yet, even though I came back exactly when they told me. I just want to scream at them, "Don't you remember I have the fussy baby, I don't want to waste anytime here." My still moving around I was able to lull her into a light sleep and then they finally showed me the pictures.

Now, we didn't get too many shots as most of the time she was fussy or crying. But there was some decent ones that they did get. But I think they purposefully don't take perfect shots so that they can do "enhancements" and charge you a lot more for the picture, even though the enhancements are just a mouse click & a drag. But I went through all this trouble and my spirirt was broken - I wanted to have the nicest possible picture to hang on the wall. So, I ended up getting talked into spending twice as much as I planned just so I could get a couple of these pictures with "enhancements". By enhancements I mean they were cropped and had fuzzy edges. The rest I bought were the "regular" pictures. I was so out of it by that point that I have not idea if I ordered enough pictures to make sure everyone (grandparents, great grandparents, aunts & uncles, & wallet photos for some of us). I hope I did. I will have to sit down and figure it out later. I also ended up ordering a coulpe of "regular" poses that I had not planned on just because she looked so darn cute. I was then very upset with myself for spending Soooooo much money. I was still getting upset with the lady because she kept trying to push more enhancements shots and larger photos and packages. I don't think she was going to be happy until she sold me the biggest possbile package. I just wanted to yell at her "I don't like the Sepia, I don't like the typed words, I just want real color so I can see what my baby really looks likes, who by the way is temporarily sleeping and if you don't shut your piehole soon and let me finish my order she will wake and I will leave without buying anything because I can't stand to be here another minute with a crying baby." But I didn't yell those things.

I finished ordering and kept boucning around and so she stayed asleep. I managed to get to B&BW and there were these three 10 year olds running around spraying everything and no one wa telling them to stop. They almostgot an earful when they started spraying stuff on eachother near me while I was in line. Being in line was totally annoying. I was #4 in line and there was 4 people working (3 on the floor and 1 @ the register). You would think one of them woul open up another register, but they didn't. They are stupid. I wanted to yell at them too. Still didn't get to eat my Cinnabon, still carrying it around.

Get in the car, she falls back alseep. I cry half the way home because I realize I no longer have any type of life that I recognize. I can't eat, pee, or sleep when I want to. My feet are getting all dry. I used to see ladies wearing sandals with dry heels and think "Just pumice those things and use some lotion." I don't have time to pumice my feet. I am lucky if I get to soap my body ad shave my armpits everyday. And lotioning, well that would be a treat. Taking an actual bath is a fond memory. And I was beginning to be really thankful that I went back on birth control yesterday.

When I got home she stayed asleep (she woke up a couple times and cried briefly, but went back to sleep, letting me cry in peace) and gave me time to reheat my Cinnabon. They just aren't as good (not by far!) when they are not fresh. Then I wanted to pee and she woke up and started wailing. I sid screw it, she can cry for the minute it takes pee and wash my hands.

Then we went upstairs and laid down together for napping & nursing. I would periodically wake up and look at her and she is so cute all nestled next to me. It was hard to imagine just how frustrated she had me earlier.

I did take a couple picture here at home. She wasn't happy about this either. But the bow does look cute, although I think that will be the only tie she wears it.

Ok - rant over.


Mom of Two said...

The outfit I bought @ Carter's and the headbow from Claire's

Lame Shrill Owl said...

I am guessing that what I am missing in your comment is the sarcastic tone. Am I right?