Wednesday, May 10, 2006

On Becoming Babywise

Kate had recommended the book On Becomnig Babywise. I picked it up at the library last night and read 135 out of 195 pages last night. I'm going to go finish reading the rest now.


Lame Shrill Owl said...

Pretty much everything you read or anything anyone tells you should be used as guidlines that you may choose to make your own judgements on. It doesn't matter if the advice is coming from a family member, a trusted friend, your doctor, or a book. You gotta do what feel right for you & your family.

I did like the book, but it does stress throughout the book that you need to BE FLEXIBLE and that you shouldn't be rigid.

It does not tell you to ignore your baby or neglect it. Actually, I found the message to be quite the opposite because it was encouraging you to get to know your baby & her cries and behaviors even more and not just resort to constantly feeding.

Honestly, if someone knows me, then they know I am a planner, as much as I can be, but am open to creativity and flexibility.

It seems this book is controversial for people, as I have recieved emails from people who don't post but wanted to share their comments either for or against this book.

I would have never realized it was such a controversial book.

As I do appreciate comments that are constructive in nature (either positive or negative), I'm still going to do what feels right for us & our family.

Parenting practices can be very controversial and some people are very opinionated about them. I am, but I don't voice them or criticize other people if I don't agree with theirs. But we are going to do what we want and if you don't like it - you can piss off & I don't care if you are a stranger, a friend, or a grandmother.

I have read an enormous amount of books on preganncy and probably about 5 books not on the 1st year of life. And not one of those books says the same exact thing. And I didn't expect it too. We have some general ideas on how we want to do our child-rearing, and the rest daddy & I will figure it out together as we go along.

Lame Shrill Owl said...

Daddy thinks I chose a little bit of a strong word in my last comment and some make take offense to it.

But honestly, I wouldn't have chose the word if they wasn't what I was thinking. I wasn't thinking "bug" off or anything tamer.

Susanna said...

Before you decide to follow what this book says, check out this web site:

It's good to be informed and know both sides of the story.