Friday, May 05, 2006

Pre-Birth Blessing & Baptismal Thoughts

Daddy asked a minister at the church we have been going to do a pre-birth blessing on the baby. They said they would and asked if we wanted to do it during the service or afterward. We opted for afterward, if I make it that long.


I think some people (because of a previous post several months ago) thought we were anti-religion. We just didn't feel right about baptizing a baby into a religion or church that we didn't attend or maybe didn't agree with. And we were going to start attending a service JUST so we could get the baby baptized.

I view the whole baptismal thing as a commitment to want to raise your child within the values and beliefs of that religion or church and you shouldn't be getting your child baptized because someone thinks you are "supposed" to. You should be doing it because this is how you plan to continue to teach your child to live with those values and beliefs long after they are baptized. I just don't agree with getting a child baptized for the sake of getting baptized and then never attending that church again.

So, anyways, we had decided that we wanted to start going back to (HOM)House of Mercy even if it was an hour drive each way. We had tried going to some churches down here and they just didn't feel right for us. We really likes HOM and were hoping to find something similar near us, but that just did not happen. We try to get to service as often as we can, but aren't going to get down on ourselves if we miss a weekend or 2 in a row. We go because we want to go, not out of obligation or guilt.

I'm done with the guilt thing, that Catholic guilt thing. It took years to work at getting over some of it. I am not sure I am completly over all of it, but I'm not going to let it bring me down. We considered ourselves to be "Recovering Catholics". That term was actually used by a boss I had in undergrad when our office was talking about religion and he used the term to refer to him & his wife.

So, in conclusion. We are not opposed to baptism. We are open to asking the ministers @ HOM (& probably will) to baptize our child. But we are doing it because we identify as a part of their religious community and want to do it and plan to raise our children within the values and beliefs that are a part if HOM.

1 comment:

Mom of Two said...

BTW - the lan is to do the pre-birth blessing today.

I've commented to a few I don't want to have the baby until afte Sunday evening....they ask if it's because of the baby blessing, but really it's 'cuz I want a better shot at having our OB do the delivery.

As the time gets closer, I worry that I'll end up with a different Dr. delivering and I won't know his/her thoughts on all the questions I bombarded our Dr. with through the last 9 months. I think I did ask a lot of questions and feel comfortable with how our Dr. answered them, but a different Dr. might do things very differently, which could really change my whole devliery expereince.

Actually, it kinda sucks that we could have gone through all of this for the past 9 months and it ends with someone I have never met before, both doctors & nurses. I guess I never thought too much or too seriously that could happen.

Makes me understand why some might choose a midwife.

Hmmmm....long comment here, guess it could have been a post.