Saturday, May 20, 2006

Try Again?

Well, for about the last hour I have been having regular contractions about 5 minutes apart. They are definitly increasing in intensity. Right now I am laying over my ball waiting for the next one.
I took a shower earlier as I was timing them to make sure before I woke up daddy.
My water has not broke yet. So, I'm not getting too excited yet. We're not jumping the gun yet.

Ouch! That last one REALLY hurt.
Daddy is worried I'll have the baby in the car. He said if I have he baby in the car and get blood in the seats, then we are selling it - no questions asked. He specified blood, so I got a pass on the amniotic fluid.

Another one. My mind just draws a blank right now. I have been up since 3:30. I slept like crap last night. I finally got up because my back was was hurting. So, I got up, made myself some tea and surfed eBay and read email.

Ok - maybe this is really happening this time. Just had another. Man they suck! And they are only going to get worse. Hmmm....3 minutes apart....I suppose we might need to go in soon. My doctor is off this weekend...the other doctor I never met is on call this weekend.

That one seemed small (in comparison) but lasted longer. They have usually lasted about a minute. Not sure if I like the minute intense ones or the 90 second medium intense ones.

Ok - getting ready to go to the hospital. That last one made me shake a little. The baby currently has hiccups. It's been fun seeing Kendra & Tim commenting as I update this. It is almost like they are here. Daddy grabbed some food to eat, as it might be a while til he gets to eat again.'s 6:07 and haven't had a contraction since the baby got hiccups. Maybe she had a change of heart.

Ok - that one was MUCH worse! It made up for the one being skipped there. As soon as the hiccups stopped the contraction started. We'll call people as soon as we know we are staying at the hospital. Hmmmm...thought my mom would have logged on by now and would see what's going on. She usually seems to check the blog before she goes out to the barn. Kate just called yesterday to see if I had the baby and said it was nice that the baby was waiting for her to get back to MN. She said she'll come to the hospital and massage by back. She's a massage therapist.

Even thought they are further apart than before, they are certainly getting more intense. That last one was a bitch. When I go in I better be further dilated. If I am still at a 3 I'm going to be wicked pissed. I was at a 3 on Monday, last week when we went to the hospital, and the previous Monday for my appointment.

OK- Time to go in. I hope no one else is using the birthing ball, otherwise I might have to send daddy home to get my ball. That last one sucked even worse. They are making me shake. Just gotta breathe.

Bye for now.


Tim said...

Awwww.... Just logged on to see what was going on with you! Thinking of you from afar and wishing we were closer to be more supportive :-(

Lame Shrill Owl said...


Andy said...

By the way -- the car gets sold for blood, poop or any other unidentified fluid associated with the actual delivery of the baby. So, you get a pass if your water breaks in the car, but not if the amniotic fluid comes out while you're delivering the baby. Small difference, but I feel it's best to clarify now :)

Tim said...

Go to the doctor, champ! No doubt you are afraid to because you read a million books about people jumping the gun. Cute. Tim wants to know how you are going to blog from your hospital bed :-)

Lame Shrill Owl said...

Oh yes, I forgot about the poop thing. No crapping in the car.

Lame Shrill Owl said...

I would if they had wireless access....but nope.

Guess when we leave everyone will have to wait for a post that says yes we had a baby or nope - we came home again.

Tim said...

Yes, Tim wanted me to call you, but it does not seem the time! I hope that this is it for you! :-) I do feel a little like I am with you! We will be waiting for the update and outcome if you do leave for the hospital now!

Tim said...

Good luck, guys!

When we wake up Sunday morning it will be your Saturday night and I hope we'll see some good news by then!!


McBean said...

If your hospital room had wireless and you kept the updates up, you would either be the coolest person (and strongest woman) in the world, or just REALLY addicted to blogger :)

It looks like I was right with Saturday though! Good luck! I'll be thinking about you as I get drunk on margaritas and full on Mexican food tonight at dinner.

Sasha@Pw said...

Really love all the updates. It's awesome. You rule! We, women, are the greatest aren't we!
Proud of you!