So, I bought this book, First Foods, and as it did give a lot of advice and answered a lot of questions it didn't give me one thing I didn't realize I wanted when I got the book. And that is a simple chart. So, after reading the book I went though it and made my own chart and then found various other charts on the internet, although they were not very condensed. I wanted something on one sheet & that's it. It's just not out there, so I created my own chart of when to introduce solid foods to the baby. And if I am going to all the trouble to make it, I might as well share it. I think this will be helpful when daddy is feeding her, as he's not doing all the reading I am doing -- just listening to me tell him everything I learned.
Hopefully you can click on this to make it bigger. If you can't and want a copy, just post a comment that you want me to email you a copy.
We plan to start her on this rice cereal (well, this brand, but in rice, not whole grain) at 4 months. Or at least try. She seems interested in food already. She watched me eat and licks her lips when she watches.
We have started brushing (massaging) her gums. Someone gave me this finger brush w/ baby toothpaste (we arent use the paste though) and are massaging her gums. She's ok with it. So, hopefully she will be used to it and when she does start getting those "teefers" it will be ok. Plus, I read that when they start teething (which I don't think she is yet) they like having their gums massaged. We brush/massage every morning as part of the get ready routine & every night as part of the bedtime routine.
It does get full size when you click on it.
I want my Maypo!
What is Maypo?
Caleb started eating early.. I'd say around 4 mo. or so... he didnt get teeth until 7 mo. though. Had all 16 of them by 11 mo.
He didnt stay on baby food long :-) maybe 2 months.
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